Share FAQ

You don't need a plugin to delete files from cache manually... the contextual menu item may not work, but the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+Del) does.

But Share never deleted my unfinished downloads using the quota function, and I tried with 30+ downloads, a quota lower than my cache folder size once cleaned and reaching no space at all left on partition (well less than 1 block/mb...) It will only delete downloads that have been both completed and converted.
Thanks guy, I’ll have to try it to see what you mean. I shredded 90GBs of cache last night.

In regards to making queries; I must mention that the files that finish automatically seem to get removed from the search window, and I can’t remember all the names because sometimes I’ll just make random searches for anything. Also, when ever a download finishes, I move the completed file to another drive. I think I understand though. So in other words, with the remote tab toggled, I should see all the old files that I’ve downloaded in the cache?
Maybe it will make more sense when I do it
I’ll search for it like you said, But doses that .dll just go in the main folder? I was looking in the readme files that belong to some of the other plugins I have, but they are in French.

btw, I have the ClusterChanger, NodeKun, NodeRefresh, DynamicPriority, and ClusterWordCollector, but I’ve not used any of them. That ClusterWordCollector looks interesting also.

wotaku, Ctrl + Del didn't seem to work for me, I tried both Ctrl keys, and did so in both the Queries, as well as the download window. nothing from my cache folder got removed.
Doesn't work from the download tab, but it works for me from the queries tab... first select the item you want then hit both keys at once and you should get a popup asking to confirm deletion. Not sure why it wouldn't work but you can always use the plugin if it doesn't...

Plugins can go in any folder, but you have to enable them via Settings -> Plugins -> add (I put them in a Plugin subdir of my Share dir so as not to mix things up when I want to delete/update plugins...)
I'll make the plug ins folder, that's a good idea.

But what I don't understand is: Your saying you are deleting things from your Queries window. I guess what I don't totally understand is; why delete something from a window that shows what your searching for, but have not yet downloaded?

My queries window seems to only have what I'm searching for, but to do a search on the things already downloaded just to remove the cache associated with these queries, seems like a long run. I mean what if you forgot some of the misc stuff you had downloaded, or if you started downloading things, maybe built some cache, and then deleted the download. You might forget the names, while the cache still sits around. If I'm talking none sense, don't mind me, I'm half asleep atm. :murder:

Well, what I've been doing is just removing the cache manually, and then deleting the hash.db file every so many months. I'll add the plug in, and see what happens. Boom! :battered:

EDIT: ok In installed the plug in from the settings/plugin menu, and I did see the option guy mentioned, but when I clicked it, and went back to the folder that stores the cache there was a new cache file, the size is the same. Nothing was deleted. This plug in actually adds files to my cache folder as I was watch it. I don't totally understand it just yet.
Well queries are most often used to search for things to download, but they're actually more generic than that in share and can be used to search in your uploads, downloads, local cache, local db...

But yes, remembering what you downloaded can be a problem and this would work better if it allowed you to do queries without a keyword to get a full list of your Complete files. You can try a generic term like IV to get many of them but you might miss some. Personally I just let the quota system clean up my cache.
The important thing to understand when it comes to cache is the cleaning function that wotaku mentions. When you use a plugin like OneCacheDelete to delete items from cache, it won't immediately register in either the Queries window or in the Cache folder in Windows Explorer. If you hit the enter button on your keyboard, the key should disappear from the Queries window, and then you have to wait for Share's cleaning function to clear the space on your hard drive. This is not immediate, but Share will make a note of this on the Log tab. Note that Share will never delete parts of a file that is currently downloading, so sometimes you may go over quota if you are trying to download more than you set the Quota to.

Also, all the keys that you have ever searched for are stored in the DB, and will remain there until you delete them. One idea to keep track of what you have and haven't downloaded is to designate the folder where you store all your downloaded files as the Upload folder in Share. Share will scan them on start up, and they will show up as Local when you run a search in Queries.

Note also that it is not a good idea to delete the contents of your cache folder from Windows Explorer. It contains both your current downloads and an overhead of other files that Share is uploading and downloading to other people. If you delete everything, you will have to start your current downloads all over again, and you will also cut off your uploads to your neighbours, the very same people who share your interests, and are uploading to you. Just let the cleaning function do its work. If you need more space, try to download a number of files smaller in total size than your Quota.
Thanks wotaku, and Fuurin! This was all good info, especially about the cache. So even if have (rar/zip) files in my uploads folder, killing the cache also breaks those uploads? or just the shares stored in the cache files?

I noticed that I wasn’t using the Remote and Local button in conjunction with each other so that kind of also makes sense why things were not so clear.
From what I'm seeing, it looks like, if the Remote button is pushed in, it shows all the available files out on the net. The only thing that is a little confusing is why there are two buttons for remote and local. It seems logical to assume that there are two options, either remote, or local which could have been assigned to just one button, (In or out).
But it seems that, depending on how you depress Remote, and Local in conjunction with each other, will display other more detailed information. I guess I need to look deeper into those two buttons in particular.
I guess I didn't upload my Share Uploading Guide here, but it is on my blog. Basically, Share converts the files in your Upload folder to Cache before uploading them to neighbouring nodes. If you delete the files in your Cache folder using Windows Explorer, you delete everything you are downloading and uploading. The only safe way to delete particular parts of Cache is using the OneCacheDelete plugin or Ctrl+Delete from the Queries window. I use OneCacheDelete to remove outdated keys for files I haven't downloaded, but in general, Share's cleaning function does an excellent job of reclaiming space on your hard drive, provided you are downloading files smaller in total size than your quota.

