Tentacle compilation / collection (live action)

Thank you to all the posters

Does anyone else really hate Rapidshare? I cant stand that website, even if you want to become a premium member its like a massive hardship!!
Amazing, but all of them seem to be uncensored: is there ANY uncensored tentacle stuff? :donotwant:

All tentacle/monster JAV that I know are censored. The only uncensored videos on this thread are the non-JAV ones.
New GIGA tentacle movies announced:

Release Date: 2009/11/13

[Giga] American Comic Heroine-GO!GO!POWER WOMAN - Ai Kikuzato [TGGP-10]

View attachment 213142

Contains some tentacle scenes.

[Giga] Into the Body - Micro Heroine Mamorunger - Sakura Sakurada, Mika Mizuno [TGGP-11]

View attachment 213143

Contains vore and spiders with tentacles.

[Giga] Super Heroine Monster r*** - Martial Heat Oceania - Momo Junna [TGGP-12]

View attachment 213144

Humanlike monsters with tentacle penis r***. Contains x-ray scenes.

[Giga] Heroine Spawn - Tentacles Hell : The Warrior Of Love And Justice Justine D - Sakura Morishita [TGGP-13]

View attachment 213145

Very impressive! Quoted from official site: Moreover, the heroine becomes pregnant with a baby tentacle, and she lays an egg in the end. Awesomeness! :please:

See the trailer and snapshots on respective movie links. It's not necessary to say, but I'm going to say anyway: I want them all :perfectplan: .

In case Antidues didn't notice, there are two new ones I found that were release a bit recent. Oct 19 and Oct 22, by SOD. They're both tentacle but sadly I can't understand the names. They just come out as boxes on my browser.
[Giga] American Comic Heroine-GO!GO!POWER WOMAN - Ai Kikuzato [TGGP-10]

I would like this one too and will happily give whoever posts it access to my bottom (male or female) for 30mins to do with what they like. Please no firecrackers up there but everything else is fine ;-)... I'm not even a gay :-O
I can understand the regulations of Japan: but censored stuff is really frustrating to see. Is there ANY uncensored media in here? :perhaps:
Who is the professor in [Attackers] Asami Vs Planetary Tentacle Guards - Asami Ogawa [SSPD-071]? She's familiar..
[style69] New tentacles! - Yumi Nagase [STYLA-0010]

Original title: 触手新生!
Actress: Yumi Nagase (永瀬ゆみ)

View attachment 218020 View attachment 218021

Idol video (softcore). Tentacle action occurs in second half and nipples are covered.

Use JDownloader to manage files on RapidShare, MegaUpload, Hotfile, DepositFiles, MediaFire, Easy-Share, etc. JDownloader also autoextracts RAR files and autojoins splited binary files after downloading all parts.

[B]RapidShare[/B]: [url]http://www.akiba-online.com/forum/showthread.php?t=89137[/url] (96MB per file, 588MB total)


191MB per file, 572MB total

Thanks to the guy that posted RapidShare links and IdolFun. :hero:
I'll reupload L4H and related videos later because I'm busy now. Please, be patient. :destroy:
[Giga] Love soldier sailor rose & sailor Lily of flower - Tukasa Minami, Manami Momosaki [TGGP-07]

There is a tentacle scene in the end.

View attachment 222023 View attachment 222024

Use JDownloader to manage files on RapidShare, MegaUpload, Hotfile, DepositFiles, MediaFire, Easy-Share, etc. JDownloader also autoextracts RAR files and autojoins splited files after downloading all parts.

175MB per file, 1.02GB total

To merge splited files use HJSplit, FFSJ or my signature command.

Thanks to the original uploader risctakr. :hero:
L3F7 F0UR H3@D and others reuped, but I now they have P@s5vv0Rd to protect links. I've not tested all links. Please, report any abnormality.

having a problem playing the samples

all the videos that are from sites like akiba-web and giga-web

i cant play the samples properly

like when i click the play sample button it starts to buffer and finishs buffering then starts to play

all that plays is the audio...and no video

how can i fix that, what can i do?