
haha.. xD Yeah, I don't care of the girl was 30, honestly .. if she looks good, then she looks good. I'm not like the k15 guys who obsess.

And yeah, that one girl DOES look like the age she says she is. very cute.
Unfortunately I don't think we'll ever see any of chuubous videos here.

Why not?
Just wait, someone will find chuubous for us.

The site ittele.tv offers some full adult movies for download, but have some idols movies too, including chuubous.
I not found the lovely Aoi there, but they have others cuties from chuubous series.

It's a pay site, with download limit, I found some working passes, but all accounts I tried was reached the download limit.
I don't know about the movies quality, but looks that is Windows Media 9, 640 x 480, 29.97fps 1000kbps.

Links to chuubous videos:

Why not?
Just wait, someone will find chuubous for us.

The site ittele.tv offers some full adult movies for download, but have some idols movies too, including chuubous.
I not found the lovely Aoi there, but they have others cuties from chuubous series.

It's a pay site, with download limit, I found some working passes, but all accounts I tried was reached the download limit.
I don't know about the movies quality, but looks that is Windows Media 9, 640 x 480, 29.97fps 1000kbps.

Links to chuubous videos:


While I greatly appreciate the links, and time you took to compile them - these girls are MOST Definitely over 18 years of age. Don't get me wrong; if you guys aee into 18+ year olds, teasing... then that's all good. Personally, I'd rather they took their clothes off ; )
While I greatly appreciate the links, and time you took to compile them - these girls are MOST Definitely over 18 years of age. Don't get me wrong; if you guys aee into 18+ year olds, teasing... then that's all good. Personally, I'd rather they took their clothes off ; )

The age not matters for me if the girl really looks young, you can look at some of these videos, preferably Aoi, who appears to be the youngest, and imagine a real 13 years old girl.
Is there anyone from Japan on this forum?! lol I will put in some $$ if you can order and upload the Aoi DVD's for us??!! :-D
Let's keep on the top, to the topic not be forgotten.

Only Aoi dvds was removed, but is back now, and there's 3 new dvds avaliable with a beautifull 15yo.

I tried to contact the website to get informations of how to buy the dvds but looks they don't understand english.
first good news

nice! I can't wait to see this! There is a thread with someone
going to Japan soon, taking some suggestions for titles to pick up.
I didn't have the info to speak up for these. thxthx!
dang! looks good 8)

Here's caps from all 3 new dvds and my favorie pic, again.


no pw
If I'm not mistaken they've released some new material and they look fantastic. Sadly, we shall never see them.
we won't

I hear ya:

We summon thee with the power of negative thinking!
We say we will never!!!
Only you can prove us wrong, and make us choke
on our words! yeah you!
These Chuubous videos aren't exactly underground or anything; so why are they so hard to come by in torrent, share or upload form?

Because they're actually good. There's a lot of crap floating around, but really good stuff is almost impossible to come by. Not that I'm being ungrateful or anything, LOL.