
with you...
Apr 8, 2007
Today I ran into the same ridiculously long SPAM in two different threads. I just searched and found there have been 12 posted so far, all by "fashion888". I know it's probably impossible to block all SPAM, but, well, whatever you can do would be appreciated. Particularly on the "Jr. Idols CP...or not?" thread, we're having a serious and rather grim discussion, and this annoying wall of SPAM suddenly appears in the middle. :destroy:
They are all came from the same name "Fashion". We have banned a few of spambots in these 2 days. However, that spambot doesn't give up at all! It keeps registering to the forum again & again by using different usernames (always involved with the term "fashion" though).

I wonder if there's any method to stop this spambot from registering to the forum....:destroy:
Yea today it was fashion888

Annoying, but we will always delete them if were online.
you cannot cersci the word of fashion...and the URL...
all have to done by hand...and this is not easy for a big forum like AKIBA-Online
better have the minds of fun to catching it

good luck
This is when the mass spam deletion function is so useful.
Purge all posts of a specific user and perma ban him all in one fell swoop.

Yea Denamic I can imagine you having fun with that!!!


Denamic does have a bit of a sadistic streak, doesn't he? It shows in his avatar. :evillaugh:
The effort it took him to create all those threads versus the 3 or 4 clicks it took me to delete all his posts and ban him makes a beautiful contrast.
You just had to do it, didn't you, guy? :snicker: