Slimedog's Lesbian JAV (no ID request allowed)

WAN-086 - Lesbian Perverts Inside Dressing Room - 800mb links



If you ask me, these caring, nurturing, dedicated, hard-working and, um, very supportive young lesbian bra-fitters hardly deserve to be called perverts.

Okay, so nobody asked me...

Still, it sure is fun watching them work! Fresh links for a cute vid:

Get your leech on!
[PTS-242] 性感レズエステサロン 26 - 250mb links



(Damned if savajex wasn't right about the lighting in these PTS vids looking like funeral parlors, but isn't there a french phrase la petite mort about how orgasms are little deaths?)

[Edit: links dead & deleted]
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can anyone ID the source of this lesbian fisting clip . . .

someone uploaded this clip to my depositfiles account and wanted an ID of the 18 mb clip called "aw5430.wmv" - it was uploaded there because it has fisting in it but i suspect its from a video that is more lesbian dominate type than anything

the full size screen shot is attached below

here's the clip on depositfiles:

anyone have a clue what video this clip is from?

i believe biteme69 has been accurately been able to ID this video as JMSD-002 by Hibino titled 近親アナルフィスト/Incest Anal Fist, with 山本さき/Saki Yamamoto and 白野うさぎ/White Rabbit [?].

the cover is also attached below

thanx to the id'r!!
thanks gyoza, ramen & a beer! love the pts movies!:cheer::cheer:
ANYONE have above one with ryushare or other link?
I can't downloaded please

I have already premium account on Extmatrix, howerver speed download up to 20Kbs/s, LOL. I don't known why, my speed average 50MB/s, i can't download them with maxmium 20kb/s, LOL
Dear slimedog , please re-up these:
DVDPS-463 Lesbian Battle - Wife versus Mistress (DVDPS-463).avi
DVDPS-514 DVDPS-514.avi
DVDPS-581 Lesbian Battle 3 - Fight For The Inheritance [DVDPS-581].avi
DVDPS-593 Crying Lesbian Repayment 05 [DVDPS-593].avi
Can anyone on the forum please re-upload these. Thanks.