It has suddenly appeared on streaming site "Javinn".real-500 is still missing apparently, I can't find it anywhere
I've lived in Japan a long time. "Fang teeth," which are protruding canine teeth, are sometimes seen as a "charm point." Buck teeth (出っ歯), like Sakura's, are definitely not considered cute. Standards for teeth have changed a lot since Seiko Matsuda ("Seiko-chan") was charming the nation with her fang teeth back in the 1980s...As I understand it, the japanese consider fang teeth and the like as being 'cute' and many girls even once they are bringing in enough money for serious dental work, choice not too.
It was a fad that lasted 250,000 years. The people you know have straight teeth because they have had good dental care all their lives, and their crooked teeth were straightened when then were children. Before new dental adhesive made braces more practical in the 1970s, American teeth were as crooked as Japanese teeth. (And if you grew up in the 1990s, you might not have even known your friends had braces, because that's when invisible backside braces were perfected.) Japan has just caught up in the last thirty years. When I first came to Japan, it was hard to find toothpaste with fluoride!Most people I know have straight teeth, I don't think there's as much dental work going on in hollywood as you think.
Anyway, I'm glad to hear the crooked teeth thing was a fad.
あいだ さくら Sakura Aida @sakuraaida0418 · Feb 3If only she would get braces...