Slimedog's Lesbian JAV (no ID request allowed)

Am I just going crazy or has it been almost 2 weeks since a new lesbian JAV release/upload?
I knew releases were more sparse ever since Yipman got busy but, man...

Ever since the DRM change, ripping from online sources present a new challenge and not everyone is equipped to face it so there's less poster than before and very few of them were posting lesbian movies since they're sadly not what attract most people(crazy, I know).
It also explains the epidemic of video with a few missing/duplicate frames every seconds.
Ever since the DRM change, ripping from online sources present a new challenge and not everyone is equipped to face it so there's less poster than before and very few of them were posting lesbian movies since they're sadly not what attract most people(crazy, I know).
It also explains the epidemic of video with a few missing/duplicate frames every seconds.

Man, that sucks. I only watch the lesbian stuff.
I hope this is solved soon.
[RCT-901] レズのワタシが透明人間♀になった!女子校編
RCT-901.jpg RCT-901_s.jpg
発売日: 2016/09/22
収録時間: 120分
出演者: 佳苗るか 宮崎あや 川越ゆい あやね遥菜 眞ゆみ恵麻
監督: 三輪キヨシ
シリーズ: ----
メーカー: ROCKET
レーベル: ----
ジャンル: 女子校生 企画 レズ イタズラ サンプル動画
品番: 1rct901

MP4 1.36GB

RCT-901.mp4 (1400.7 Mb)