Share FAQ

So I deleted all downloads since something I really want for now hasn't even started. I also know to be able to download from the node it must show "share" status. But I've only seen it once and never got it anymore.
Nodes aren't directly related to downloads, because most of the files on Share have already been uploaded to a neighbour of the original uploader who in turn may have uploaded it to other neighbours. Cluster words are key, but it looks like you are doing OK there. Beyond that, you just need to look at the Status and Order columns in Downloads. Status tells you if Share has found all the pieces, and Order tells you your place in the queue. I think all you have to do is be patient at this point. Leave Share running, and you'll move to the front of the queue soon enough.
something strange has happened. the download speed at the bottom most part shows that i'm downlong between 70-90 kbps and yet when i look under tasks nothing is being downloaded.this is the 1st time this has happened with me, has anyone else experienced this?
something strange has happened. the download speed at the bottom most part shows that i'm downlong between 70-90 kbps and yet when i look under tasks nothing is being downloaded.this is the 1st time this has happened with me, has anyone else experienced this?
It happens all the time. One of your immediate neighbours is uploading something to your cache via ShareUp.
Nodes aren't directly related to downloads, because most of the files on Share have already been uploaded to a neighbour of the original uploader who in turn may have uploaded it to other neighbours. Cluster words are key, but it looks like you are doing OK there. Beyond that, you just need to look at the Status and Order columns in Downloads. Status tells you if Share has found all the pieces, and Order tells you your place in the queue. I think all you have to do is be patient at this point. Leave Share running, and you'll move to the front of the queue soon enough.

Thanks Fuurin!
Finally got it working )

I've been sharing some files a while ago but after a while removed them from sharing. Those file were removed from sharing drive also. But they're still in my search with my ID.

Is there any way to remove them from search results?

I've been sharing some files a while ago but after a while removed them from sharing. Those file were removed from sharing drive also. But they're still in my search with my ID. Is there any way to remove them from search results?
The hashes are in your DB, and probably the DBs of some of your neighbours as well. There is also a chance that the actual videos are in the cache of some of your neighbours, so there is no need to take them down. You may not be the only one who is or was sharing those files, even though the ID marks you as the original uploader.

You can delete hashes from your DB, but if you are running searches for keywords that are in the title, Share will probably download the hashes again from your neighbours.

After you run a search, it is a good idea to click the Date column to bring the most recent uploads to the top. You probably won't be able to download old hashes anyway.
I keep getting this error...
Please help...:why2:

"Transmission error" in share is the message I hate most. There seems to be some kind of protocol checking the incoming data, when there is an error the transmission is stopped and you get this message.

I have 3 dl´s where I have that message permanently as there seems to be only one seeder, just those files I want the most. The source files seem to be corrupted...

But the message appears with other dl´s too, it just happens from time to time that there are transmission errors...
Transmission Error is when the incoming connection gets dropped. The data isn't lost, but since Share downloads in 1MB blocks, the download percentage and "completed / total" Size information only updates as whole blocks are completed.

In other words, even if you get a Transmission Error message for the connection, Share does not need to restart the current block, and will just resume once it can establish the connection again.

And yes, Transmission Errors occur most often with old files that have very few sources (which is why Share has difficulty establishing and maintaining connections in the first place). Try using different groups of clusters to connect to other nodes with peers that might have the files you're after.
Thanks for fast response.
Well, I just starting it for no more than a night... No! Actually not even more than 2 hours!
This is because I kept having this "Transmission" all the time, and would become meaningless if let it run for another couple of hours, thus I stop it...
And since I'm still new with this Program, I would like to know what other better keyword might be useful, in your (anyone) experience...
Thanks again guys...

P.S. Is there gals around here, I wonder??
And since I'm still new with this Program, I would like to know what other better keyword might be useful, in your (anyone) experience...
Some of the most popular cluster words are AV, DVDISO, 映画 (movie), 無修正 (uncensored), アニメ (anime), ドラマ (drama), アプリ (application), SOD (Soft on Demand), avi, 露出 (exhibitionism) and アダルト (adult). If you click on Show Sleep Nodes on the Nodes Screen, you'll be able to see what cluster words people are using. I generally try to select popular cluster words, but you could also try inserting the name of a studio or very popular actress if you are looking for something specific.
Some of the most popular cluster words are AV, DVDISO, 映画 (movie), 無修正 (uncensored), アニメ (anime), ドラマ (drama), アプリ (application), SOD (Soft on Demand), avi, 露出 (exhibitionism) and アダルト (adult). If you click on Show Sleep Nodes on the Nodes Screen, you'll be able to see what cluster words people are using. I generally try to select popular cluster words, but you could also try inserting the name of a studio or very popular actress if you are looking for something specific.

You are right! Some source had been found!
Yet I'm still got the "Transmission Error" till now...:sick:
Anyway, thanks guys.
I would like to know if there is like a share guid for dummies? I have no clue how to use this share stuff, or the best one to download. PLEASE HELP me
Here's one:

Also, have a poke around the P2P talk threads, there are Share tutorials here that cover a lot of the basics plus all sorts of questions.

Here's the basic stuff you need to do:
  • Download the program from here and extract it (preferably to a directory/hdd with plenty of space)
  • Copy and paste the nodes here into Share
  • Under the Settings menu, configure the port and other basic options, and then add whatever clusters keywords are relevant to the files you want to download.

From there you can just start searching directly inside Share, or use a hash site like to find the files you want, and copy the triggers into Share.
How fast is your connection? Are you running any other applications that use the internet? Like most p2p programs, the more bandwidth you can give it, the better.

I only got around 60KBps on single Rapidshare download...
That's the maximum I can get...
That's the speed of my connection...
Share is the only p2p program running currently...
Do you think speed is the problem...?
I only got around 60KBps on single Rapidshare download... That's the maximum I can get... That's the speed of my connection... Share is the only p2p program running currently... Do you think speed is the problem...?
Rapidshare has started imposing bandwidth limits on its free accounts, so you might want to try mediafire or megaupload instead. Getting back to your Share EX2 problem, your screencap shows you uploading at 0.3 KBytes per second. You might want to test your DL/UL speed at DSLReports, and look into some of their speed tweaks. I do think there is a chance you are getting cut off because of the slow speed.