Admittedly I prefer Japanese idols over any other because the girls seems better quality (cute, nice, innocent, whatever) then the make-up plastered girls of US porn. At the same time it does make me feed bad for them. Just seems to me too many Japanese women cannot feel appreciated for being intelligent, hard-working, ambitious and successful. Having lived in Japan for a couple years, including graduate studies, too many of my female friends, who were very intelligent college girls, were very under-appreciated for their smarts, became depressed (even suicidal) and ended up being dolls for married men, in counseling, dropping out of school, sleeping with any guy that would bed them, etc. And I have seen the h.s. girls hanging out near train stations waiting for a businessman to lure them off with money so they can get the latest fashions...
Which stations exactly *takes out his map of Japan* and do Gajains have to pay extra...?