Ringetsu PC Game Translation Project (t-e-n-t-a-t-i-v-e!)

Good news, bad news.

Bad news: I couldn't get Nero to burn Disc B. It refused to. It said there was something wrong with the .bin to which the .cue was pointing. And if I tried to just brute-load the .bin, that didn't quite work. So I ended up wasting a disc XD , because I did successfully burn Disc A to DVD+R as an ISO. Oh well. lol

Good news: I upgraded from Daemon Tools 4.00 to Daemon Tools Lite 4.30, hoping it might help. So far? It seems to have! :D I've turned the computer on and off numerous times. In fact, it was off all night and then when I woke up just now and turned it on, the game loaded just fine. No errors, no warnings, no nothing. And that's with me having already played some more of it (since the re-install) and even making some save files, i.e. I've directly interacted with the game so it's had ample opportunity to scrutinize me and my machine.

In other words, it looks like I've got the game working without any security pop-up issues now. If that's true, then that's good news (for me at least XP) and means I should be more motivated to work on this than I would have otherwise been.

Still, though: without a script extractor, the going is going to be really tough.
Hmm. :| Thanks for looking, though. :o

I talked with a computer guru friend of mine tonight. He said that, depending on the eroge, there is a program which can grab the text as its being parsed to the processor (or something; I didn't really quite understand what he was talking about) and so in that manner it can "capture" the text as the game calls it up. Does anybody know of programs similar to this? and does anyone know if Selen's games definitely do or definitely do not work with the program?

If the program is compatible with Selen's games, then I wouldn't even need to worry about the .cct files anymore. I could just grab the script from the game as it loads. The only problem there would be that I'd only be grabbing the script that I was personally exploring in-game, but that's still better than grabbing no script at all. :\

Thats a good Idea. AGTH and "Oh! Text Hooker!" use this technology.
"Oh! Text Hooker" comes with source Code, so it might be possible
to build a special external Translator Addon.
It could work like this :
1. all Text gets logged to a File while you play
2. you add translated text to the file
3. now the Translator Addon can translate on the fly by search & replace
I'm not sure if this is really possible, i still have to download the Game.
Feel free to try these Programs and see what happens.

Links :
"Oh! Text Hooker!"
gakido - lol another one fallen prey to the Triple M ( Mio moe madness hehe ). i just somehow can't help but feel sorry for Mio in ep 6. she was finally getting some confidence then that happens. someone even managed to get a shot.

Sakun- i thought it was a problem with your daemon but yours wasn't that old compared to mine so i thought that wasn't it. my daemon tools lite is 4.30.1
Update: I got AGTH to work after all. :D See attached screencap.

So I'm back in business. :D It lets me copy and paste the text REAL nice and easy, so with this puppy by my side, I should be able to quite happily and quite handily translate a handful of slides (only a handful! :p) each day.

The only setback doing it this way is that it can only show us the text that I've obtained by exploring that route in Story Mode. In other words, a complete script (as ripped from the game itself) would still be nice to have. It would also probably be what we'd want to paste our English script into, and then we'd just tell English-speaking fans to back up their original Japanese script file but to move it to a different directory and to put this English clone in the original's place.
Here is some sample text that it only took me 5 seconds to click through, copy from AGTH, and paste to A-O's post box. It took A-O longer to submit my post than it did to prepare the post! :D We're definitely in business now. ;D









直人「恥ずかしい? 抜き差しするたび、グチュグチュいやらしい音させてるくせに、今更何言ってるんだよ?」

















I've attached the entirety of the text from Day 001. (You have no options to choose from, no alternate paths to take. It's all the same text for everybody on Day 001. So give this a look if you're interested in translating. :) )
Sakun, you want to work on it together on AiM? I mean it'll be a lot faster and you can words things better than I can.
I never go on AIM. ^^; But I would be willing to go on during certain times, yes, to communicate in real time via AIM rather than via PM or via a thread here.

My main concern right now (for the translation team) is how to dole out who does what. Do we all do the same dialogue at once? Do we all do the same dialogue but only after finishing our own special assignments (like an "I do the West and you do the East" sort of an arrangement)? Do we each uniquely handle certain dialogue that will only ever have been touched by us and not by the other members of the team? Etc. I'm definitely against that last one XD , but it's things like the first two -- and others like them -- which have me confused and wondering which avenue'd be best.

The major wrench, of course, is the fact that until you download the game and AGTH, I'm the only source for script material; and that even once you do (if not having already done so :)) that you're no better off than I am -- having to manually play through everything in order to obtain every word, every phrase, every last letter of the game's dialogue and narration. If we had a solid script file for the entire game in our possession, then it'd be a much simpler matter (theoretically) of just assigning Translators A, B, C, and D to (respectively) handle the 0-25%, 25-50%, 50-75%, and 75-100% sections of the script file. And even then! I'm not much sure I like the sound of that. :\ I personally wouldn't want to be roped into translating the game that way. =P :) It may be more efficient, technically, but it seems way less fun.

And I want this to be both efficient and fun. :D

So for now ... tentatively ... my thought is this. Why not say you and I both try to make it through Event 05 first (out of 40-odd events that there are in the game), and once we both reach that point, we can then have a pow-wow. And other people reading this thread and wanting to help translate are strongly encouraged to come and join us in doing the same. :)
OK, i downloaded Ringetsu and tried hard to find the scripts and text.
There are 2 known Tools to unprotect .cct Files : recover-cct and diropener.
After running these Tools, the .cct can be opened in Director.
The Scripts (Lingo or Javascript) are still unreadable.
Ringetsu uses the "vlist xtra", an Addon for Lists of Text Strings or binary Data.
This vlist thing is interesting, because it can load data from a File, using AES encryption.
One of the Files looks encrypted : RNG.SC. This one has a very high level of entropy.
But where is the AES Key ? must be in a Lingo script that cant be read at all.

Using an external Program to translate while running seem the only way to go at the Moment.
Its good to know that we have lots of time for that, the translation will take some time.

The attached File opens in Director, but its quite useless.