Slimedog's Lesbian JAV (no ID request allowed)

Wise words good sir, wise words =)

But sadly, loveGIANT, true words.

(I know, I know; of course there are exceptions just as there's some lesbian JAV that's terrible, but on the whole, American porn is to eroticism what McDonald's is to nutrition. And, yes, I do enjoy a burger and fries now and then...but to put it in sailing terms, I want to fill my sails, not just raise the mast).
True I also agree, its very hard to find true "erotic lesbian porn". Too many staged and unnatural porn with toys and group sex (3 or more). I prefer the traditional 1 on 1 without ANY toys. Most importantly there has to be chemistry, the girls have to be naturally horny for each other. That makes the biggest difference in the world to me.
Yeah, for sure; when it comes to establishing an air of erotic heat and sexual arousal you can't do better than plastic-flotation-device-fake-breasts, Klingon Warrior tats (well, the dolphins are kinda cute), gum-chewing, tackle-box piercings and the same bedroom set that's been in, like, 64 of the 88 Girlfriends videos and lighting borrowed from a 7-11 parking lot.

Just sayin'. :sadomaso:

I was the person who used to love The Girlfriend Films, Abby Winters stuff but to be honest, Abby winters have gone crap and as said before, Girlfriend use all the same scenes over and over. I just basically went right off of Western Lesbian porn and after 20+ years of watching it, I got bored. I then went on the hunt for something new and found Les-Jav and that was about 4 years ago and I haven't watched anything else since.
American lesbian porn to me is tasteless. I've watched a lot of stuff and there are a few exceptions out there but for the most part, it's all too fake. What bores me most is watching 2 girls go at it and you can tell there just doing it simply because it is their "job". But to find a film, thats as natural and unscripted as possible where both girls have extreme chemistry for one another is very hard to find. I find them more available in lesbian JAV videos than your american counterparts. But I really dislike toys, bikinis, oils. To me that isn't sexy or erotic at all. What's erotic are girls dressed up in office attire going at it. Dominate girls, etc. Girls with extremely loooong tongues and knows how to use it to their full potential (aka Shizuka Kanno). I love any lesbian title with her in it, that girl has got one amazinggggggg tongue! I would love to see her paired up with another girl with a real long tongue in an erotic lesbian jav movie. Hope to find more of these rare gems!
WA-138 was one of the best lesbian JAV's I've seen with white girls. It's unfortunate we don't see enough of this variation in lesbian JAV's.

Some of the best lesbian porn are coming from the US from such companies like Girlfriend Films, Sweetheart Video, FillyFilms, etc...

I checked out those companies and judging by their websites, well, I've come to the conclusion that while I'm generally not into white women, I REALLY am not into American/European pornstars. And that includes black, Asian, Latina pornstars in the American/European industry. For all the reasons gyoza, ramen & a beer listed. And the vids didn't look too good. Nothing comparable to Japanese stuff.

I feel really dirty after I've seen most Western porn. Or like I just caught syphilis and chlamydia just from watching. :guaah:

"Klingon warrior tats"? On a porn star? That's awesome! Now that wanna see! :pandalaugh:

And javerotikaz, have you seen HBAD-121 with Shizuka Kanno? She doesn't put that long tongue to full use (the length actually kinda freaks me out sometimes; I wonder how she keeps that all in her mouth...) but it is one of her kinda sweeter ones. She plays a stepmom who gets with her stepdaughter. Half of it is het though. :why: I'll upload a rezu edit if anyone wants.

Do you know any Shizuka vids where there's a storyline or more romantic/sweeter? I wasn't a fan of AUKS-005 Lesbian Pornography. That was the loudest JAV I've seen ever, I think. My eardrums are still recovering. :scared:
But sadly, loveGIANT, true words.

(I know, I know; of course there are exceptions just as there's some lesbian JAV that's terrible, but on the whole, American porn is to eroticism what McDonald's is to nutrition. And, yes, I do enjoy a burger and fries now and then...but to put it in sailing terms, I want to fill my sails, not just raise the mast).

I think it's more like truly your opinion but I've seen this kind of discussion before on these boards and I have to admit it just baffles me.
I guess there's something inherent in the human character that compels people to say, "I like this and that is crap." I guess that makes sense in politics or sports where one side or another has to win and another has to lose but in lesbian porn?
GR&B makes the McDonald's comparison so I'll follow that out. Your comment makes me think of someone who lives in a large city which hosts three or four Japanese restaurants and then says, "Japanese restaurants are the best! I only eat at Japanese restaurants! Where do you think I'm going to eat, McDonald's?"
Well, no, but I assure you that there are other places that serve burgers that are pretty good. But more to the point, if you live in a large city, why would you want to have Japanese every night? Why not some Indian food or Italian or the occasional bagel or Korean, maybe just once in a while?
Why limit your choices?
I guess it's all up to individual taste and it's not for me to judge what anyone else likes. But there are things to like about stuff from Viv Thomas (Is there a more beautiful woman on the planet than Eve Angel?) Abby Winters (Truly amateur girls) or American producers like, yes, Girlfriends Films or Sweetheart Video (To name a few, Shyla Jennings, Jelena Jensen, Ryan Keely, Hayden Winters, Celeste Star and Lily Labeau are performers with few or no tats, real breasts and - what looks like - real attraction to women.)
There's a scene from a video by a studio called Club 59 Girls in which two porn performers (Brooke Lee Adams and Gracie Glam) talk about their relationship and how difficult it can be and Adams starts crying! During the sex scene (They say during the interview, they had been in a fight before they came to film the scene and hadn't talked in a while which is why the experience is so intense, I think.) they both start crying. It isn't corny, "I wuv you"-stuff, and the difficulties they discuss are so petty and bizarre (For one thing, Adams is married.) that I, for one, believe they're being honest. Ever seen that level of real in a JAV video? I haven't.
As for JAV, is no one tired of two girls coming at each other with their mouths open so wide they look like a snake about to swallow a large rat and tongues sticking out another 18 inches? Do people outside lesbian JAV really kiss like that?
I also find nothing erotic about the r*** stuff (Madonna videos loves to show the one girl taking another girl against her will and while I have no problem with one girl seducing another one who is at first reluctant, some of their movies actually have r*** in the title.) Not a fan of the tongue up the nose or the girls making sounds like they're being tortured instead of having even the smallest bit of pleasure. I'm sure there are other things about lesbian JAV that are overdone or unappealing to some.
Having said that, just to say that I don't think anyone makes a perfect product, I love JAV. I just don't get that so many of my fellow fans, on these boards anyway, feel that they have to love it to the exclusion of anything else.
Again, why limit yourself?
But, as I said, to each his own, I guess....
I watched Western Porn before...the best is Unfaithful Series...but they can't compare to Lesbian I were, am, and will be here....Lesbian JAV thread

ABout Madonna...I'm a big big fan so I dont agree what you say, that's their styles. and they have Lady Love story aka Juc-277...You didn't watch right one, babe...I can't see love in western Girl's eyes when they are making love , I can't see western girls give random kiss for her lover when she 's trying to satisfy her. I don't know which one you watched...but all I watched there is always one lady is crazy in love with another one, I can see desire , love and emotions though she r***s another girls, some of Madonna AV have Sad Ending . I remember a Maddonna AV...two women r*** two another women, though they endure so much, but they will run to another if they have choice...In Western porn, sorry, I only see they just emotionless fuck , and I can't believe I fall asleep when I watch them..maybe you can say JAV Idol only "act" but I love good acting. I love watching they pretend to love each other, making love with smile, love, desire, not only for work...I don't need thing so called real. I only want to watch an emotional love Lesbian AV, Reality's cruel, not romantic, so who want to watch it in film again and again I don't care about personal taste , because Lesbian JAV is better than Lesbian Western 100000000000000000000 times. that's all and one thing if you love western Porn why do you stay here....are you troll? poor you!!!!!
(Is there a more beautiful woman on the planet than Eve Angel?)
I'm more of a Lisa girl. :grassdance:

I have to agree the r*** thing in JAVs can be problematic. When I first got into rezu JAVs, I literally went pale seeing my first 'r***'-ish vid (FYI, it was a Dogma lesbian hunting vid with Rikopin--I know, everything about that should have clued me in). Then, after you see dozens of JAVs, you realize a part of it is cultural norms of female modesty and sexual inhibition. Which I find terribly attractive about Japanese girls and missing from Western girls.

That said, r*** as forced, unwanted sex is still there, too. Speaking of Madonna, particularly their mother-in-law/daughter-in-law training series, they all start with r***. Some vids feel more r***-y than others (JUC-480 v. JUC-341). For me--for the sole purpose of enjoying JAV, that is--whether the r*** scene is actually r*** depends on the "victim"s reaction. If she responds a bit and increasingly does so, I consider the vid more sexual reservations/inhibitions than r***.

