Taiwan earthquake


hypocrite critic
Dec 9, 2006
Any of you guys had their internet connection being affected by the Taiwan earthquake? My downloads are slowing down like crazy...I'm staying Malaysia right now for holidays and a lot of disturbance in the line.:abandoned:

Any one of you got the same problem?
I didn't even hear of the earthquake. o_o;

Did a lot of people get hurt?
i only know they effect the internet connections for the whole world, maybe some parts of it. I'm not too sure about the casualties though.
Really kick you in the nuts doesn't it! :abandoned:
hmm... yeah, at that time i can't browse but torrent still ok, though a little bit slow. i lived in singapore btw.
Online gamer Daniel Lee, 28, said he was suffering in Hong Kong because he couldn't spend his usual eight to 10 hours a day playing games on the Internet.

"Most online games are routed through Taiwan, and now I can't play any of them. I can't contact a lot of people because my e-mail is down. It's a hassle and it's depressing, but I can't do anything about it," said Lee, who's unemployed.

^ loser