Seduce in front of her husband


Sep 13, 2009
Hello everyone,

I seek movies where the wife would be seduced by a man in front of her husband.

A bit like this movie :

TBL-100 :


If someone has ever seen a movie with a scene like this, I'm interested !

Thank you by advance (and sorry for my english)
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cuckold ?

there are many vids with cuckold theme, if you put some effort you'll find a lot videos, its not rare or difficult theme in JAV ;)
There's the whole NKKD serie, where a bully will stole the girlfriend/wife of the man right in front of him, forcing him to watch and the boyfriend/husband has no balls to do anything about it! You'll find many movie with the exact same setting in this serie!


An other one, not really husband, but a boy in love with his childhood friend witness her being seduced right in front of him :


Sorry, I was not clear in my first post...

In fact, I already know these series like NKKD, NGOD, NDRA, NTRD, ADN, etc. I'm looking for scenes where the wife is openly "seduced" (Not r***) by a guy in front of the husband.
Sorry, I was not clear in my first post...

In fact, I already know these series like NKKD, NGOD, NDRA, NTRD, ADN, etc. I'm looking for scenes where the wife is openly "seduced" (Not r***) by a guy in front of the husband.

Well i specifically talked about NKKD (not the others) because the girl is seduced through the whole movie and at the end is clearly fallen for the guy, and all this happened in front of the boyfriend/husband

if you want specifically one where she is seduced without any resistance from both her and her husband, it's really rare and i can't think of anything! But the NHDTA-308 is a bit of that since there's no r*** at all and it's in front of the guy