Saaya Irie 入江紗綾

A rare magazine (year 2014) has been posted today mainly featuring Saaya (also including a making video):
password: xarokohc

nice one. I didn't always see the attraction in Saaya, to be honest. Her nose is a little big and her hips are a little wide and she didn't seem, at first, to be that attractive. Then I noticed how stunning she could look by the most subtle change of expression or glance and how her nose complimented her looks and profile. I seriously fell in adoration of that girl, she has got it going on.

Some random photos from twitter and such:
102498528.jpg 102498531.jpg CjOBxF8UgAAskbz.jpg CjqdUbIUoAESxil.jpg CjS7Z2fUkAEBrJV.jpg

But if they are implying it's the same lingerie, well, it's obviously not the same. Subtle difference here and there in the design.

I did wonder what he was on about as well, I thought I missed the point