Sakura Aida あいださくら

Thanks a lot ryuuga,
I really like her face - teeth and all.
Am still hoping for a link (MU preferably) for STAR 187.
i just finish downloading her latest vid ''star 191''..anyone know wen or where can i see her 5th vid cover?..thanks in advance
New film already released

travisparker already posted Star191. Looks great.

Don´t forget to thank him.
Heee..., great thread, I tink I must read each post of it, but later, when I have time...
cheating ourselfes? pure? you think an 18 year old girl is a virgin? and she should stay a virgin for her 40 year old male fans? im a 16 year old girl and im her fan! hell i dont give a shit if shes a virgin or not and i dont care what color skin the person shes fucking has. all i know is that i appreciate her work and her personal liffe has nothing to do with buisness. If her videos give you a boner good. thats what her videos are for. thats it. shes never gonna be ur gf, your wife, nothing, youll never even see her in real life! Get over it!

IM SORRY IF IM BEING MEAN but thats disrespect! shes a human being not a toy for your pleasure! who are you to say whats pure!
cheating ourselfes? pure? you think an 18 year old girl is a virgin? and she should stay a virgin for her 40 year old male fans? im a 16 year old girl and im her fan! hell i dont give a shit if shes a virgin or not and i dont care what color skin the person shes fucking has. all i know is that i appreciate her work and her personal liffe has nothing to do with buisness. If her videos give you a boner good. thats what her videos are for. thats it. shes never gonna be ur gf, your wife, nothing, youll never even see her in real life! Get over it!

IM SORRY IF IM BEING MEAN but thats disrespect! shes a human being not a toy for your pleasure! who are you to say whats pure!

Delayed reaction? =P
Beatiful actress

Who is the actress sitting side by side with Sakura Aida in the thanksgiving
especial? What is her name?

Thanks in advance.
Proceed with the Sakura Aida thread, gentlemen.

cooking myselfes? Sure! I think an 18 year old kitchen is my room! and I should stay in a kitchen for 40 year old male superiors! im a 16 year old girl and im gonna make you a steak! hell i dont give give a shit if the pans are expensive or not and i dont care what color paint the stove I'm baking with has. all i know is that i appreciate the kitchen you gave me and my personal apron and I has nothing to do with buisness. If my naked apron give you a boner good. thats what my tits and ass are for. thats it. I'm gonna be ur gf, your slave, anything, youll never even see my ass outside the kitchen! More beer, here!

IM SORRY IF IM BEING A CHICK, but thats doing the dishes! I'm a cook/maid and heres a warm meal for your pleasure! who are you again? *tee-hee* I sometimes forget things.


good to see my thread alive and well, and in the jav-idols now. Proceed, gentlemen.



good to see my thread alive and well, and in the jav-idols now. Proceed, gentlemen.


listen i know your upset that you dont have a wife or a job and your like 50 and you spend all your days on akiba looking at young girls, and yes you changed around my quote. nice one. but honestly probably the one your fucking in the kitchen is your hand. and your mom is probably the one still cooking for you. sorry
listen i know your upset... and your like 50... the one your fucking in the kitchen...

I'll explain it slowly. The abbreviated form of 'you are' is 'you're'. As in, "I can see you're completely fucking incapable of following even the most rudimentary principles of grammar."
Try to keep up with the big boys, sweet cheeks. :prance:
........ I smell sex and candy here

thanks to discosupafly, "Sakura Aida - Sexual Beauty Treatment, Full Course!" is posted HERE:

and some pics from the vid linked above from



