..Anyone have score book or guitar tab or guitar pro siam shade-wake up- and -virtuoso- and daita-breath of the sea- and-ammersee-?i tried hard to find on the web uzzled:..but seems no one have it..Please share...thaxsu Nya....:tea:
Don't let HarutoAsou catch you saying that - He might punch another kitten. :scared:
As for your request - I am no expert when it comes to guitar music, so I can't be sure if it's exactly what you require:
Tabs for Daita - Ammersee Siam Shade Tab Listings (Although I can not see the ones you listed - They may be of use to you.) Siam Shade Tabs (This site only has tabs for 'TRIPTYCH', but has 'VIRTUOSO' listed, so they may update the listing with tabs for this song.)
These were found through 5 minutes searching with Google, so I apologise for not giving you everything you requested - But I hope these help. I will keep my eyes open for any tab sheets and I'll post links if I find anything. :tea: