r*** in JAV

Nice guy for me doesn't mean loser, it means I avoid unnecessary trouble. That doesn't mean I can't take care of business when I have to. You have people who look for trouble and sooner or later they get more they bargained for. I stated that the younger females don't have the hang ups of the older females. There's pussy to be had for sure,but it's not the biggest thing for me. Younger women want to fuck and there's usually no drama to it.

If you do things based around pussy, then how are you not a slave to it?

If you're pursuing women, how are you not a slave to them?

You really think telling a woman no is going to stop her? She could have a meaner, badder motherfucker hiding around the corner just waiting for her man to try some shit.

If you take time to deal with a woman and all her drama, how are you not a slave to that? I don't care if a guy has to put her in her place. I have better things to do.

Bad boys are bad, but they also have to sleep with one eye open because they've fucked someone over. When was the last time you saw a "bad boy" at peace? He's not free. He can fuck all the women he wants, but he's a slave to something else and maybe scared of something else. Give me an example of someone who doesn't serve a master? Everyone is running from something or to something.

It's not like fucking is something that isn't common. But no one fucks whoever they want whenever they want. Not even bad boys.

If I'm going to live for something, it's going to be something that stands the test of time. To me, a piece of ass doesn't stand the test of time. Like I said, it's about ego.

A guy can fuck 1,000 women and what does that shit mean when he's on his death bed or buried in an umarked grave because no one knows or cares who the fuck he is? As I take my last dying breath, fuck, I can say I slept with 5,000 women! Who's going to refute that? What is it going to mean? Now if I was a porn star, yeah, all the women I fuck would mean something.

If my name is passed down through history because something I've accomplished, I'll take that. The rest of the world can be nameless, faceless and fuck all they want.

i see. i think me and you are saying the same thing in a different way. i agree with you, pussy is worth nothing. it's the fact that us men fight so hard for it that gives it the value. i think i focused to much on the nice guy thing and you are focusing to much on the bad boy thing. i'm not a nice guy or a bad boy, just a man that hates drama and won't take shit from women or anyone else for that matter. just a man that wants to be treated like a human being. i've known some great girls that were smart, funny and fun to be around. we dated, had fun, they treated me well and i did the same. then we both moved on. no drama. some of them are still good friends. they are a rare breed. they treated me like a person. most girls have not treated me as a person but a thing to use. i see alot of guys get treated like this. the don't be a nice guy thing comes from the fact that i have known guys, good men, friends get fucked up by woman because they were just trying to be a nice guy and didn't look out for themselves. i'm not talking about chasing tail, i mean don't chase tail. let them go. do not work for them. be free.

It's not like fucking is something that isn't common. But no one fucks whoever they want whenever they want. Not even bad boys.

If I'm going to live for something, it's going to be something that stands the test of time. To me, a piece of ass doesn't stand the test of time. Like I said, it's about ego.

A guy can fuck 1,000 women and what does that shit mean when he's on his death bed or buried in an umarked grave because no one knows or cares who the fuck he is?

yes! this! i'm saying the same thing. i like sex and it matters to me, but if the woman is full of drama and likes to start shit (you know the kind of girl i'm talking about here, i'm sure) then you tell her shut up or fuck off. it works the bitch shuts up like 75% of the time. if they keep going just walk away and leave her the fuck alone. no you are not going to stop her from being a cunt but women play games to see what they can and can not get away with. if you show her you are not one for games, that it's your way or the high way they melt in your hand. i was using bad boys to show that they are not superman that are better, they are hunters that don't know why they are so good at hunting. so why are they so good at it? because they won't let women run them around. it's that they don't care what she thinks, fuck what she thinks. women like that. i know, i'm a asshole and women like me because i'm an ass that does what i want and not what she wants. they see this as being strong. it's not. it's having self-respect and self love and a hell of a lot of guys out here don't love themselves.

If you do things based around pussy, then how are you not a slave to it?

If you're pursuing women, how are you not a slave to them?

yes, you are a slave if you base what you do around pussy. so don't. don't be nice, be you. that's what i'm saying. say no to shit you don't want to do, she does not like it, LEAVE HER, SHE DOES NOT LIKE YOU!! don't "try to be nice" to women. that means don't do what they want when that's not what you want. this all ties in with the r*** question. men want to please women and we want they're approval. some guys can't get that approval from women and it drives them fucking mad. r*** comes from that sadness and madness. it's the greatest power women hold. the power to bestow and withdraw sex. you can cut them off at the knees if you make it clear that you will leave her if you are unhappy just like she would leave you. too many guys chase pussy, get a bad one and don't leave or chase pussy, don't get any and hate themselves for not "being good enough for her". bullshit i say. your worth is not given to you by women but your actions. i think that this need to have female approval by way of being chosen for sex and not having that need fulfilled is one of the basis of the male r*** fantasy. it really cuts guys up.
i see. i think me and you are saying the same thing in a different way. i agree with you, pussy is worth nothing. it's the fact that us men fight so hard for it that gives it the value. i think i focused to much on the nice guy thing and you are focusing to much on the bad boy thing. i'm not a nice guy or a bad boy, just a man that hates drama and won't take shit from women or anyone else for that matter. just a man that wants to be treated like a human being. i've known some great girls that were smart, funny and fun to be around. we dated, had fun, they treated me well and i did the same. then we both moved on. no drama. some of them are still good friends. they are a rare breed. they treated me like a person. most girls have not treated me as a person but a thing to use. i see alot of guys get treated like this. the don't be a nice guy thing comes from the fact that i have known guys, good men, friends get fucked up by woman because they were just trying to be a nice guy and didn't look out for themselves. i'm not talking about chasing tail, i mean don't chase tail. let them go. do not work for them. be free.

yes! this! i'm saying the same thing. i like sex and it matters to me, but if the woman is full of drama and likes to start shit (you know the kind of girl i'm talking about here, i'm sure) then you tell her shut up or fuck off. it works the bitch shuts up like 75% of the time. if they keep going just walk away and leave her the fuck alone. no you are not going to stop her from being a cunt but women play games to see what they can and can not get away with. if you show her you are not one for games, that it's your way or the high way they melt in your hand. i was using bad boys to show that they are not superman that are better, they are hunters that don't know why they are so good at hunting. so why are they so good at it? because they won't let women run them around. it's that they don't care what she thinks, fuck what she thinks. women like that. i know, i'm a asshole and women like me because i'm an ass that does what i want and not what she wants. they see this as being strong. it's not. it's having self-respect and self love and a hell of a lot of guys out here don't love themselves.

yes, you are a slave if you base what you do around pussy. so don't. don't be nice, be you. that's what i'm saying. say no to shit you don't want to do, she does not like it, LEAVE HER, SHE DOES NOT LIKE YOU!! don't "try to be nice" to women. that means don't do what they want when that's not what you want. this all ties in with the r*** question. men want to please women and we want they're approval. some guys can't get that approval from women and it drives them fucking mad. r*** comes from that sadness and madness. it's the greatest power women hold. the power to bestow and withdraw sex. you can cut them off at the knees if you make it clear that you will leave her if you are unhappy just like she would leave you. too many guys chase pussy, get a bad one and don't leave or chase pussy, don't get any and hate themselves for not "being good enough for her". bullshit i say. your worth is not given to you by women but your actions. i think that this need to have female approval by way of being chosen for sex and not having that need fulfilled is one of the basis of the male r*** fantasy. it really cuts guys up.

Let me sum this up and try to keep it simple. I don't "try" to be anything. I am a nice person by nature. So many people have this misconception about nice people and nice guys for that matter. Just because I'm nice doesn't mean I'm nice with everyone or I'm nice all the time. There's people who I'm never nice to.

You're making this much more complicated than it has to be. The stuff you're talking about isn't necessary because I don't care about getting laid.

I really don't.

You seem to care more about sex than I do.

You make a choice to deal with women and all the stuff that go with it. I don't.

Let me quote a post I wrote awhile ago...

"Growing I was interested in the subject of sex, but I didn't worry about having sex. When I was 12, 13 years old, I was reading books and using terms such as vagina, clitoris etc.. while kids my age were saying "boobies", "coo-chee", "wiener" and "ding-a-ling."

Most of the books I read, discussed sex from a woman's point of view. Race and all that stuff didn't matter because some things were universal. Women were complaining that their lover didn't please them. A woman in a poverty stricken neighborhood and a woman who's married to a billionaire can both relate to that. Good sex is good sex and bad sex is bad sex! :)

So I saw things on a wider scale. I knew basically ALL females get horny. Didn't matter if they were 16 or 60. Didn't matter if it was a porn star or a nun at a convent (think not?), women have sexual urges. Some can suppress them better than others.

So I didn't look at things from a racial / ethnic level because I thought all women were alike in some ways. So if you figure out what makes women "tick" in general, (and that's difficult) then how important is her race? Because a Japanese woman isn't going to have things in common with a woman from Mexico or Russia or Iraq or Nigeria? Sure she is. So I see women as women.

Growing up, I didn't hang out with guys. (I had male friends, sure) but I never went out and chased after women. As a matter of fact, to this day, I still don't. Usually I was in one of two places, either by myself or around women. Because why would I hang out with a bunch of guys and scheme and discuss the best way to meet a woman when it was so much easier to actually be around women?

I'm comfortable around women and women are comfortable around me."

My relationship problems with women were years ago. I got in a relationship because that was the "conventional" way of thinking. But I've been unconventional my whole life. That was my mistake.

So I followed my instincts and the stuff I learned when I was 12, 13 etc... years old and things became much easier.
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Let me sum this up and try to keep it simple. I don't "try" to be anything. I am a nice person by nature. And that's the way it's going to be. But so many people have this misconception about nice people and nice guys for that matter. Just because I'm nice doesn't mean I'm nice with everyone or I'm nice all the time. There's people who I'm never nice to.

You're talking about show women this... show women that... "you can cut them off at the knees" etc...I don't have to show them anything. I don't have to "cut them off at the knees", I don't HAVE to deal with women. Why go through all that?

You keep talking about don't be nice, be a man. What does that mean? All these labels. If someone is nice, then are you saying they should change who they are? That's what you're saying, isn't it?

If someone is happy being nice, then why should they change? To get laid? Isn't that what all this comes down to, you think guys should be a certain way to get laid?

You're making this much more complicated than it has to be. The stuff you're talking about isn't necessary because I don't care about getting laid.

I really don't.

You seem to care more about sex than I do.

You make a choice to deal with women and all the stuff that go with it. I don't. Can I still meet women? As of right now, I don't really see it being worth my time.

i get it duder and to be clear i'm not coming at you personally. i hope you don't feel like i am. no i don't want you to be or do anything bro, i'm this kind of dark, plotting, angry asshole by nature just as you are a nice guy by nature. in the end i just think you should be who and what you are but i hate seeing good men, which i think you are just from this little back and forth, get beaten down by a woman that will never be half as good as them. makes me mad. not saying that will happen to you, i hope it does not but I've seen what it does to people. what i mean by be a man is just be you, you are a man, everything you do is you being a man. the end. do what you want, don't let anyone stop you. i guess i'm using man as in mankind. as in person. just be a person. yourself. see what i mean now?

You keep talking about don't be nice, be a man. What does that mean? All these labels. If someone is nice, then are you saying they should change who they are? That's what you're saying, isn't it?

If someone is happy being nice, then why should they change? To get laid? Isn't that what all this comes down to, you think guys should be a certain way to get laid?

You're making this much more complicated than it has to be. The stuff you're talking about isn't necessary because I don't care about getting laid.

no, i'm not really talking about getting laid. I'm talking about self worth when it comes to dealing with women and being who you are no matter what. that was what my first and all following posts in this thread here have been about. sex and r*** is just the matrix through which we can Discuss bigger ideas and relate to those ideas. but I'm not really talking about sex here. pride is a better term i think. like you said earlier it's all about ego.

i'm not saying you or anyone else has to change. nor do i want that. just giving you all here my take on this. maybe i am making this to complicated but for me this way of thinking is as easy as breathing. please don't go away from this interesting convo with the feeling that i think that you or nice people as a whole need to be anything other then who they are.

i do care about sex more then most, as i care about power, the way it works and how you get it, take it and use it more then most. but thats the dom in me talking, you know. but in the end your right, and in rereading what you have said we agree on most points. i'm not saying you should care about sex, i think that men maybe should care about sex a lot less and that includes me. but my libido being what it is that may be hard for me. so, yes you don't have to deal with women sexually and you can be a nice guy without getting walked all over. it's just that for me, girls are alot of fun as long as it is on my terms. i don't think women really act right if you give them to much thought and attention. that's been my exp anyway. i get the feeling that you think i'm judging you and i'm not, i simply disagree on this one point and agree with all your others. just be you man. that's my core idea.

this was interesting, but lets get back on topic shall we?

i get it duder and to be clear i'm not coming at you personally. i hope you don't feel like i am. no i don't want you to be or do anything bro, i'm this kind of dark, plotting, angry asshole by nature just as you are a nice guy by nature. in the end i just think you should be who and what you are but i hate seeing good men, which i think you are just from this little back and forth, get beaten down by a woman that will never be half as good as them. makes me mad. not saying that will happen to you, i hope it does not but I've seen what it does to people. what i mean by be a man is just be you, you are a man, everything you do is you being a man. the end. do what you want, don't let anyone stop you. i guess i'm using man as in mankind. as in person. just be a person. yourself. see what i mean now?

no, i'm not really talking about getting laid. I'm talking about self worth when it comes to dealing with women and being who you are no matter what. that was what my first and all following posts in this thread here have been about. sex and r*** is just the matrix through which we can Discuss bigger ideas and relate to those ideas. but I'm not really talking about sex here. pride is a better term i think. like you said earlier it's all about ego.

i'm not saying you or anyone else has to change. nor do i want that. just giving you all here my take on this. maybe i am making this to complicated but for me this way of thinking is as easy as breathing. please don't go away from this interesting convo with the feeling that i think that you or nice people as a whole need to be anything other then who they are.

i do care about sex more then most, as i care about power, the way it works and how you get it, take it and use it more then most. but thats the dom in me talking, you know. but in the end your right, and in rereading what you have said we agree on most points. i'm not saying you should care about sex, i think that men maybe should care about sex a lot less and that includes me. but my libido being what it is that may be hard for me. so, yes you don't have to deal with women sexually and you can be a nice guy without getting walked all over. it's just that for me, girls are alot of fun as long as it is on my terms. i don't think women really act right if you give them to much thought and attention. that's been my exp anyway. i get the feeling that you think i'm judging you and i'm not, i simply disagree on this one point and agree with all your others. just be you man. that's my core idea.

this was interesting, but lets get back on topic shall we?

At 13 years old, I was ahead of the curve in regards to women, but I didn't know it. Like I mentioned before, I went with conventional thinking and it didn't work because I'm unconventional.

Do I regret having a relationship? Do I regret all the negative stuff that happened in that relationship? Not really. One girlfriend was enough, but I wanted to be in another relationship after that. My choice. Because all my ex girlfriends, except one, came back. The one that didn't come back actually married the guy and now she's unhappy.

The fact that they came back was vindication. In a world of chaos you need stability. My ex's realized I was that stability. No matter how exciting those other guys were, they needed someone reliable.

I get it from all sides. Doesn't matter the gender, race, sexual orientation, I've been put down by seemingly everyone. So the fact that women have tried to tear me down doesn't make it worse than when Black people have tried to tear me down.

But that turned out to be a good thing for me.

Because I only have to conduct myself as a decent human being, stay out of trouble and stay away from negative people.

I don't have to align myself with anyone. I'm aware of my race, my gender. But I don't have to be lockstep with other Black people. I don't have to adhere to some mythical "guy" code. I don't have to tolerate a lot of stuff other people do. Because if you have friends, there are certain things you do to maintain those friendships. I don't have to be something I'm not. And a lot of people have to be something they're not, say things they don't mean because they're scared of being alone. Kiss ass or "take one for the team."

And I was ahead of the curve in this regard. Some guys are conditioned, maybe even programmed, brainwashed to behave a certain way in regards to women. You can have a group of guys all approach women the same way. Giving them ultimatums. "My way or the highway" etc...

And then some of these same guys who say they're in control and in power are making child support payments. They're giving a woman their hard earned money because a woman "trapped" them and all this stuff. Well, that could be true, but a lot of guys see pussy as the "be all end all", and they couldn't or wouldn't keep their dick in their pants! That's not control.

As I mentioned before, I was interested in sex as a subject, but not worried about having sex. I LOVE being around women. Doesn't mean I fuck them. And guys don't understand that part. I've had guys question my sexuality because they would see me around women so much.

There's a famous story about the bank robber Willie Sutton. After his capture, the FBI asked him why he robbed banks. His response was...


You simply go to the source!

Why would I hang around guys or take some of their advice on women? Are there things I can learn from them? Sure. But being around women has been the best thing for me. To show you how comfortable I am around women, I wear sexually explicit shirts in public. One of my favorites is this one...

i love eating pussy tshirt cropped.JPG

In the 10 years I've had this shirt, I have not had one female say one negative thing. Quite the oppposite. I've had guys get upset though. As if I'm doing something unfair.

And guys think it's "unfair" because they've been doing things the same old way. They can't think differently. They've been conditioned.

Going down on women used to be thought of as a sign of weakness or as if it's something beneath a man. I knew at 13 years old that if you're good at going down on a woman, she'll want you around. Race, education, status isn't that relevant in that regard, getting her off is. I got sidetracked by being in a relationship.

It's really simple because going down on women is something I actually love to do, so it's not as if I have to compromise or bargain with a woman. When I was learning about women, one of their biggest gripes was that a man wouldn't go down on them. So I set myself apart.

I don't care about fucking and I'm not into getting a blowjob, so what is a woman going to complain about? If a woman STILL complains, why would I care? I've met female of all ages who were interested in my oral skills. The youngest being 14 (no, I didn't do anything with her) and the oldest being in her 60s or 70s.

Lots of guys don't take the time to REALLY learn about women. They learn about women to figure out what they can get from them, but beyond that, no. And they never learn anything new because they hang around other guys who think the same way they do and do the same old thing. When someone tells them something different, they dismiss it.

So the "r***" scenario has no reason to enter my mind. What is there to be enraged about? People get confused, angry, upset etc... when they can't find a solution to their problem. I don't know what's in the mind of a r**ist. Maybe some guys see raping a woman as a solution to their problem.

Fucking a woman was never a problem because I never cared about fucking. Will women talk shit to me in the future? I'm sure they will, but EVERYONE talks shit to me, so it's all the same.
At 13 years old, I was ahead of the curve in regards to women, but I didn't know it. Like I mentioned before, I went with conventional thinking and it didn't work because I'm unconventional.

Do I regret having a relationship? Do I regret all the negative stuff that happened in that relationship? Not really. One girlfriend was enough, but I wanted to be in another relationship after that. My choice. Because all my ex girlfriends, except one, came back. The one that didn't come back actually married the guy and now she's unhappy.

The fact that they came back was vindication. In a world of chaos you need stability. My ex's realized I was that stability. No matter how exciting those other guys were, they needed someone reliable.

I get it from all sides. Doesn't matter the gender, race, sexual orientation, I've been put down by seemingly everyone. So the fact that women have tried to tear me down doesn't make it worse than when Black people have tried to tear me down.

But that turned out to be a good thing for me.

Because I only have to conduct myself as a decent human being, stay out of trouble and stay away from negative people.

Holy shit man , you're me. I feel exactly the same... and the age matches

Only difference is that I stopped eating pussy after my first breakup (or rather , betrayal) , I felt it wasn't the role of the man to give pleasure, but rather to be pleased . I even started enjoying sex less and less, because of the effort.... I pretty much only enjoy blowjobs at this point and can only cum in a mouth.. now when I think about it 90% of my porn is blowjobs/gokkun / riding that require no physical effort on the male side.
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for those who watch ecchi anime, you often see character tripping into a pervy situation and dithering about relationships while the girls pine over him. Doing it like this keeps everyone "innocent" the man gets to take initiative at his leisure, the girls can be forward without being slutty since the guy rarely makes a move. Translate this to hardcore porn and we get a secretly horny women and a pent up man who finally bursts and make his move in a forceful way.
Another reason is because r*** fantasies are pretty common; more so among women but us westerners are shy about it so we get bdsm novels that are pretty rapey. Japan does not give a fuck though, so they just put it out there.
for those who watch ecchi anime, you often see character tripping into a pervy situation and dithering about relationships while the girls pine over him. Doing it like this keeps everyone "innocent" the man gets to take initiative at his leisure, the girls can be forward without being slutty since the guy rarely makes a move. Translate this to hardcore porn and we get a secretly horny women and a pent up man who finally bursts and make his move in a forceful way.
Another reason is because r*** fantasies are pretty common; more so among women but us westerners are shy about it so we get bdsm novels that are pretty rapey. Japan does not give a fuck though, so they just put it out there.

I think its not simple as shy

but also to avoid give people "motivation" to do the "same" in real life
This discussion was interesting to read through.

I had a few thoughts though most of them go off on a slightly different tangent.

One thing I didn't see mentioned much is that women enjoy r*** fantasies a LOT at least as much as men and honestly I think probably more. I think there's something inside of us that kind of craves the old days when men used their superior strength to take what they wanted from women when they wanted it. None of this mutual respect bullshit.

You see a woman and you want her? You take her.

And it's pretty clear that there's something in women that want a return to that too despite in more sane moments their protestations to the contrary.

I don't feel quite the same as @lordsuperjesus about the value or intelligence of women. I actually think women are smarter than men, on average. Though men have a higher preponderance of extreme/genius then women so it somewhat balances out in the end. I have plenty of real and valuable friendships with women who I respect intellectually just as much as men.

I do however, think that a side effect of feminism is that we've fucked up sexuality a bit in a way that the Japanese haven't quite managed yet and you see that reflected in their porn. It might seem like their porn is more fucked up but I think it's just that they still realize that when it comes to sex it's supposed to be something that men do to women or that they take from women, or that they receive from women. The notable point is that the agency/will of the woman doesn't matter. What matters is the desires of the man and how well she can fulfill them either through allowing him to have his way or by him taking what he wants by force.

Japanese porn does a better job of showing women in the role of serving/servicing/giving pleasure to/submitting to/being r***ing by/etc... the man. The man may choose to give her pleasure by using a toy on her or fingering her or whatever but it's very much about him wanting to do that to her not him doing it because she wants it. I do think that's the more natural state of affairs sexually.

To bring this back to r***. It's not often talked about outside of r*** victim support groups but women who get r***ing in real life very very very often feel a lot of physical pleasure during the r***. They may not want this random man to be fucking them, but their bodies will betray them and they'll feel pleasure anyway. Some even orgasm and that's an interesting detail especially given how many women fail to orgasm from regular penetrative sex with their loved ones.

It may not seem likely given all you've been told about r***. But at the same time as women are screaming, "No! Stop!" they're bodies are very often betraying them with feelings of pleasure they've never had before. As you can imagine it's very confusing to the r*** victims and many of them then pursue similar types of sex in their actual relationships.