Oh boy, I think the feminist in me just gave up disgusted and left me. :defeat:
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I'm more of a Lisa girl.

You're dead to me!!! :pandalaugh:
J/K of course. One thing about Japanese women is they age very well but Lisa gives them a run for their money.

Just wanted to say, re: the r*** stuff, that I'm not judging anyone who enjoys it. I get that just as many people enjoy, say, slasher movies but would be horrified by real-life murder, people can enjoy r***-themed JAV without ever endorsing that kinda thing in real life.
I was just using it as an example of things that don't work for me.
MIRD-287 & [Rezu Edit] HBAD-121


Found a Sho Nishino rezu vid! :nosebleed::moe::gayprance::inlove:

It's small, 320x240 pixels, but let's be real: I'll take her in any size. Plus, this girl does not do nearly enough rezu work! :oy:

And also the edited HBAD-121. I tried to leave as much of the storyline while cutting the het sex scenes out.



[MIRD-087] Ultimate lesbian
Sho Nishino, Nayuka Mine
406 MB | 3h 15min | MKV



Password: pa55w0rd


[Rezu Edit] [HBAD-121] Relationship with Her Stepmother
Shizuka Kanno, Yuki Takarabe
644 MB | 1h 4min | AVI



JUC-688 There Are Sound Natsumi Horiguchi Discipline Lesbian Married Tall Snow
Quality Video: FHD
Size: 2.00 GB + 2.86 GB
Just so you know, there is a bit of het in here. And it's about a man forcing these two women to have sex. He's watching them and you'll hear and see him throughout the scenes but personally he doesn't detract much from the sheer chemistry these two have.

I'll upload an edited and MUCH smaller (500MB vs. 4.9GB) version today or tomorrow.

That's all!
Savajex, I thought AUKS-005 was extremely hot! Love to see more shizuka kano!

AUKS 005 remains to be one my top favorites, as far as L-JAVs goes.

As far as L-JAVs & Shizuka Kano goes, the best ones are:
~ AUKS 005
~ ARM 029
~ JUC 635
~ DDT 319 (exception of puking and pee playing)
Just so you know, there is a bit of het in here. And it's about a man forcing these two women to have sex. He's watching them and you'll hear and see him throughout the scenes but personally he doesn't detract much from the sheer chemistry these two have.

I'll upload an edited and MUCH smaller (500MB vs. 4.9GB) version today or tomorrow.

That's all!

I found it to be very detracting and distracting, so much so that I deleted the movie after I watched it.
Abby Winters have gone crap and as said before, Girlfriend use all the same scenes over and over

Yup, what you said. Classic AbbyW is some of the best ever, but I've deleted every one released this past year... boring boring.

I'm beginning to think those Girlfriends films are computer-generated... can't tell the difference one from the other, and the number of real orgasms is ... maybe 1 in 10, used to be quite a bit more I think. LOL maybe the women are all bored with each other too, same ones in every movie.
Is there a 'Turbo' download option that works with Ryushare? Otherwise it looks like a premium account is necessary since the free downloads are so slow.

Now that akiba-online has moved to require ryushare links for every post, buying a premium ryushare membership is actually a pretty reasonable idea.
Yup, what you said. Classic AbbyW is some of the best ever, but I've deleted every one released this past year... boring boring.

I'm beginning to think those Girlfriends films are computer-generated... can't tell the difference one from the other, and the number of real orgasms is ... maybe 1 in 10, used to be quite a bit more I think. LOL maybe the women are all bored with each other too, same ones in every movie.

Yeh Some of the earlier Girlfriend stuff like the early "Women Seeking Women" were excellent and very erotic. I remember first discovering those films and they blew my mind :)

I still have them all but they are all archived on DvDs now whereas all my Jav is on external HDs (Backed up of-course).

Regards the r*** Jav. I like the "r***" stuff and I just love the Chikan lesbian stuff. I would never ever do these things in real life and am in a long term marriage with 2 kids and would be classed as a normal, quiet individual. I don't like even to call it r*** because in 99% of the stuff I watch, the women being so called r***ing, always gives in to it in the end. I more like to call it something like Forced-Seduction or something like that.

I hate any Jav-Les stuff that has any male presence and I even edit it or delete it and I'm thankful for anyone that takes the time to do this for me or us.

Just want to take this time to say Thank You to everyone that uploads here and contributes in whatever way to our community.