Ryo Shihono (しほの涼)

these pic is from "Moecco High School DVD Vol. 20: Ryou Shihono – White"




Pics 6-8

Ryo Shihono and Miu Nakamura together!

Just add the family-size tub of banana yogurt and the handcuffs and it would be perfect... :evillaugh:
Young GanGan 2009.04.03 (ヤングガンガン)

The angel image posted earlier is also from this shoot, if you want the full set.
Serious question to the Mods:

Will Shihono Ryo stay in the Junior Idol Section? We have now an Gravure Idol Section and she's 18, so... shouldn't we make a new Thread in the GV-Section or should she stay here by the Juniors? I'm just curious about it and don't want to break some rule.
Ryo's next IV. Coming soon on 20/12/2009.
Ryo's latest release, coming soon on 20/3/2010.

高校卒業記念作品/旅立ち しほの涼
Sweet Sunday (HD Version)

Anyways .. I'm glad to see at least something new from her.

Nope. Sweet Sunday is actually pretty old.

Surprisingly youtube is an excellent place to get a quick Ryo fix.

Just check out the list sorted by date:


But watch out. Google is known for deleting the best stuff. So download them as fast as you can.

NicoVideo is also a nice place in this regards but disappointingly very slow in the last months.

If you're hungry for Ryo news just check out her blog:


When a new release is on the way, she usually uploads some nice pics from the photo/video shoots for promotion and teasing.:nosebleed:
Ghost Revenger JK - Trailer

Just in time for Halloween :scared:
Guys, new DVD is coming.

It's called:

フィギュアBaby しほの涼

Release date is the 20. January 2011

Sorry, for crap small preview but this is really the best I could find and believe me I used all my google-fu. :notagain:
Sorry for the late response, I'm busy with uni.

Anyway, the set is from here:


That's the only video I have found so far (I posted the link already a few pages earlier):


To be honest I have the pics from the scanlover forum, but not everybody here has an account there, so I posted them for the AO-bros here too.

That's basically all I know. If I find anything new in the wild, wild Internet I post it here. This thread is for me almost like my personal Diary about Shihono Ryo, lol. So, you can be sure, if I'll fiund pics or something Ryo related I'll post it here.

Oh, btw. she is the new Cover girl of some Custom Car Magazine:

She is fine. She is doing small jobs here and there. If you look under her banner from her blog you can see her last work:


Apparently she did a small shooting for Macfan.jp (lol) and you can see her live on some dance/sing/whatever show next month: http://alicein.info/index.html.

I also can't get enough from her, but even a Tomoe Yamanaka needs a break sometimes. Be patience the next sexy shooting will come!:tea:

Oh, and some of her photos will be shown in the Galerie Le Deco (Shibuya) : http://ameblo.jp/shihono-ryo/entry-10946122495.html#main.