Share FAQ

I'm on Vista

Followed the steps and I see this in the Log

08/05/22 20:32:45 ERROR: Windows socket error: An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions (10013), on API 'bind'
Thanks for all the help on my cache questions. After a day of trial and error I learned a great deal, enough to see some of my questions were rather foolish (almost like I didn't understand the concept of Share), not to mention I had to re-download a few gigs after I screwing everything up. :surprised2:

I would like to know if anyone has a book marked site or faq that lists available plugins, and what they do, and hopefully has a trigger or has the plugin available for download. Found a site just like this but I need one in english.

In particular, I need to know about a plugin that enables one to convert an incomplete file past the point of a missing sector. The file in question, most likely to old to be complete on the network any longer, and is only missing 3 blocks in the middle of the file, and it doesn't appear they will become available any time soon. Seems a waste to have only half this file when I have 99% of it downloaded. Maybe there is a feature in the program already that I'm not aware of that can help me.
Serika Kurusugawa has a list of plugins on his site. I have ForcedFileConverter, and I've heard people recommend CacheDumpEx for converting. The hash is
[Share Plugin] [PDK10] CacheDumpEx_v1.1.rar 178,871 af96701fd0b13a015122884b1bd2d2ba40893099

I've sent you an invite to the Share EX2 Users Club. We've been chatting about plugins a bit there.

Aachen, I haven't come across an encrypting plugin, but I can take a look around.

Unfortunately, the png file you posted shows us a list of User IDs on the far left. If you posted a list with the names of the actual plugins, it might make it easier for me to identify what they do.
Aachen, that's a pretty comprehensive list. There doesn't seem to be an encrypting plugin on that list. Some of the more interesting plugins are DiffusionProClone to speed up uploads, Dynamic Priority to sort your downloads, and CacheDumpEx for converting files with bad blocks. KensakuButton allows you to call up web based search engines with one click.
Great Info here. Its how i got started with Share.

Trying to locate CacheDumpEx and its been difficult. Adding Triggers for the CacheDumpEx and after 2 days still can't find the plugin. Is there a way to download it straight from the web? Or do I have to use share to download it?
CacheDumpEx_ has been superceded by CacheDumpExEro:
[Share Plugin] [PDK10] CacheDumpExEro_v0021.rar 316,495 f01b3ea5115727f05ce575dc43f9d3ec3cd99549

Make sure TESTER_WORKS is in your clusters list.
Awesome. that worked like a charm. thanks

CacheDumpEx_ has been superceded by CacheDumpExEro:
[Share Plugin] [PDK10] CacheDumpExEro_v0021.rar 316,495 f01b3ea5115727f05ce575dc43f9d3ec3cd99549

Make sure TESTER_WORKS is in your clusters list.
Hello ^^
Thanks for all these informations here =)

Before (like 1-2 mounths ago), I had no problem with Share, as I finished a lot of my downloads.
Sometimes, there's a Kaspersky (installed 3 weeks ago) window that shows up at the buttom, saying that Share couldn't connect, see if there's a problem with the firewall (I don't see it anymore however).
Share EX2 is in the exception list in the Windows Firewall, as well as the internet connections for Kaspersky...

And so, I don't know what else to do to make it working again T-T

Yes, it connects with the nodes (Search Down & Up), I don't have problems with nodes I think.
There's no problem in the Log list, and I still have 7GB free on my Hardware
Yes, I (re)check the folders from time to time
I upload without problem (Diffuse UP), and even Share UP!
but recenlty, I can't reach the Share Down T-T

Whatever I do, it doesn't work (while it worked fine in the past and I didn't touch the settings)
Someone to help me please ? =(

If you want more details, please ask! T-T
Thanks in advance~~
Did you double check your router and port forwarding? It might have been reset; or sometimes an ISP might begin blocking traffic on a specific port if there's too much traffic. You may try changing the port to something new and making sure your router (port forwarding) is setup correctly.

Also be sure your clock is correct (it should be accurate to within a few minutes of whatever time zone you're in).
What were you using before Kaspersky? Try shutting off Kaspersky, and see if that works any better. Share can be finicky about what anti-virus or firewall programs it works with.
I used to have Avast =)

I tried what you said and shutted off Kaspersky & the Windows Firewall, still nothing.

It connects & uploads without any problem, but I can't manage to have the Share Down anymore =(

PS : Other P2P (emule & Torrents) work perfectly, no problem !
Umm, is that all the nodes you have? You're supposed to have 10k sleeping nodes.... Check the Info tab for Node Count and entries with suspiciously high error counts. Maybe your node list got corrupted, could try adding more manually and if they don't stick delete the node list file and try again...
mymemorial, on the screencap in the Status bar, it says you are downloading 10KB/s down, so it is clearly not a problem with your connection. My guess is that you are trying to download files that are no longer online, or you are stuck in queue. What does the download screen say for Order and Status?

Also, wotaku, re. nodes, you only need one good node, and Share will download the rest. mymemorial doesn't have "Show Sleep Nodes" pressed, so that's why you only see a few nodes.
Yeah, maybe some files are stuck in queue...

But still, I believe there's something wrong blocking the downloads.
I can never manage to have the Share Down since weeks & weeks while I can connect & upload.
I tried to download some popular files (like GLAY's latest single & some animes) and still nothing...

Btw, there's no problem report on the "Log" page, everything seems ok.
I also wanted to thank you for your support until now =)

PS : Some files are un-checked for the moment, so I don't DL everything on the list ^^

Oh, and one last question :
I said that I have 7GB free, but is there a way to download files to another HardDisc that is much bigger?
Like, is it possible to start downloading from a Share EX2 on "F:", and keep the Share EX2 and its files on "C:" ?
Won't there be a conflict between the two on two different HD ?
Just to be sure if it's a space problem (even if there's no problem report on the "Log" page)
Also, wotaku, re. nodes, you only need one good node, and Share will download the rest. mymemorial doesn't have "Show Sleep Nodes" pressed, so that's why you only see a few nodes.

Yeah I wasn't suggesting he add 10k manually, just that maybe auto added ones weren't saved for some reason. But you're right and I forgot there even was such a button.

Since everything else seems to work and you seem to have well sourced downloads in queue, I'd really triple check that the port is properly open in firewall (for both outgoing and incoming connections) and port forwarding is properly set up in router. I don't get any downloads either without accepting incoming connections, it's even more important than for torrents and emule where it will usually just limit the number of peers and slow things down...

Oh, and one last question :
I said that I have 7GB free, but is there a way to download files to another HardDisc that is much bigger?

Sure, you can set different folders for cache and download (were it copies decrypted files when completed) and the folder for the program / setting files is irrelevant and since Share will use all the available space if needed, letting it use the partition/drive where windows is installed is probably not a good idea especially if you only have a few GBs free, it's probably even better that they be on a different drive.... You should be able to set multiple cache folders on different drives too so it can keep downloading if you run out of space on one drive. I never tested that though.