On the Queries window, keys marked "DB" are just the hash without any Cache. Keys marked "Remote" are the hashes and/or files stored on neighbouring nodes not your hard drive. They may be there because you or someone else uploaded them to that neighbour's cache or they may just be a file in the guy's Upload folder that has been converted to Cache. Keys marked "Local" are the files from your Uploads folder that have been partially converted to Cache. Keys marked "Complete" are complete within Cache either as a prelude to uploading or because you just finished downloading them. Keys marked "Link" are the files contained in your Upload folder. Pressing the buttons at the top will toggle displaying or not displaying that type of file, so you can zero in on exactly what you want to see.

Share's design is eminently logical and a vast improvement over Winny. Using Winny was a black art that no one ever fully mastered, but Share gives you a lot more control, and seems to turn up, and download the files much faster.
Keys marked "Complete" have completely been converted to Cache often as a prelude to uploading them.

A little addition to avoid confusion since that's primarily what he was asking about: keys marked Complete just mean they are complete in the cache and can also been gotten there by being fully downloaded. In this case they or may not have been already converted to the unencrypted file they contain.
Thanks Fuurin!
I think I did see your blog a few months back, and I thought I saved it to my drive, but I’ll scope that out again.

Now as far as the Clrl + Del, that is working now that I’ve testing it in the querie window, in this case I used (ISO) as the key word because it gave me the most results. And yes, a few files from my cache folder did get deleted, it’s working sorry about that.

Now, I think you already mentioned this; but I found that I have to search for the files associated with the cache in order to remove the cache. in other words, I need to search my own stuff. I'm just confirming.

However, if you don’t have the ISODVDs , or a list of their names on hand, you might not have the correct querie-key-words to pull up the chache names. Now I’ll check your blog, I’ll probably find all these questions there.

Also, I do remember seeing somewhere, something about; what ever you put in your uploads folders can also be converted to cache for faster transfer. So being that I removed the cache a few days ago (before I made this post), I would think that I could just add the full downloads ...ISOs, RARs..ect to the uploads folder and convert them into cache by right clicking on them after I've searched my own files, and anyone still uploading them would resume given that I didn’t change the file name, or contents in anyway?

But I think I got it, it appears that all cache is accessed by queries on your own stuff, and from there, and at that point only can you preform various functions on the local cache data. it confused me at first, but I think it's an interesting idea.

Btw, although I did kill the cache, I backed up the hash.db file, do you think I should at least restore that, overwrite the new smaller hash.db file?

And don't worry, in the future, I'll leave the chache management up to the quota. This program seems very stable, never crashed on me once, and has been more than generous.
You too, Thank you Fuurin, wotaku, guy!
You have a lot of questions there, Summer-Time-Fun. As I noted in my message, my blog is the link at the bottom of this post that reads File Sharing In Japan.

Now, I think you already mentioned this; but I found that I have to search for the files associated with the cache in order to remove the cache. in other words, I need to search my own stuff. I'm just confirming.
There is a lot of different stuff in the Cache. The main part of it is the files you are currently downloading. There will also be the parts of the file that is listed on your Upload tab as being sent. You probably don't want to delete either of these. Also when you run a search in Queries, Share will often run ahead of itself, and start downloading parts of the files listed in your search results. You can delete these if you don't want those files, although it may just be that a neighbour is trying to upload that file to the network, and you just happen to be their nearest neighbour (based on sharing the same cluster words). There are also a huge number of keys from your old triggers and searches stored in the Cache, and you can delete these. There may be parts of old uploads and downloads in your Cache, but Share will usually clean these out as you approach your quota. In general, I use OneCacheDelete to get rid of old hashes, and let Share handle the business of cleaning my Cache.

However, if you don’t have the ISODVDs , or a list of their names on hand, you might not have the correct querie-key-words to pull up the chache names. Now I’ll check your blog, I’ll probably find all these questions there.
As I said if you keep your downloads in your Upload folder, they will turn up in Queries. When I burn a file to DVD-R, I usually make a text dummy with the same file name as the original avi listing the name and date of the DVD-R I burned it to in the body of the document. If you put these text dummies in your upload folder, you will have a record of all your files that you have burned to DVD. You could also use cover jpgs instead.

Also, I do remember seeing somewhere, something about; what ever you put in your uploads folders can also be converted to cache for faster transfer.
I talk about this on my blog. The Turbo button will pause all downloads to focus on converting the file to Cache, and then uploading it. You can use plugins like DiffusionProClone to upload the file to multiple neighbours, and block Retina Sharebot from detecting what you are uploading.

So being that I removed the cache a few days ago (before I made this post), I would think that I could just add the full downloads ...ISOs, RARs..ect to the uploads folder and convert them into cache by right clicking on them after I've searched my own files, and anyone still uploading them would resume given that I didn’t change the file name, or contents in anyway?
Your neighbours have probably changed in the meantime, so the upload will probably have to start from scratch. Deleting the files in your Cache folder from Windows Explorer tends to disrupt your uploads and downloads.

But I think I got it, it appears that all cache is accessed by queries on your own stuff, and from there, and at that point only can you preform various functions on the local cache data. it confused me at first, but I think it's an interesting idea.
There are a few other things in cache, but that's basically right.

Btw, although I did kill the cache, I backed up the hash.db file, do you think I should at least restore that, overwrite the new smaller hash.db file?
Hashes go stale pretty quick, so I tend to rely on only the most recent ones. Share will re-find hashes that are still active on its own if you give it enough time, so you won't really need the old hash.db file.

Share is very different from Bittorrent or eMule, but it sounds like you are starting to get a handle on all of this. Great stuff.
I've been messing around with Share for a bit but I still have a couple things I haven't figured out. I haven't had any search results for stuff I'm looking for so I'm not positive it's working right but I don't know what to expect.

Basically when I start connecting to nodes I have 1 node at 'Check' and 3 at 'Test' at any given time, then they go to 'Sleep'. Is this normal? Does Test mean it's connecting, Check means querying, then Sleep means nothing was found?

Also in my 'Info' tab I have (currently) ~9,000 Connection attempts and just about as many Connection errors, and ~8,000 Search connection attempts and as many Search connection errors. Does this just mean my search is turning up nothing or am I not getting connected?

Maybe I just need to search for something common to see if it's working :) thanks for any help!

edit: I did just search for the most recent SOD post in the Share p2p forum and it turned up so I think it's working somewhat at least..
^ Check your Log tab and see if there are any errors reported. While it isn't uncommon to get connection and search errors from time to time, you should not be getting as many as you are.

Although it has been mentioned throughout this thread, here is a recap of common troubleshooting:

  • Make sure your system clock is correct. It can be off by a few minutes, but it must be the correct time and timezone.
  • Make sure your firewall (Windows firewall, 3rd party software such as ZoneAlarm, or hardware firewall) allows Share to bypass, either by an .exe exception (for the Share.exe program) or by TCP port exception (using the TCP port you set in Share's config).
  • Make sure any router you're using is configured to correctly forward the TCP port you chose in the Share config from your ISP/WAN to your computer. You can get more information here.
  • Make sure you have properly set up your upload, download, and cache folders in Share's Folders tab. You do not need to have anything inside the folders, but the folders must exist.
  • Make sure you've added the most recent nodes to your node list. Get the most recent nodes here. Select All and copy, then in Share go to the Nodes tab, choose Add node, paste them into the lower box and click Add.
Thanks for the summary, I did do due diligence and read the whole thread before posting I just wasn't sure what I was suppose to be seeing happening with the nodes :)

I do seem to be getting some nodes showing up as 'Search' after updating the nodes list. Some of the nodes that end up in Sleep are red and the rest are white, before they were all red which I now assume means they're down/unconnectable so maybe my problem was an out of date nodes list.

I did have an error in the log about a duplicate file name which I hadn't taken the time to fix yet but I cleaned that up so there's now no errors in the log, time is correct, ports forwarded, etc.

I'm at 229 connection attempts and 81 connection errors atm but I'll let it run for a while and see how it goes, thanks for your help.
As I mentioned in my FAQ, you usually just need one active node, and Share will automatically download that person's nodes list to populate your own. Sleep nodes are nodes that Share checked once, and found that you shared cluster words with. Share will go through each of the nodes in turn. As I explain in the first post, you can use DB-only triggers to flesh out your DB, and give you a wider range of search results. Just doing a straight search often doesn't turn up much, because Share is only connected to a few computers at a time.

Re. your connection problems, are you using a cheap router? Some routers don't get along with some p2p programs. Also you could try switching firewalls, or see if your anti-virus program is messing you up.
Well all of the hash triggers I pulled off of started downloading overnight and the key triggers added results to the DB so it's working well enough for me hehe.

Still 2/3 of the connections were errors but w/e :) I cut uTorrent down to 40 max connections and then shut it down entirely and it seems to have helped with the connections a bit, though Share is only using about 20 connections anyway which shouldn't be clogging it up but who knows.

My router is a Linksys WRT54GL modded with the DD-WRT v23 firmware so that I could tweak the settings to make it p2p friendly. Also I disabled the firewall entirely a few days ago to be sure Share was getting through. I'll power cycle the router after these xfers finish maybe it's just been online too long and needs to clear out some trash.
Yeah running a torrent client at the same time messes up Share here too, though other p2p software seem OK. Not a big deal for me as I generally download torrents via a TorrentFlux server.

As for the WRT54, I find it's much more stable with the Tomato firmware. No need for constant reboots.