Seina Tsurumaki (鶴巻星奈)


Akiba Citizen
Sep 19, 2012
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I have honestly expected more content to be available.
Well, a new movie has been released just two weeks ago...

ZEUSFB-010 [2017.06.10] 鶴巻星奈 (18) プリンセスオールスター - Tsurumaki Seina
ZEUSFB-010 [2017.06.10] 鶴巻星奈 (18) プリンセスオールスター - Tsurumaki Seina back.jpg ZEUSFB-010 [2017.06.10] 鶴巻星奈 (18) プリンセスオールスター - Tsurumaki Seina front.jpg

ZEUSF-010 [2017.06.10] 鶴巻星奈 (18) プリンセスオールスター - Tsurumaki Seina
ZEUSF-010 [2017.06.10] 鶴巻星奈 (18) プリンセスオールスター - Tsurumaki Seina back.jpg ZEUSF-010 [2017.06.10] 鶴巻星奈 (18) プリンセスオールスター - Tsurumaki Seina front.jpg


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best pics...


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So, she has like 6 new DVDs by now, but none of them are available for download anywhere. Is there some kind of boycott going on or nobody interested in her anymore?
Personally I am not interested enough to actually buy her stuff, but a download would be nice.
Good physical stuff is somewhat "boycotted" by lack of sharers. Almost entire activity with DVDs/BDs goes into something average or plain crap, so checking A-O means mostly scrolling the list to no avail. Goes for both new content and reuploads.

Be ready to pay.
I see how it is.
Thanks for your quick answer. I am not too active with this stuff, so it's good to have somebody who knows what's going on.
I'm digging the whole internet and I can't find DGFBD-001 (even to buy) any ideal where can I find it? thank you
There was an ISO torrent here back in the day, but it fell along with an entire batch; if you want a physical copy, try auctions:

Note, auctions should be searched with release name as well or even just girl's name, as not all sellers might provide complete information.
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I'm digging the whole internet and I can't find DGFBD-001 (even to buy) any ideal where can I find it? thank you
I'm pretty sure that I have that one. Will need to check a bit later…
There was an ISO torrent here back in the day, but it fell along with an entire batch; if you want a physical copy, try auctions:
Note, auctions should be searched with release name as well or even just girl's name, as not all sellers might provide complete information.
Having purchased things from luckyboy777 before I can tell you with 100% confidence that it's a bootleg copy. The disc is a printable BD-R and the cover is very poor resolution… I'll post a snap of a quick comparison.
With that in mind the actual content is 100% original. The image files are copies but not altered in any way. Also if there's a movie on the disc that too is also original.
As a last chance it's a viable option but if you're concerned with owning legit copies he's not the one…
Oh grand, here went my retirement investment. At least luckyboy0777 (was zero really supposed to be missing?) has very good quality covers (I would need to have an original to nitpick) unlike fxdbh386, which seems to be considerably losing in that department. If only I wasn't so excited...

Please elaborate on recognition before and after (as in, auction and already delivered item).
Oh grand, here went my retirement investment. At least luckyboy0777 (was zero really supposed to be missing?) has very good quality covers (I would need to have an original to nitpick) unlike fxdbh386, which seems to be considerably losing in that department. If only I wasn't so excited...
Please elaborate on recognition before and after (as in, auction and already delivered item).
Just a slip to leave the zero out but I do think he's a zero for scamming people like this so consistently.
There's a lot to look at: First off the paper used is generic inkjet paper. No real releases in my collection are printed on inkjet paper. There are 2 shots that clearly show this. The colors are off and the text isn't as sharp. Also because it's not a CMYK print there is no moire pattern. Very easy to see in person not easy to see at all in a poorly lit and shot auction photo…
BD Photo DIsc 3_A.jpg BD Photo DIsc 4.jpg luckyboyBootleg_2.jpg luckyboyBootleg_1.jpg
The disc image is also quite bad the text is very blurry. His scans are pretty shitty to get the test that bad. Also he doesn't care that he's scamming so he doesn't re-do the discs to look legit or at least better than they are.
BD Photo DIsc 1.jpeg BD Photo DIsc.jpeg
But as I stated the content is untouched. At least he gets that right! The metadata is in tact & the resolution is as good as the legit ones.
Copy_Photo_Disc.png Copy_Photo_Data.pngLegit_Disc.pngLegit_Photo_Data.png
You will notice though that the image I used of Seina is RAW not every disc contains RAW images. But most do I have others of her's that do not contain the RAW images. Mihana also has about 50/50 with RAW images.
Oh lord ... I believe a big fanbase is looking for that one
The catalog you requested was DGFBD-001 which is the photo collection it was also released on BD in video format too. Both of which I possess, as I really liked her a few years ago! Curious were you not also looking for her other BD photo collections either? They are all masterpieces of hers!
Seina Tsurumai.jpg
The best thing I really liked about Origami releases! Super high quality complete photo shoots along with BD video! I really wish EVERY studio did this. But alas I understand that they couldn't and can't now. The reason you can't even find it for sale as the Origami releases were all quite limited in number. They're very hard to get & extremely expensive if legit. One of the reasons that auction guy is able to keep scamming people with his copies.
Well, 10 years ago I would have been excited to receive praise from a lot of people on the internet. Sadly in the decade of constantly posting here the effect doesn't quite have the same impact on me… I do understand that many if not all of the girls in the industry have large and devoted fan bases. Eagerly awaiting any content that they can get their hands on. Trust me I do & I'm here to help, however that's something that I just can't bring myself to do freely. So I'll just restate what I usually do.
Time or money…
It's already been 3 years since released so I'm pretty sure that it'll never "show up" without funding.
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I'm confused between these two.

The disc image is also quite bad the text is very blurry. His scans are pretty shitty to get the test that bad. Also he doesn't care that he's scamming so he doesn't re-do the discs to look legit or at least better than they are.
View attachment 1918321 View attachment 1918324
Also here I'm not sure what to look for. Both look the same on photos.
I'm confused between these two.
Also here I'm not sure what to look for. Both look the same on photos.
To the untrained eye the details can be easily overlooked. Seeing & feeling the physical items makes it all much clearer.
The first photo when zoomed in will clearly show a moire pattern that is indicative of being printed on a press. The lower is clearly an inkjet print. ink jet prints are never used for these things. The poor quality of the jpg scan can also clearly be seen in the diagonal lines in the green foliage.
Photoshop CC002.jpg
The second pic shows the high gloss ink jet printer paper compared the regular printer press paper. Again just stressing the point that the papers are not identical & therefore counterfeit.
Photoshop CC001.jpg
When zoomed into the disc scans the jaggedness of the poor quality jpg scan re-printed can be seen. I highlighted the corners and underlined the "MADE IN TAIWAN" as it's very clear that the text is pixelated. on the legit disc there is much clearer text, So even if he provided images of the covers & scans in the auction most people would be fooled by them.
I also forgot to mention that I'll most like remove these replies at a later date as they do not really concern the OT. Maybe I'll transport them to a request thread by @Maiabriz… when I have time for that.
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