quick question


Apr 27, 2008
Well recently i have been posting some images here. My question is how do i post image like what others did here? The image i posted can't be enlarge when click on... how do i make it able to enlarge when other viewer click on them? Secondly the image i posted always got deleted after awhile. Thanks
:attention:when u post something and u wanna post some images, scroll down and click "Manage Attachments" (if u wanna edit ur post then just click the "Go Advance" button) then u can upload images through ur hard drive or copy and past images from the web (or u can click on the "Insert Image" icon above the message under the "Undo" icon or click on the "Insert Link" icon). hope this was helpful:notice::cool:
Inline images (tagged with [noparse]
[/noparse]) in your posts will be automatically resized with that javascript bar on the top, if they are larger than a certain size.