ps3 problem


New Member
May 27, 2010
i own a ps2 but i thinking to buy a ps3 now the problem is the download game seem not working for ps3 so is there any way to crack and play download game on ps3
nope there is no way to download ps3 games nor a crack nor a chip or anything thats the bad side od ps3 and the pricey games <.< other than that its pretty amazing

if you are for downloading games then i suggest xbox but game wise ps3 will probably have better game titles in the near future
They can't make an emulation for it because of the sixaxis stuff that a few games use, so that's not an option (you can use the controller for computers though).

There hasn't been any hacks to play downloaded games on the actual system yet either. With how often they update the firmware, it might still be a ways off.
It is unlikely many people will have the ability or patience to utilise any PS3 download content due to it's size - A PS3 Blu-Ray disc is 25GB per layer (so 50GB for dual-layer) and there are plans for an increase to 33.4GB per layer (66.8GB for dual-layer) so simply downloading the content would be a task and a half. Sure, people would just resort to torrents and waiting; but it is far easier to just buy the games.

As for chipping the PS3 - As there are no region locks for PS3 games, so there is not such an urgent demand for one. (I used to import a lot of JP games for my PS2, so it was necessary before.)
You'll have to stick to buying the extortionate Blu Ray games I'm afraid. The XBOX 360 has downloadable games and I heard there are ways to get them for free online and transfer them to your XBOX HDD. How true this is I don't know.