Splitting 16+ IV board into 16-17 and 18+.


New Member
Jul 19, 2008
Dear All,

In the past few months more and more videos in the 16+ IV section have featured models that are clearly over 18, this is obvious from the content of the videos. While I do not object to these videos, I feel that they belong in a separate board to the videos featuring 16-17 year olds. It is now hard to find models of the ages 16-17 in this board, because most of the videos are 18+. The main problem I have with 18+ Idol Videos is that they are not pushing any boundaries, that's why I like watching the 16-17 videos, because they are pushing boundaries, getting increasingly more racy while still staying legal. This is why I think the board should be split, because all the great 16-17 videos are being drowned under a sea of 18+ videos.

Thank You,



Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 7, 2006
How about utilising the tag system?

For example, tagging those videos that are a 16-17 girl with an "U18" tag...


Dec 27, 2007
I thought the whole "no one uses their real age anyway" thread really shot this idea down. Personally as a new member (I guess I'm not so new anymore) and a chronic leecher, I humbly keep my suggestions to myself and defer to the more senior members.:bow-pray:


New Member
Apr 1, 2007
Splitting them seems kind of pointless to me.

Is there really much physical difference between a 17 year old and a 19 year old girl?

Or do you just have some sort of obsessive compulsive need to have the boards be arranged according to the laws in your country?


loves Tada Mizuho only...
Apr 2, 2008
I think tagging will do the job...
Plus splitting the board requires extra programming...
Just my humble opinion only...


Apr 14, 2008
Splitting them seems kind of pointless to me

Or do you just have some...need to have the boards be arranged according to the laws in your country?

I think that's precisely the point the OP was making. When the girls are over 18, anything goes - they can f**k a donkey if they want, and someone can film it and produce the video legally.

With the (draconian?) laws on the books in some countries, the real boundary-pushing action happens in the U18 market. I agree with you that the physical differences between a 17 and 19 year old girl are virtually nil.

Of course, as was stated earlier, if the girls are lying about their age, this point may be moot.

In any case, if tagging would suffice same dividing the forums, then it seems the way to go.