spam / advertising spam


赤いオンドリ - 私はオタクです!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Sep 25, 2007
as we are under spam attack completely atm how about a simple filter to stop new members to post more than 1 new thread within 1 hour, the last new member attacking with spam all over the forum needed about 10 minutes to post about 15 new spam threads in that time period. And it was about the 4th time today already plus 2 Viagra / Cialis spams + 1 sex porn spam.

Perhaps the mods could be more present atm as long as this attack lasts...

Spam only makes sense when it is not deleted immediately within minutes but within hour(s) only.
Ya, the first thing I do as soon as I get back from work is delete spam crap (like now)...

Hello techie~! :bye:
Yeah, this got really annoying in the last couple of days.

Now, there's still that weird fellow who keeps posting those Rapidshare links in "Adult Discussion". How many times did he already got banned and registered a new account? He seems to have a lot stamina but then again I dont understand why it is so hard just to post in "Direct Downloads"...:...:
perhaps it´s better to stop new membership for the moment until there is a strategy to avoid these attacks. Other sites are not afflicated...

how comes that Etemslelt can post 24 new spam threads in a row?

It is boring to log in and to see the torrent page completly filled with spams only.
perhaps it´s better to stop new membership for the moment until there is a strategy to avoid these attacks. Other sites are not afflicated...

how comes that Etemslelt can post 24 new spam threads in a row?

It is boring to log in and to see the torrent page completly filled with spams only.

database error and spam attacks fills the routine, A-O is rapidly increasing in popularity and members with bonus such as traffic jam + spam

fame has its drawbacks :ridiculed:
Wow, it seems like the number of mods exploded over night ... and red became one in between when I last checked this thread only a couple of hours ago and just right now!

Congratulations, guys, and THANKS VERY MUCH for doing whatever you've done to help clear out the garbage spam. I'll never understand why spammers would target a forum like this one -- why would we ever be tempted to click on your only-too-obvious malware spam links when we have hentai and porn up to our elbows in here!? Boggles the mind.
More janito- ..mods are necessary, as you might have noticed that the spam might explode during a time when none of us are here. It's no fun being the first one back and find 63 reported posts.
i think this forum is becomed a lot popular, and then attracted spammers attention ..... but don't think a filter can do too much, really ..... personal experience :P

what to filter ? ..... names ? ..... but they just invent casual names each time ..... ip ? ..... is enough to use a proxy ..... ip ranges ? ..... but this way you hit a lot of normal users that use the same isp .....

contents, maybe ..... some sort of script that check the content of the post and delete the ones that have inside words like cialis, viagra, so on , and links that point to cash/ads counters ? ..... is a thing that can be done easy ? ..... i mean, a context-recognition script ? ..... not sure .....

overall, considering the nature of the normal content of this forum (hentai, porn, other than anime and mangas), probably you have to not filter a lot of words that usually are used from normal posters .....

and we as normal posters can do nothing other than report spam when we see it, so all the work is on your shoulders, i understand it ..... also if was not for other, all the mods deserves a big thanks from all the normal users just for the cleaning work :) ..... thanks to all
More janito- ..mods are necessary, as you might have noticed that the spam might explode during a time when none of us are here. It's no fun being the first one back and find 63 reported posts.

after my first day I can imagine what you mean...