Rapidshare vs Megaupload vs Etc


Mar 22, 2007
I was hoping future users could do us users a little bit of a favor.

Have you ever opened a Direct Download thread in anticipation of delicious downloads to occur.. only to find out that.. oh NO.. it's a link to an upload service that you don't have a premium account to?

I have a premium account for RapidShare.. and my heart always sinks a little when I see a Megaupload link.. or whatever. I'm sure some of you feel the same way!

Since I can't really see a way to force everyone to USE RapidShare (PLEASE.. USE RAPIDSHARE?!) I think it would be nice for the Direct Downloads sections to feature the name of your upload service in the title of your post. That way I know what links to not bother clicking so I don't get my hopes up.

Something along the lines of:

RapidShare - Megumi Yasu in The Bouncy Bunny Boobies Vol 21

MegaUpload - Hitomi Yoshikawa in Squirty Justice Vol 59

or simplified:

Rapid - Anna Oonishi; Isn't She a Little Young HOLY SHIT DID YOU SEE WHAT SHE DID? Vol 34

Mega - Naomi Tanaka; Don't look up my name I don't exist Vol 89

Conversely.. there could be a general Direct Downloads area split into RapidShare / MegaUpload postings only. Although I don't know how much more work that'll give the current mod staff.

Tell me what you guys think of my idea!
well... it would be good that the contributors list which storage they are using in the title. but since there isn't any rule that says it's a must. so it's up to them to decide if they want to do so.

i know how you feel as i only have megaupload account. whenever i saw the files were stored only in rapidshare i feel disappointed too. but the contributors took the efforts to upload their files or share the links they found with us is good enough for me already. so i'm not asking for anything more.

i just take it as some information to tell me that such file exist. then i'll just search around the net to try my luck if i can find them on megaupload else where. =)
Nice answer ssb82, I completely agree. Whatever thats worth :squirt:
I also agree that it is good to mark the upload service
in the title. Not that it is the end of the world if somebody
doesn't do it, but it can't hurt. :-)

As I always use rapidshare I begin my threads with (RS),
if I were to use megaupload I guess it would be (MU).
I like rapidshare and have a premium account, I like megaupload
too but my premium just ran out and I can't renew it, so now
I have to like it less! :XD:

Some people prefer rs and some mu, the best thing for everyone
would of course be if the files were always uploaded on both. But
as ssb82 said, it's an effort and it's great that people take the time,
whichever service they may choose to upload to.

I thinks the idea of splitting the area into rapidshare/megaupload is good,
but indeed one has to take into account whether it means more
work or other things, are there for example other services being used
besides rapidshare and megaupload (I don't really know =D)?
I don't see what the big deal is with using one filesharing service over another. In case anyone's interested, it's against Rapidshare's rules to upload pornography.

I'm a moderator for another site and haven't seen this kind of problem. Users take whatever it is they get. Because it's free. Why would you look a gift horse in the mouth and ask them to do ADDITIONAL things? Why can't you just spend the extra second or so to look to see what site its using? You make it seem like you're PAYING. This is all FREE and all the contributors contribute out of the goodness of their hearts. Asking them to do anything additional is ludicrous and offensive.
Most if not all host sites are against hosting pornography or illegal files but everyone does it anyway. It'll only get taken down if someone reports it or if the name is commonly related and easily readable as 'porn'. For those with rapid or mega accounts, if you are posting links, forum search function is possible and workable under those conditions.
I don't see what the big deal is with using one filesharing service over another. In case anyone's interested, it's against Rapidshare's rules to upload pornography.

I'm a moderator for another site and haven't seen this kind of problem. Users take whatever it is they get. Because it's free. Why would you look a gift horse in the mouth and ask them to do ADDITIONAL things? Why can't you just spend the extra second or so to look to see what site its using? You make it seem like you're PAYING. This is all FREE and all the contributors contribute out of the goodness of their hearts. Asking them to do anything additional is ludicrous and offensive.

Well I don't see it that way because I'm not asking them to upload on both services, or asking them to do something beyond what they've already done. I don't think I ever implied I was ungrateful for their service to humanity, I just thought it was a nice idea to differentiate between the two services.

I felt it was a useful thing just to throw in.

In the same way a person on eBay selling a DVD would type "Independence Day DVD" in the title instead of just saying "Independence Day Movie For Sale" which could be VHS (LOL!) or nowadays Blu-Ray or HD-DVD (LOL!).