Well, usually I see you guys saying this film sucks, that film sucks, and blah blah.
I actually enjoyed some titles you guys deemed "not good"
I actually enjoyed the SOD and later the Moodyz and Attackers.
But this one specifically didn't really hit the spot.
Its just the story and setting doesn't feel right.
Let's go back to tentacle hentai, which the Tentacles would attack female warriors and witches and whatever else.
But why Nurses? or why Business Women? I mean yeah, but over and over? I'd hate to be a Nurse in Japan if in my job description said "MAY BE r***ing BY TENTACLES"
And plus why are the tentacles so nice when it comes to taking their clothes off.
That's what really grinds my gears, tentacles should be ruthless and just rip that shirt off instead of slowly taking it off.
Like examples I love are SDMT-722, SDMT-906, SDMT-813, SACE-043, SDMS-681, MIGD-558.
I miss the ones where they had the tentacles squirt fluid that "melted" their clothing.