Sakura Aida あいださくら

Someone wrote that her ex-bf would look so ugly. As a heterosexual man I would say he looks pretty normal. I even would say uninterestingly average. And I'm wondering why she does a photo like this and make it public. But maybe it was the guy who wanted to show that he is together with a Japanese girl / Japanese porn star.

And I'm curious about Aida thoughts. Just making babies with some guys. Maybe she is even not interested in a stable relationship (okay, let's see how long this one lasts), but just want to have some babies. And maybe the photos will push her career (at least in her mind). I think she is a very - let's say: unique ;) - person.

I understand many persons - also I may not agree to what they think or do. But Aida is a total riddle to me.
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As I understand it, the japanese consider fang teeth and the like as being 'cute' and many girls even once they are bringing in enough money for serious dental work, choice not too.
As I understand it, the japanese consider fang teeth and the like as being 'cute' and many girls even once they are bringing in enough money for serious dental work, choice not too.
I've lived in Japan a long time. "Fang teeth," which are protruding canine teeth, are sometimes seen as a "charm point." Buck teeth (出っ歯), like Sakura's, are definitely not considered cute. Standards for teeth have changed a lot since Seiko Matsuda ("Seiko-chan") was charming the nation with her fang teeth back in the 1980s...

...but even Seiko-chan eventually had her teeth fixed and now boasts a perfect set:

A current idol who had major fang teeth, Momoiro Clovers' Kanako Momota, has been fixing hers over the past couple of years, as you can see here:
The orthodontist who made this page says she almost certainly has behind-the-teeth braces that are pulling her canines in.



(If you're wondering what the hell is going on in the second photo, she's showing off her dimple power by holding a one-yen coin in her dimple.)
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In the few cases where a buck-toothed girl becomes a successful idol, she usually has something else to make up for it. In Yuri Saito's case, she has those big eyes and that aquiline nose. But even she had her teeth fixed. The same orthodontist has a page on her.


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But of course Sakura's fatal mistake wasn't her own; it was her parents. The fact that she did sleazy T-back stuff before she was 18 meant she never had a chance in the mainstream idol world. They won't touch a girl with a past like hers with a three-meter pole.
I bow to your indepth knowledge on the subject.:-) my japanese idol is mainly from akb48 where things like fang tooth itano tomomi and buck teeth Oshima Yuko where things that helped them stand out more from the 100plus other AKB girls and indeed Yuko was a UIV model also, though as you say nothing like a t-back, when she was younger. I did see though that as soon as Itano Tomomi graduated from AKB she got her teeth done. On reading more on fang tooth, I see it is seen as a 'child like' charm point ie making girls feel/look more child like.
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Braces were very uncommon when I first came to Japan a million years ago. These days it's very common to see both children and adults with braces. I have a (very attractive) colleague in her 40s who has braces. Standards have changed a lot since the days of Seiko-chan.
Same thing when I first was in Korea many years ago. Compared to when I was last there. Besides, pick a girl from just about anywhere and they all would like to have a nice smile.
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I do rather dislike the mania that the USA has on 'perfect' teeth, against healthy teeth, there is no need for those horrid over white all even teeth that every USA celeb has, for me it just makes them look so much like clones, no personality at all. So I do wonder if we can not add the ideal of 'perfect teeth' of big macs that has invaded Japan :) And yeah Korea seem much like USA with their teeth, it pretty much the first 'touch' up any korea celeb get is a new set of teeth once they get into the money, Dental work can really change a persons face, I think that why so many throw stones at Korean celebs for having PS to change their looks, when it really just dental work, of course in many ways it is still cosmetic surgery as it hardly done for medical reason after all, but for me I do not count dental work done as 'plastic surgery'
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Most people I know have straight teeth, I don't think there's as much dental work going on in hollywood as you think.

Anyway, I'm glad to hear the crooked teeth thing was a fad.
Most people I know have straight teeth, I don't think there's as much dental work going on in hollywood as you think.

Anyway, I'm glad to hear the crooked teeth thing was a fad.
It was a fad that lasted 250,000 years. The people you know have straight teeth because they have had good dental care all their lives, and their crooked teeth were straightened when then were children. Before new dental adhesive made braces more practical in the 1970s, American teeth were as crooked as Japanese teeth. (And if you grew up in the 1990s, you might not have even known your friends had braces, because that's when invisible backside braces were perfected.) Japan has just caught up in the last thirty years. When I first came to Japan, it was hard to find toothpaste with fluoride!