Reported an offensive image but nothing happens


Jul 3, 2008
I reported a racist image 3 times but it seems nobody cares.
I need to be a white or black person so the report can be taken seriously?

Thanks for your attention.:maaf:
I did not get it
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what I mean is I did not understand the racist part
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I just thought it was funny. Seriously, with all the porn that is posted here you decide to get offended over that? I didn't make it, found it at a meme site, with a lot of other bad jokes. Lighten up, take a tour through the rest of the album. It makes fun of life and people in general, there is no theme of discrimination against mi hermanos.
It's a harmless stereotype about mexicans liking tacos, at the worst, with a Juan pun.

Love the South Park reference.

However if I was to dissect the joke (which always removes any humor that might have been present to begin with), I would say: First of all, everyone loves Tacos. I mean what is not to like? The joke is a play on words; "said no one ever" sounds akin to "said no Juan ever" and since the name "Juan" is a spanish name and Tacos are a traditional delicacy introduced to North America from its' neighbor in Mexico....the pun doubles. Not sure how this is demeaning, even if for some reason a person doesn't like tacos (soft or hard tacos, doesn't matter, both delicious, especially with sour cream and/or guacomole), they shouldn't be insulted most people do or that people from Mexico also enjoy tacos.

Probably a more appropo South Park youtube link would have been Cartman doing J'Lo singing "Taco Flavored Kisses". I will refrain from posting that youtube link so as not to offend the fainthearted.
I was shown/sent that very meme by Hispanic (read Mexican) friends because they thought it was funny. One thing I've learned via legal that it doesn't matter if it doesn't offend the people you would think it would offend. If it offends is considered "offensive". Well...I might be talking about sexual harassment. Never mind.
I know, thats why i asked.
Is a shame of the double standard in this place.
Thanks for reply anyway.
I am tired of this racist place where people "defend" other nationalities and races but if its is a mexican........people support racism and the prejudices by saying " i dont get it"

GFY jacksauce. Not everything in the fucking world is racist just because it points out something of a culture. It's just a fucking joke. What's your race, anyway?
Wow, @monkeychicken. We all disagree with other members at some point, but we should try to keep it civil, friend.

Unless @mago is the type to be super sensitive to such content, which is his right, the other logical explanation for his concern is obvious. Of course, he doesn't have to disclose his race.

That being said, I agree that not everything is racist and that particular meme source image has been used all over the place with funny play on words things based on Spanish accents on English words. All in fun, really. I've yet to come across a mean spirited one.
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Oh man, I could so easily trash at least half of the posters here... but what good would come of that? No good at all, as we've seen in the past, so instead, I'll just leave a photo of Cyndi Wang, because that always makes things better, doesn't it?


Oh, yes, of course it does!
GFY jacksauce. Not everything in the fucking world is racist just because it points out something of a culture. It's just a fucking joke. What's your race, anyway?

I did delete this, but then I had a thought, I will let everybody see this over the top comment,
uncalled for and unnecessary, it is those comments that are very annoying and hostile, please stop it now
I know, thats why i asked.
Is a shame of the double standard in this place.
Thanks for reply anyway.
I am tired of this racist place where people "defend" other nationalities and races but if its is a mexican........people support racism and the prejudices by saying " i dont get it"
No doubt a victim of the liberal education system.