Does it mean 7898789 can upload a high definition version of the movie and put "No fxxking low definition or small file" ? This is ok? OR " No fxxking high definition or file above 1g." Or "No fxxking small breast or older woman"
There's nothing wrong with swearing as long as it's not done in hate against someone which I don't perceive it to be in any of those except maybe for the last one in which you really have to take the context into account to not find it offensive.
Mindset of downloader more important or uploader mindset more important? Is all uploader is to make sure their upload has to satisfy every downloader and get "nice comment"?
No uploader no posting, uploader should be supported.
The mindset of the uploader is obviously important, but the uploader does this for the downloader so he should think about what they want too. If he did it for himself, he'd just keep all the movies and not post anything.
This is the blog of nanamiyusa.
try to enter and click on the movie, and see how many links you need to get to the page. ( Those all all the banned link in akiba, as it is money link i guess. )
see the attachment, you will see 7898789 movie has become "by nanamiyusa"
I strongly believe the remarks by nanamiyusa is rude towards 7898789 because he now have to spend more time to take away the watermark by 7898789 in order to put in his blog to earn money and member cant see the original movie uploader. The credit now all goes to nanamiyusa.
For people who take free from akiba and bring it to their side to make their blog or site looks sophisticated that all movies were bought by them. This group of people must be very angry at what 7898789 did for having watermark. This is the main reason why 7898789 put up watermark. AND now complainer is someone who take credit and profit. As you have said unless nanamiyusa is taking credit, see my attachment. Is it clear this is taking credit?
I haven't seen anywhere where he said he actually bought them himself(not everyone will perceive a blog as meaning that, it's again only perceptions which can change from person to person) and since he took some of his time and effort to modify the files, it's normal that he put his name on them.
With that said, I think that having blogs where you beg for people to buy premium accounts or if you downright sell the movie on it is wrong and rude to the original uploaders(if he didn't acquire them himself), especially if you don't give credit where it's due.
Please stop your nonsense about 'the sharing mindset'. The producers do not think we are sharing , maybe if video no longer for sale producer does not think it stealing.
You're mixing 2 different things here. The sharing mindset only applies to us users. The producers would have every right to be pissed at anyone distributed their work for free since they actually own it.
Do you think it waste of time if original producer watermark left in?
Not sure what you're trying to say here, but I do hate when there's a watermark at production level and my no watermark mentality also applies to them.
Uploader not being rude to downloader just by fact of doing the upload ! If person wanted to upload video with smudge replacing text, then 2nd uploader can do so without being rude. Even if you think uploader 1 is rude, no excuse for uploader 2.
I only find it rude of the uploader if I'm not warned. For uploader 2, in this particular case, it could have been done in a way that would have been less likely to be interpreted as rude by some people.
Since you feel upload with watermark is rude and not worth downloading , even without seeing how watermark is displayed, be warned in advance that I will upload with watermarks. So do not download my upoads anyone who thinks watermarks rude.
And I would be very grateful if you added a note in each of your future post warning people(I'm not the only one against them) that they contain watermarks. I do it myself in the very rare case where I reupload a watermarked movie.
I am not a commoner of this thread but occasionally i did download movies there, and i appreciated the work of the uploader a lot ( Slimedog, 7898789, SamKook... )
I know there are no rules of "respect other's content" in e-sharing, but as a free sharing community, this kind of disrespecting behavior only hurt us in the end, since original uploaders is discourages from sharing and there will be lack of "new" content.
That's just my 2-cent, thanks for everyone for sharing and i am enjoy your work alot :grassdance:
I absolutely agree about this part...
IMO, what nanamiyusa did is mentally unacceptable ( by rules he did nothing wrong thought ), he takes 7898789's works, put on his site, remove the original watermark and then even put on some sarcastic comment about that, for me it's basically stealing and very ungrateful/rude toward the original uploader ( seriously he can just re-up on other filehost and say thank to 7898789 or don't say anything at all ). If 7898789 stop sharing due to this i am totally understand.
But not about everything in this paragraph. Thanks and credit should have been given, but I don't see what he did has being as bad as you do.
I started sharing with no return since 2002 in other chinese forum.
During those time, i need to buy thru mailing from oversea with every CD/DVD costing at usd40 averagely.
All this while i share with zero profit in return. 20 years of sharing would have been thousands over sharing online.
In China region, there are always this group of people took my free sharing and sell to other. It has always hit me hard when i know it.
Until lately i found about this Akiba-online, one of the popular sharing forum.
So i decided to share here, hope to go thru this channel let many people have my movie and therefor no need to purchase from those profiter.
Until lately, in july. I asked a guy who is selling my free movie.
I asked :" Why you took mine movie and sell?"
He answered:"Many people sell online, if i dont do it other will - if u think i violated you - you can sue me!"
He thought sharing adult movie is illegal, so i will not be able to sue him. I feel so violated. That's when i thought of putting up the watermark.
Message on the watermark : Bought by me, free sharing , and my contact info. If someone who bought this movie, sure he will not repeat since can get it free from me.
Then i will report to the china government cyber unit on the site. I am a perfectionist , even with watermark,
i tried my best to make it lighter and simpler and only appeal shortwhile. Try my best not to affect the viewing.
Selling and sharing is two different things. You are doing the right thing by reporting the website of people who sell your work, there's no doubt about it.
It's very nice of you to make the watermark lighter and simpler and only appeal short while, but I still consider the fact that it is there to be too intrusive. And why repeat it throughout the movie at all? People will get the message the first time it shows up, but if I look at the screenshots for PTS-267, I can see it at least 7 times.
Your intention is noble in adding it, but for some users like myself, this will ruin the experience of watching the movie so in my opinion, the good the watermark does is less than the bad it does.
But now someone downloaded my sharing and wipe out my info and reupload as their own.
with remarks "No fxxk logo or watermark" I really dont understand, even he took away my message,
there is stil lmark on left on the movie. Is this consider " No fxxking logo or watermark"??
I would answer that it does not make it "No fxxking logo or watermark", but it is a little better.
If this person really care about the watermark, why not buy your own or wait for someone to share?
This is what I would do, but not everyone is as patient as I am.
And share it in the same thread/site, that yours is no fxxking logo or watermark????
He doesn't have a choice to post it here and he's answering the needs of different people by making it smaller so it's not the same kind of people who will download your version and his.
Many won't or can't download big files or files with watermarks so those will download his version and the rest will download yours which means more people will see it.
Do you think i have no idea about viewing pleasure and quality of definition?
If no one make use of me, did you think i will put up the watermark??
My intention is to share free with other, if not other selling it and making profit from my sharing ,
do u think i will put up the watermark for other to contact me and get it free??
I know it can be frustrating, but for some people(myself included), adding an hardcoded watermark is taking things too far. It not only repels some(not all) people wanting to profit from your work, but also those of us who would otherwise enjoy watching it.
I personally only mention my name in the rar files and am considering putting it in the metadata, but adding soft subtitles that can be disabled would still be acceptable in my opinion and will repel lazy reuploaders.
If dont like my watermark, you have to choice of not downloading it.
The problem is that they don't know it contains a watermark until it's too late and they already downloaded it. If you insist it including a watermark, the least you could do is to add a warning about it in your posts.
All this is making my motivation low and my heart share with here.
It's always a sad thing when it happens and it is sadly not the first time, the most obvious case here would be slimedog who has lost interest in sharing his impressive collection.
The important thing to remember is to never take things personally on the internet and to get satisfied by the very few people who are showing their enthusiasm for what you do(as soon as you mentioned you would possibly stop sharing, 2 person voiced their appreciation and 2 others thanked them implying that they agree). Your life will get much better that way and hopefully the motivation will stay.
And I also think it fxxking sucks that Pumpkin Spice latte is a seasonal item at Starbucks. (Don’t try to tell me that there are real fxxking pumpkins in my latte and that you can’t find fxxking PUMPKINS or whatever’s in it year-round.)
Amen to that, those are so delicious.
Now the action of watermark removal: I don’t think watermark removal in and of itself is wrong. If we could easily, flawlessly remove watermarks on vids, wouldn’t we all do that? (Is there any question that a vid without a watermark is better than the same vid with?)
If it has enough transparency to it like it looks like in the screenshots I've seen, then it can actually be removed much better than what nanamiya does, but it's a pretty complicated process which is why we wouldn't all do that.
I do think it is rude to remove watermarks in order to pass off someone else’s work as your own, especially for your own personal gain. But some people do it for aesthetic reasons, too. It’s obvious nanamiya is out for a profit but it’s arguable that he removes it for aesthetic purposes instead of just to take credit.
On the same token, he may be profiteering and taking credit for 7898789’s work but he’s not making us pay for downloads. They are essentially free downloads to us.
7898789, I get that you’re offended by people taking credit for your hard work and/or profit from your work for YEARS. It’s wrong. It’s douchey. But if free sharing is really your only interest, as I’m inclined to believe, then does it really matter how it’s being shared as long as it’s being done freely?
The minute anything goes on the internet, ownership gets fuzzy, and that’s a risk that all uploaders take. Why are we suddenly expecting strangers on the internet to have morals or accountability?
My original point waaaaay back is that the whole community shouldn’t be punished because of a few people who slight you. And yes, your watermarks are pretty close to as perfect as they can get. Thank you for sharing all those years.
I very much agree with all of this.

He's not only thanking him for the time he shared on this forum, but all the time he shared stuff all over the internet. It's important to appreciate what others do for others and not only what they do for ourselves.
An important thing to remember is that we are all sharing someone else's work so there's a limit to how much we should be attached to our files as uploaders.
It's certainly not fun seeing others exploit or criticize them since we put a lot of hark work in making them, but the actual content of those files is not ours and we have to remember our original goal when we decided to share instead of reacting to a minority of bad elements.
Legit companies have the same problem which is why DRM and watermarks exist and why I very rarely buy digital goods.
But they have a different goal which is to make money so we shouldn't resort to the same tactics as them.
I wanted to keep my reply short, but after 2 hours, I think I failed miserably at that.