READ THIS! Akiba-Online returns again: ALL ATTACHMENTS LOST, starting again

I'm glad to see this place is back. I'm also glad that the performance issues should now be a thing of the past. It had gotten incredibly bad towards the end. Anyways...

I'm really digging the new theme. It makes this place look like the happiest place on earth.:happy2:
I'm glad that the forum is back online. I missed it… I'll see what new things I'll be able to muster up. I'm also really liking the new look and feel of the forum.
Just letting people know, expect some instability for the next day or so while I iron out some issues with the php.
WOoo= = i thought this forum was banned or somthing bad happend about it=.= it was close for quite a long time ...:sick: and i don know wat to do :sick:

when this forum in on back ...*(#)(^*OMGOSH- -"!! Where All the torent link GOne :wait: :wait: :destroy: :crash: :wait: :defeat:

anyway im glad its back to normal .. i like this skin more then b4 ~o~v :love:
Welcome Back

I miss u so much. Welcome back Akiba-Online. I appreciate your work to restore this forum again. I Think will start a new thread asap. Please, don't let this happen again. Please? :bow-pray:

its like HELL visiting everday just to check if akiba is up again and finding out that ITS STILL NOT! but thank god your back....

nice! GOOD WORK!
Wow it feels like I havent been here for a year. Anyway I'm glad its back :goodboy:
I like the changes too. (It actually feels more perverted for some reason :XD: )
Yes! I'm almost dieing without akiba-online everyday.
Once I thought it's time for the end in my poor life, Too many days for me from this forum.

Well, It's really good to see the forum open, just like reborn as a phoenix.

Thanks God!

Thanks eveyone here!

Thanks for coming back!

A new start isn't always as bad as it seems. Keep up the good work! Many of us were going crazy without you!
Cute new look. I think I WILL get my H_Anime movies back up since some people are still trying to get them and they are still on my system. I like the recycle, makes it pretty easy. Welcome back and good luck.
Even though I was going crazy while the forums were down, I thought that Pikachu was kinda cute. . .