Again I think this goes back to us being essentially really smart animals. Our brains may want to talk us out of viewing sex in a certain way that makes women subservient to men but our bodies and the animal parts of our brains still crave the old ways.

I think that's why the sex with girls who've been damaged in some way is so great.

Want the best sex ever? Find a girl who's been r***ing or sexually abused.
This discussion was interesting to read through.

I had a few thoughts though most of them go off on a slightly different tangent.

One thing I didn't see mentioned much is that women enjoy r*** fantasies a LOT at least as much as men and honestly I think probably more. I think there's something inside of us that kind of craves the old days when men used their superior strength to take what they wanted from women when they wanted it. None of this mutual respect bullshit.

You see a woman and you want her? You take her.

And it's pretty clear that there's something in women that want a return to that too despite in more sane moments their protestations to the contrary.

I don't feel quite the same as @lordsuperjesus about the value or intelligence of women. I actually think women are smarter than men, on average. Though men have a higher preponderance of extreme/genius then women so it somewhat balances out in the end. I have plenty of real and valuable friendships with women who I respect intellectually just as much as men.

I do however, think that a side effect of feminism is that we've fucked up sexuality a bit in a way that the Japanese haven't quite managed yet and you see that reflected in their porn. It might seem like their porn is more fucked up but I think it's just that they still realize that when it comes to sex it's supposed to be something that men do to women or that they take from women, or that they receive from women. The notable point is that the agency/will of the woman doesn't matter. What matters is the desires of the man and how well she can fulfill them either through allowing him to have his way or by him taking what he wants by force.

Japanese porn does a better job of showing women in the role of serving/servicing/giving pleasure to/submitting to/being r***ing by/etc... the man. The man may choose to give her pleasure by using a toy on her or fingering her or whatever but it's very much about him wanting to do that to her not him doing it because she wants it. I do think that's the more natural state of affairs sexually.

To bring this back to r***. It's not often talked about outside of r*** victim support groups but women who get r***ing in real life very very very often feel a lot of physical pleasure during the r***. They may not want this random man to be fucking them, but their bodies will betray them and they'll feel pleasure anyway. Some even orgasm and that's an interesting detail especially given how many women fail to orgasm from regular penetrative sex with their loved ones.

It may not seem likely given all you've been told about r***. But at the same time as women are screaming, "No! Stop!" they're bodies are very often betraying them with feelings of pleasure they've never had before. As you can imagine it's very confusing to the r*** victims and many of them then pursue similar types of sex in their actual relationships.

Again I think this goes back to us being essentially really smart animals. Our brains may want to talk us out of viewing sex in a certain way that makes women subservient to men but our bodies and the animal parts of our brains still crave the old ways.

I think that's why the sex with girls who've been damaged in some way is so great.

Want the best sex ever? Find a girl who's been r***ing or sexually abused.

You're a fucking psycho if you believe any of that.
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Maybe Birsha has a really big dick, girls can feel some pleasure when he attacks them and r***s them. My dick is not so big so I'll just stick with consensual sex instead of trying to destroy girls physically and mentally.
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Wow the high horses some of your road in on.

Who said I ever r***ing anyone? Never done that and never plan to. Jail doesn't sound fun and I'm personally not into overriding anyone's will man or woman. If a girl doesn't want to have sex with me, that's more than OK and I'd respect that completely.

Also sorry to disappoint but I've got a very ordinary sized dick.

But the feeling pleasure during r*** thing is real. I've had women tell me about it and then out of curiosity looked it up and there was plenty of documentation about it.

I have done consensual non consent (i.e. simulated r***) with a few women who requested it though, including my wife, and it was a lot of fun.

But my thoughts on women craving something that approaches or crosses over into r*** stands. Read basically any romance novel.

It's such a common theme it's a joke, but the man in the story invariably loses control of himself and "ravishes" the woman at some point in the story giving into his uncontrollable desire for her and has sex with her despite her telling him no. It's always framed in a sort of consensual way in that she ultimately gives in and enjoys his attention but it's r*** by any modern definition of the word where a women saying no should mean no.
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