teach me pls!!!


Apr 15, 2007
im a 17 year old boy.:hero:
STANDING:still a virgin!!!:abandoned2:
about to get in college.so im going to the city to study.
(im from the philippines so theres no junior HS)
now the problem.....
im :notagain2: an OTAKU guy who likes to be w/ his computer for a long time,who needs tips on how to find a great girl,start dating,and eventually have the first base(sex).

your responce will be greatly honored.:bow-pray:

and for my sexual background pls refere to this link codename:NEONWORKS....http://www.akiba-online.com/forum/showthread.php?t=231&page=7
Can't really help you with any tactics, since I don't have any.
I seem to draw girls to me anyway.

Anyways, I have are two guidelines to follow to successfully score.
  1. Hygiene. Nothing says 'I'm not filthy' like not smelling or not having white goo in your teeth.
  2. Confidence. Not stuttering and being blunt and straightforward helps with building that 'manly' image womans usually like.

The rest is up to you.
It may seem simple.. but that's because it is.
Once you have confidence, everything else should come naturally.
And if you don't stink, they won't run away.

Also, don't go straight for the booty. Make friends with her and build from there.
Lol, actually, teach me pls is a name of one CCS Doujin XD

Back to the subject, I guess you just had some (real) bad luck back there, buddy.
Believe me, being an otaku is not a deadly problem. If you like it, just go after otaku girls, most of them are just searching for nice guys to share some of their interests.

Also, I dated some girls that liked yaoi, and most of them don't have any problem to talk about sex. But just don't go straight forward to this topic.

Just be a fun and nice guy, and be a friend. That's all.
umm well first of all, don't bring up anything otaku.

certain girls enjoy being flattered.

interestingly enough teenage girls are more into sex than those that are in their 20s now a days so it shouldn't be too hard. You just have to go out of the way for the girl 100% focus is on them. which is also the way to get a gf. keep in mind girls have their dignity and still have morals, so you have to be a couple. one night stands are for girls in their late 20s.

it's not going to happen overnight. do not expect it or else you're not going to be getting it.

plus girls make the first move. so don't be pushing for sex.

also first base is "making out", not sex. you got it backwards and if you think about it backwards you're gonna get smacked.

of course if you're anti-social (ie like to be in front of your computer) you need to change.
yup a into change.and im working on my confedence,cuz im kinda shy...some girl prefer shy boys cuz they say there cute(thats what my friends said{all girls that have interest in me}) but im kinda tall so cute aint working for me.

pls try the link i put on,theres another problem there.
Hey take a look at my sig :evillaugh: anyway which college are you going into ? what course? and what is your preference in girls? I need to know these things before i can give you advice :goodboy:
im going to ADAMSON UNIVERSITY, computer engineering is my cource.

I like cute,beautiful,sexy girls w/ cute or interesting personality....and also kinda naught at the same time. HEHEHE
One more thing... Don't wait ! Or you'll end as an old pervert like me :evillaugh:
Don't take this the wrong way (any of you) but if you are an otaku, that is a serious no-no when finding an attractive woman. It's funny because I was out taking some photos of items in Akihabara and ran into a fairly unattractive woman who was only visiting Japan. She was big, round, and was a self-proclaimed otaku (trust me, calling yourself an otaku is NOT a good thing). She is just one of many of these types of people that I did meet.

It's all good and what-not if you are into something and have no other hobby or interest, but keep in mind that if you are obsessive over one thing or another, then you're not going to find yourself a good girl and you'll only be receiving pity sex at best (hookers don't count).

So here's what I suggest from a fat white guy in Yokohama to you:

1. Clean yourself up - don't go for more than a day without a shower

2. Smell nice, NOT OVERPOWERING. Don't believe the hype from those Axe body spray commercials. If a woman can smell your body-spray down the hall then you are using too much.

3. Do -NOT- talk about anime, that is a major turn off to damn near everyone on the planet except a small group of people. Remember, while you and I know that anime is actually something that isn't for children (sometimes), the rest of the planet see's you like this "Oh wow.. he's a college student... and he still watches cartoons... yea, I'm NOT going to call him to come to the party, what a looser"

4. You love your computer, that's great. So do I. But for the love of god, don't spend your life on it and don't think "if I can just meet that girl from the internet" cuz y'know what? You won't. Don't make me post photos of the 'things' I've met because of the internet. That crap stopped a LONG time ago. Get out and take a walk around campus. Get involved in some clubs that are NOT anime related, go and play a sport even if it's ultimate frisbee. There's nothing that's a bigger turn-off than a geek who doesn't have any interest in physical stuff.

Let's see.... don't mention anime.... get some sun.... wash your freakin' body.... OH YES!

5. SHAVE! For the love of everything holy SHAVE YOUR FACE! (Might want to trim everything down South as well) Nobody wants to date you if you look like you just woke up from a coma.

6. This is the last thing I'll say... do NOT be too eager. I know a gent in Canada (actually he just finished off at UBC in the Japanese program) who is TOO EAGER. The first (and last) time he got ANYTHING was a pity blowjob from some other girl that he was studying with in the Japanese program and y'know what? She was pimply-faced, 240lbs and an anime-geek. Do NOT stoop to it. Trust me, you'll regret it for the rest of your life.

Best of luck to you and if you need more advice... well.... there's always MSN. But... yea...

5. SHAVE! For the love of everything holy SHAVE YOUR FACE! (Might want to trim everything down South as well) Nobody wants to date you if you look like you just woke up from a coma.
I disagree.
Do what suits you best.
Ask for opinions if you have to.
I, for one, look good in the stubs and/or a short beard.
Fair enough Denamic. I myself have a goatee:

However not many can pull off stubble and in the wrong hands (or on the wrong cheek - and all too often) it makes you look like a hobo. As it is right now I haven't shaved in 7 days and I look like a ragamuffin!

Use discretion and ask people who are NOT related to you if you look good or not (better yet, ask someone who has good dealings with women, or even better, as a WOMAN how you look if you choose to go the scruffy route)

nice picture dude!
how about this face

im still kinda little pimpled but im working on it. its pretty hot here in the Philippines so you cant get no pimple unless you dont go out side.

oh and for sports: play baseball once as 1st baser, trained taekwondo(also played in the district meet.

oh those girl that has interest in me and held an orgy session:
but it didnt continue cuz my parents arrived:perhaps: (parents):destroy:
there the ones who had fun playing w/ each other as i watch(they said watch them first and pick who i want to fu*k first) a dream come true....burst like a bubble:wait:
Lots of useful advice here already but you should also know where your "targeted" girl went to high school or where she was raised. Unlike in other countries like America or Japan, a majority of our girls are rather conservative. Especially ones who came from chinese schools like Saint Jude, CKSC , Saint Stephen etc. So it might take some time to get to third base with them. But that ultimately depends on the girl herself, if she's naturally horny then it don't matter where she came from.

Oh and the thing about not talking about anime is right. Even with the emergence of Animax and Hero there are still really few girls who think of it as a good thing. Although if they like you a lot, that really doesn't matter anymore. They'll accept you for who you are but not actually turn into an otaku themselves. :goodboy:
I should read a bit more, but WHERE will you be going to University (which country?)
i'll be going to ADAMSON UNIVERSITY,manila. its still in the philippines.im taking computer engineering cuz im used to computer and its my favorite tool.
I even named my computer "Mia". I plan on going to japan about 2 years after i graduate.
im a 17 year old boy.:hero:
STANDING:still a virgin!!!:abandoned2:
about to get in college.so im going to the city to study.
(im from the philippines so theres no junior HS)
now the problem.....
im :notagain2: an OTAKU guy who likes to be w/ his computer for a long time,who needs tips on how to find a great girl,start dating,and eventually have the first base(sex).

your responce will be greatly honored.:bow-pray:

and for my sexual background pls refere to this link codename:NEONWORKS....http://www.akiba-online.com/forum/showthread.php?t=231&page=7

I loose my virginity with 20 years fucking a FAT and UGLY prostitute...

maybe, because of that, I become "traumatized" and I really NOT LIKE so much of making REAL SEX.

I have now 29 years old ( I will complete 30 in 03-may , tomorrow)

and I NOT make sex for the LAST 6 YEARS. and I really NOT FEEL any desire to make REAL SEX again. I just like to make masturbation ( a LOT everydays )

You want a TIP ?

make LOVE not SEX.

You need to lose your virginity with somebody that you really LOVE.

Make moment of your first time special. One moment that you can remember with love and affection forever. Make sex with a girl that you really love.

this is the unique TIP that I can give to you...

and remember: REAL WOMAN is REAL TROUBLE !

In the time that I did sex everyday, I only found troubles and suffering. Now that I am alone, I am more happy. my right hand is my unique "real love" ...

Every woman only wants money. Rare exception exist.

If one day you to find a woman that really love you, you should need value it.

If one day you to find a woman that really love you, you are a fortunate and blessed man.

Seek for love, and not for sex.
nice advice FHC. I realize that now.:miserable:

oh and I forgot to mention, IM A FEMENIST:moe: (correct me if its the wrong spelling) so i respect girls a lot.

that is why a hate seeing gangbang,tenticles and monsters.:donotwant:
what i want are yuri,and happy bondage(anything where the girl is happy):inlove:
nice advice FHC. I realize that now.:miserable:

oh and I forgot to mention, IM A FEMENIST:moe: (correct me if its the wrong spelling) so i respect girls a lot.

that is why a hate seeing gangbang,tenticles and monsters.:donotwant:
what i want are yuri,and happy bondage(anything where the girl is happy):inlove:

I am not a femenist, All of the women that were already make part of my life hurt me a lot. I already suffered a lot because of womans...

However, I don't like to see r*** and TORTURE in games and animes, because I don't like to see pain and suffering.


I don't like to see a woman being forced to do anything, same having already suffered a lot because of women, I continue loving them. unfortunately, I still loving womans. I love to see a female body nude , I love to see a pussy, I love to touch a breasts... I love it, I love.

However, I don't believe that a woman is capable to love a man.

A man is capable to love a woman, but it is impossible a woman to love in truth a man. At least, it is is the reality of MY life. I hope in your life it can be different.

My sexual life began when I was 20 years old and it lasted up to my 25. Everything that I found was deception and anguish.

Therefore, today I prefer to be alone.

But I hope you have more luck in your life, and that maybe you get one day to find a woman to love you.

Good luck. I don't want anymore to talk about these things again.
My mistake, all of my advice goes directly towards Japanese and Canadian universities.
dont worry

dont worry aquamarine your advice is good too.:relief:

and thanks for all the replies that all of you made.:happy2:
somehow,now I know how to approch the girl that I like.:goodboy:
(cuz on high school,im always being helped by the friend of the girl I like and they end up liking me):distressed: