Hi (Saori Hara Alliance)
Thanks guys for your comments,
I just posted the AV Debut by new girl Eri Rika I felt really happy...But now I feel sick and depressed right now.:miserable:
I just received some really bad news from a member of a other forum I post on, it looks like Miss Saori Hara has " its hard for me to type this" quit!
This is what he sent me......
Before you read the following news, take a deep breath.
As you knew, Saori is one of the casts in the HK latest 3D erotic film 肉蒲團. Last nite, the HK media reported that due to the Japan's earthquake, Saori was affected. Her heath and her mind is in the worst shape currently. And becoz of this, Saori already cancelled her contract with her agency last month, and decided to quit.
This news is not yet confirmed. But based on the recent updates regarding Saori, it did show some signs that she is not OK currently.
First of all, Saori's suppose to fly to HK today, and will be attending the premier show of the HK 1st 3D Porn film on 13/4. But her agency cancelled the trip last nite. They said that Saori will not be able to attend the premier.
Saori used to update her blog and twitter regularly. But since 9 March (also after earthquake and tsunami on 11 March), she has stopped updating her blog and twitter completely. There was an announcement in her blog on 15/3. But most likely, that's not written by herself.
Meanwhile, from Japan's biggest board 2ch, the japanese fans claimed that Saori's agency already stopped her work schedule since 9 March.
Here's my opinion. Saori's retirement is not yet confirmed at this moment. But one thing for sure, based on those signs, something bad might happened to Saori and we don't know what it is.
I will send you updates once I manage to get some insight of this. Stay tune.
Then he send this....
The producer company of the HK 3D porn film received the letter from Saori's agency AEG, explaining that why Saori can not attend the premier and the upcoming promotion event.
I managed to get the scan of the letter. I cannot verify whether this is true or fake. But since the letter was announced to the public medias, by the HK film company itself, I don't think they would take the risk to create a fake announcement to deceive the audiences. So most likely, this letter is true.
From the letter itself, it tells us that Saori was sick on 10 March. After the earhquake and tsunami, Saori's health condition became worse, which making her collapsed. Becoz Saori's condition (body and mind) is not stable, she decided to cancel her contract with AEG on 30/3, through the lawyer.
Is it the end of Saori's AV career? We have no idea at all.
Will update the news once I discover more.
A other member on this forum says
What ever the reason she has quit..its a bit suspicious that SOD has said nothing what so ever???, cancelling a contract so sudden by a lawyer...has she had falling out with AEG..I do know if they are with SOD..or just the company who owns the rights to 3-D Sex and Zen Extreme Ecstasy.
But maybe its just to early to say quit...just too many questions,
I know her blog is still live and SOD put out the Trailer and pics I just posted
yesterday..." I feel bad for posting them now"
I say if will don't seen a new DVDcover or Trailer by the end of the mouth, we now it's true and my heart will be broken.:nooo:
But if this is true the JAV world has loss someone really special.. it will to me be like losing a good friend, not just JAV girl ...I miss all them great pics from her blog...her videos and so much more... it will be a dark day for me.. like someone has ripped my heart out.:rainyday:
I Only want the best for miss Saori , her health and happiness is all that matters to me...not my selfish needs, but I know deep down she will be back.
Get well soon miss Saori ...:inlove:
This is.." I just can't find the words to say how I feel right now "..your know how negative I been..you may think I am weak, but I just want to cry.:runintears:
Thanks guys for your comments,
I just posted the AV Debut by new girl Eri Rika I felt really happy...But now I feel sick and depressed right now.:miserable:
I just received some really bad news from a member of a other forum I post on, it looks like Miss Saori Hara has " its hard for me to type this" quit!
This is what he sent me......
Before you read the following news, take a deep breath.
As you knew, Saori is one of the casts in the HK latest 3D erotic film 肉蒲團. Last nite, the HK media reported that due to the Japan's earthquake, Saori was affected. Her heath and her mind is in the worst shape currently. And becoz of this, Saori already cancelled her contract with her agency last month, and decided to quit.
This news is not yet confirmed. But based on the recent updates regarding Saori, it did show some signs that she is not OK currently.
First of all, Saori's suppose to fly to HK today, and will be attending the premier show of the HK 1st 3D Porn film on 13/4. But her agency cancelled the trip last nite. They said that Saori will not be able to attend the premier.
Saori used to update her blog and twitter regularly. But since 9 March (also after earthquake and tsunami on 11 March), she has stopped updating her blog and twitter completely. There was an announcement in her blog on 15/3. But most likely, that's not written by herself.
Meanwhile, from Japan's biggest board 2ch, the japanese fans claimed that Saori's agency already stopped her work schedule since 9 March.
Here's my opinion. Saori's retirement is not yet confirmed at this moment. But one thing for sure, based on those signs, something bad might happened to Saori and we don't know what it is.
I will send you updates once I manage to get some insight of this. Stay tune.
Then he send this....
The producer company of the HK 3D porn film received the letter from Saori's agency AEG, explaining that why Saori can not attend the premier and the upcoming promotion event.
I managed to get the scan of the letter. I cannot verify whether this is true or fake. But since the letter was announced to the public medias, by the HK film company itself, I don't think they would take the risk to create a fake announcement to deceive the audiences. So most likely, this letter is true.
From the letter itself, it tells us that Saori was sick on 10 March. After the earhquake and tsunami, Saori's health condition became worse, which making her collapsed. Becoz Saori's condition (body and mind) is not stable, she decided to cancel her contract with AEG on 30/3, through the lawyer.
Is it the end of Saori's AV career? We have no idea at all.
Will update the news once I discover more.
A other member on this forum says
So she did get sick ONE day before tsunami. Guess tsunami is just an excuse then. We might never know what happened to her. She might get drugged and r***ing by Yakuza for all we know. Or she might not like to do *that* video SOD recruited her fans for.
What ever the reason she has quit..its a bit suspicious that SOD has said nothing what so ever???, cancelling a contract so sudden by a lawyer...has she had falling out with AEG..I do know if they are with SOD..or just the company who owns the rights to 3-D Sex and Zen Extreme Ecstasy.
But maybe its just to early to say quit...just too many questions,
I know her blog is still live and SOD put out the Trailer and pics I just posted
yesterday..." I feel bad for posting them now"
I say if will don't seen a new DVDcover or Trailer by the end of the mouth, we now it's true and my heart will be broken.:nooo:
But if this is true the JAV world has loss someone really special.. it will to me be like losing a good friend, not just JAV girl ...I miss all them great pics from her blog...her videos and so much more... it will be a dark day for me.. like someone has ripped my heart out.:rainyday:
I Only want the best for miss Saori , her health and happiness is all that matters to me...not my selfish needs, but I know deep down she will be back.
Get well soon miss Saori ...:inlove:
This is.." I just can't find the words to say how I feel right now "..your know how negative I been..you may think I am weak, but I just want to cry.:runintears: