

New Member
Feb 27, 2007
Just wana ask...Any ninja type of hentai anime to recommend?

Oso, did u guys watch lady blue ep 3 where the girl ish asking for more but has to do things before being offered more?

anyone got this type of hentai to recommend too?
The last kunoichi
Blood Shadow

(There are surely others, but i'm just remembering these two at the moment)
Taimanin Asagi just came out about a month or two ago and it seemed to be highly anticipated by a lot of people due to the director. Although be warned, the sex scenes move so fast that its like you left the fast forward button on ( not that the sex scenes are short though ).

Oh and Karakuri Ninja Girl. It was pretty cute and comical. :goodboy:

want some screenshots?
Like others, Karakuri Ninja Girl and Blood Shadow. No more Ninja H-movies I can think of. >.>
Taimanin Asagi just came out about a month or two ago and it seemed to be highly anticipated by a lot of people due to the director. Although be warned, the sex scenes move so fast that its like you left the fast forward button on ( not that the sex scenes are short though ).

Oh and Karakuri Ninja Girl. It was pretty cute and comical. :goodboy:

want some screenshots?

As a rabid Lilith fan, I feel obligated to elaborate:

Taimanin Asagi (the short anime episode) is based off two (three kinda) games by Black Lilith. If you like your hentai rough, you've gotta grab the games and play through them with AGTH. Arguably the best BL ever did. Getchu info:

The anime is very face-paced, because it's by famed animator Murakami Teruaki, the same guy who did "Princess 69", "Seifuku Shyoujyo", and "Dark Love", among others. One reviewer I read likened viewing his work to getting punched in the face repeatedly, and that's...pretty accurate. :evillaugh:

I really dig that style of animation, though the censoring in Seifuku Shoujo was pretty heavy. I hope to see more of his work :XD: