Slimedog's dead Lesbian posts

We will erect a shrine to you slimedog for providing us with some of the hottest videos on the web.

Something is wrong with above video, is it not seek-able.
Or is that normal?
I'm not sure what 'seek-able' means. I could pick from RS with out any problems. So far as I can tell, the download works fine. (Or am I missing something...?)

What I mean is you are unable to skip to different parts of the video. Like from the start to the middle. Doing so just resets back to the beginning. I have had this happen before and it was caused by one of the videos not downloading correctly, but all the video parts are the same 100MB size and the last part is 40ish mb.
Ahh - yes, I get this all the time with video's I've downloaded and then put together. Yes, sometimes it is caused if one of the files (in a group, except for the last) are not of equal size in that something happened during the Split.

But many other times, I find it is a weird codec issue. (I see it esp. with WMV files)

What I do is use a program like AVS to covert the video to a different (or the same) codec (kind of like a re-building of the file). Then if the file fails to convert using AVS I then know the problem is with video and not the codec.

Good luck! :sadomaso:
Ahh - yes, I get this all the time with video's I've downloaded and then put together. Yes, sometimes it is caused if one of the files (in a group, except for the last) are not of equal size in that something happened during the Split.

But many other times, I find it is a weird codec issue. (I see it esp. with WMV files)

What I do is use a program like AVS to covert the video to a different (or the same) codec (kind of like a re-building of the file). Then if the file fails to convert using AVS I then know the problem is with video and not the codec.

Good luck! :sadomaso:

That video makes AVS lockup, so I just deleted it and all the files.
Looked like a good movie, but guess it wasn't meant to be.

Those hot videos makes me feel really excited, it always make the long night seems to be so short. Thank you so much, Slimedog, you are the almighty god to me.
Ahh - yes, I get this all the time with video's I've downloaded and then put together. Yes, sometimes it is caused if one of the files (in a group, except for the last) are not of equal size in that something happened during the Split.

But many other times, I find it is a weird codec issue. (I see it esp. with WMV files)

What I do is use a program like AVS to covert the video to a different (or the same) codec (kind of like a re-building of the file). Then if the file fails to convert using AVS I then know the problem is with video and not the codec.

Good luck! :sadomaso:

The quickest way around non-seekable wmvs is to just use and video splitting program (I use Boilsoft video splitter) to extract the entire movie from itself. The file you extract will be seekable. (I did it with this movie and it's fine, so don't delete it!).
Thank you for sharing your nice collections. By the way do you have TOD-55 and TOD175 by any chance?
What I mean is you are unable to skip to different parts of the video. Like from the start to the middle. Doing so just resets back to the beginning. I have had this happen before and it was caused by one of the videos not downloading correctly, but all the video parts are the same 100MB size and the last part is 40ish mb.

Use VideoLan which helps with dodgy videos. You can also use various fixers out there to repair the index of the video which will allow better seeking. I would try VideoLan first though.


Thanks mate. Last videos where very nice :exhausted: