The next problem you will encounter will be that you are limited in how much you can download from them, even though you paid for their service.I finally got the charge to go through. It only took me 18 tries!
The next problem you will encounter will be that you are limited in how much you can download from them, even though you paid for their service.I finally got the charge to go through. It only took me 18 tries!
You can ask them to reset that limit manually, but there's a delay until they see it and it would get annoying to have to do it all the time.The next problem you will encounter will be that you are limited in how much you can download from them, even though you paid for their service.
Right, I have done this before. It resets every 5 days and they just doubled their traffic fro 30 to 60.The next problem you will encounter will be that you are limited in how much you can download from them, even though you paid for their service.
Thanks TmpGuy - this is great could you please repost your upscaled KEL-02, link is expired.