Since most Japan girls are hot and shapely, Why are people losing interest in sex?


New Member
Nov 27, 2008
I've seen articles in the web that talk about how people(guys) in japan are losing interest in sex and are becoming Herbivores or whatever. And about the fact they're not marrying much and the population may go down .

My question is , being that Japan is full of Hot/Sexy/ OR at least Average slim girls...How come Japanese guys are not having sex?
I've seen articles in the web that talk about how people(guys) in japan are losing interest in sex and are becoming Herbivores or whatever. And about the fact they're not marrying much and the population may go down .

My question is , being that Japan is full of Hot/Sexy/ OR at least Average slim girls...How come Japanese guys are not having sex?

They're all too busy playing airsoft!

becoming herbivores.... :pandalaugh:
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1. A Questionary isn't a reliable source.

2. There aren't more "good looking" girls there then here or everywhere else. You only see these more~

3. The Birthrate declines in many lands. Mostly different problems:
-market instabillity
-hard to find a good paid job

And last but not least~

4. .. maybe they shouldn't invent more onaholes and stuff. Or there will be even more "my onahole feels better then real" virgins xD..

The last resort would be.. ship a batch of chinese males too japan. I read somewhere that chinese male population is rising and rising.. and female population is sinking (even in modern times, having a male child is more wanted then female child sometimes..).

The overall world population is rising fast. Pretty fast. So it doesn't really matter if there are some lands with decline in birthrate. We had a decline.. and if i walk now along side the street. I could play the drinking game "see a baby, drink a shot" and would be pretty fueled.. till i get to my destination with my pals.:scared:
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A man (of any orientation) is always interested in sex. I think the guys in that poll meant they are not actively looking for a steady girlfriend/potential wife. Then there are those who are worked to exhaustion by thoughtless employers: those guys are too tired to think of sex.
I heard they added sexy voices to lovepillows now, hopefully that was self-explanatory. :joker:
getting away from stupid question, which I have to admit you are the top guy for it,

there are many beautiful girls around the world without husband/partners/boyfriends,
some may say too beautiful, so a lot of guys do not think they are approachable, and Idols usually stay Idols because of the no boyfriend, and the producers want to keep there squeaky clean image,
if you are talking about the general public (girls), with the amount toys/lovedolls and lovepillows, around, and they do not answer back, and they do not say no, so while you are looking at your favourite Idol, with your favourite toy (that never says no) what chance has the girl in the street got, unless she takes her panties off by the end of the first date
if you are talking about the general public (girls), with the amount toys/lovedolls and lovepillows, around, and they do not answer back, and they do not say no, so while you are looking at your favourite Idol, with your favourite toy (that never says no) what chance has the girl in the street got, unless she takes her panties off by the end of the first date

Well, if that's the end of the date, that's your problem right there.:pandalaugh:
My girlfriend hasn't lost interest... neither have I... in fact I was (pleasantly) surprised recently when she became more interested...
A man (of any orientation) is always interested in sex. I think the guys in that poll meant they are not actively looking for a steady girlfriend/potential wife. Then there are those who are worked to exhaustion by thoughtless employers: those guys are too tired to think of sex.

Too tired to think of sex.. good thing that i'm never that tired even after a 50 hours week.

But i think you'r right~
There are still soaplands and co there~
if there actually is an problem in sex life of Japanese, I can think of only one reason - idolizing.
Being surrounded with cute and hot 2d and 3d girls all your life,I bet Japanese detest seeing normal girl in sweatshirt walking down the street or just thinking how one girl looks like with unplucked eyebrows,that must be horrible turn off for them.
As for girls,if guy isnt rich,thats it,he wont be interesting because they too idolize men - in TV dramas there are always one or more hot guys fighting over some small cute girl, but of course,she is always wearing branded clothes (althought they dont come from Europe but China,it doesnt matter as long theres huge blinking CC or LV sign all over it), so yeah,thats the problem.
And nothing will change that,in land where you can have everything,why would one want normal gf, that actually bleeds every month,and not have silent fuck doll to fill up whenever he wants?
Japan is the same as many other countries, just some Japanese media making gimmicks about sex issues for promote sth, and foreign media referred that as 'news' as the topic is interesting. Japanese men and women are wild and open in sex. Not marrying much today is probably they know they'll likely to have affairs after married, just like the French.

Do not believe in how western media portrait other countries, just like when ppl talk abt Thailand stuffs like GoGo bar/prostitution/ladyboy will float ppl's heads, in fact that is only a small piece of Thailand in reality it has so much sides that foreigners don't know. :tea:

Like that post really.
Still even if not everything is like the media shows use.. even the little right information can be cruel..
Japan has a declining birth rate. But just because the birth rate is low doesn't mean people aren't having sex. You should probably also look up rate of contraceptive use, or rate of abortion, etc.
Actually, because Japanese are on average a lot slimmer; you could definitely say there are a higher ration of attractive females to places like the UK (where so many of us are overweight) if you are using that as a measure of attraction. Of course personal preference plays a big role as I know many people who don't really find east asian women anything special.
Being thin has alot to do with it. Name me one really hot fat person....I can't think of any. An average thin girl will look better than a hot fat girl(if there is such a thing) anyday of the week. Not to mention the whole eye candy thing and the stigma of dating a fat girl. Japanese women also dress alot better. I see very few jeans in japan, and I like it. Girls look 1000 times better in a skirt/dress than jeans and a t-shirt.