spelling errors: how many is too many?


Jun 6, 2008
I have a friend from school and i showed him a forum site (not this one).
And he typed for the introduction thread and i quote " My BOi heeaso-kun shpwed me dis site its mad cool ad i lik it lolol"

This is too many errors right?
I have a friend from school and i showed him a forum site (not this one).
And he typed for the introduction thread and i quote " My BOi heeaso-kun shpwed me dis site its mad cool ad i lik it lolol"

This is too many errors right?

They aren't really spelling errors, more like the kind of crappy English youths use in their text messages.
"shpwed" means showed, obviously.

It could also be that your friend wrote the message like that to entice some trolling.
That isn't any spelling error, that is spelling murder.
Generally, though, I'd say one error is too much.
But if the speller in question actually made an effort spelling it and the error is just an honest mistake or a missed keystroke, I forgive them.
The moment someone starts spelling with numbers and replacing words with letters, I instantly classify him as a tit.
Yea, I hate it when people start typing like that.
Some of them think it's cool and fun but I think that's just downright stupid.
My time is wasted deciphering their stupid message.
mobile texter try to save time with all 36word in 9 number
feels like another system of secert codes

i believe as long as mobile phone are in well used by public ,that types of poster will "stay alive" unless smeone tell them off:shoot2: