Slimedog's Lesbian JAV (no ID request allowed)

My name is Pack1966, and I approve "gyoza, ramen & a beer" and nominate him for the title of "Magnificent Bastard"!

Thank you, Pack1966.

As for "Magnificent Bastard"; well, I think just about every woman who knows me would agree with HALF of that. :snicker:

Although recently a few woud probably suggest adding "...and then some" to the title. :punch:
You should edit you post loveG, I don't like to see that cover in here...
Also Futanari(Hermaprodite) =/= Girl, so please post it somewhere else.

Thank you
[LES-007] 純愛レズビアン ON LIVE 07 さとう遥希 つぼみ - 250mb links
My name is Pack1966, and I approve "gyoza, ramen & a beer" and nominate him for the title of "Magnificent Bastard"!

Hear, hear!

Argh #%^%$#%$#! Haruki Satou! :moe: As someone once said, she's so hot, she makes me want to strangle a mountain ox. And with Tsubomi! :harp: Thank you, GR&B! Who knew I could be so happy! :cry:
Thank you, GR&B! Who knew I could be so happy!

Well then, how about treating us to one of your gonzo-rezu, ox-strangling (really? you're starting to scare me a little bit, savajex) reviews? Maybe you could even get loveGIANT to tag-team with you...but only if you guys think the vid deserves it.

Thanks to all who thanked me. Being acclaimed a bastard (with a capital "B", yet!)...well, it means a lot. I'm, like, validated. My mom would be SO proud.

Uh, okay, not really. It would be more like ..."Gyoza, you open this door NOW! You'd better not be in there downloading rezu-porn onto your sister's computer again!"

JPTOr I'm really appreciated for lez av....
I wish you more uploaded mature&yonger and massage lez av..:please: