ScanLover hacked?


New Member
Apr 1, 2007
Anyone here got any idea what's going on over there?

I've been banned for flaming the hackers.:defeat:
ya they got hack !!! jus because they nt happy about jr idols moving to this site! lame hackers!:cry:

need help there!!
I was wondering what happened. The accounts havent transfered over yet, and now they got hacked. Sad too because that was a really good source on the net for quality. Any idea when the transfers will be completed so that the scanlover people can log in using their accounts?
we dun even know if the files are really being transfered. we have to ask chompy for that question
Still sounds like an april's fool joke to me
Still sounds like an april's fool joke to me

:crash: If this is an Aprils Fools Joke, it's a really bad one. :why2:
i dun think it is an april fool . now is 2nd april already and those digusting moderators (hackers) posted gays pictures in scan lover. now it the web becomes scamlover.:shiver:
Yea it's an april fools apparently. The 2005 one was affiliation with
can't remember the 2006 one.
I had a feeling that it was just an April Fools joke since, well, it was April 1st when it happened. I was a bit worried, though, since most April Fools jokes only last 1 day.
It's a good thing everything is back to normal...well, almost everything, at least...
Well for like 4 seconds I hat a sweating fit. But then remembered the date...

I fell for it completely last year, seeing as the Jr Idol Club was still there. I removed my avatar and everything.
im still worried from the 1st of april and havent been to the site since. is it still down?
Of course it isn't.
It never was down in the first place.
The date in huge bold letters that was saying it's the first of april was actually a link to the real site.