Triggers and Queries are separate sections of Share; modifying one doesn't automatically change the other.
Queries is where you just do your standard searching. The exact results you get in Queries varies as you connect to different nodes, meaning you have to constantly refresh your query to see the latest search results.
Since constantly manually refreshing your queries is difficult, you can add a Trigger, which will perform the search you specify in the trigger (eg: filename, hash, user ID, or any combination of the three) while it connects to different nodes. As soon as it finds a file that matches the trigger, it will automatically add it to your Downloads list.
If you're following this logic, you will now see that getting triggers to work depends on what nodes Share is connecting to. In order to get Share to connect to nodes that are more likely to have the files you're trying to get, you need to (lastly) configure your Clusters (search back towards the setup guide and you'll find instructions). Setting up cluster keywords that have nothing to do with what you're trying to download, or not having cluster keywords at all, will make it harder (and longer) for Share to find files matching your triggers.
Also keep in mind, if your triggers are very old, the file might not be available on Share anymore, meaning the trigger will probably never go through, period. How old is "old" varies by file type, but anything more than 3 months may take quite some time to download, and anything over 1 year old might not download at all.
Queries is where you just do your standard searching. The exact results you get in Queries varies as you connect to different nodes, meaning you have to constantly refresh your query to see the latest search results.
Since constantly manually refreshing your queries is difficult, you can add a Trigger, which will perform the search you specify in the trigger (eg: filename, hash, user ID, or any combination of the three) while it connects to different nodes. As soon as it finds a file that matches the trigger, it will automatically add it to your Downloads list.
If you're following this logic, you will now see that getting triggers to work depends on what nodes Share is connecting to. In order to get Share to connect to nodes that are more likely to have the files you're trying to get, you need to (lastly) configure your Clusters (search back towards the setup guide and you'll find instructions). Setting up cluster keywords that have nothing to do with what you're trying to download, or not having cluster keywords at all, will make it harder (and longer) for Share to find files matching your triggers.
Also keep in mind, if your triggers are very old, the file might not be available on Share anymore, meaning the trigger will probably never go through, period. How old is "old" varies by file type, but anything more than 3 months may take quite some time to download, and anything over 1 year old might not download at all.