The best lesbo/futanari scenes


New Member
Jun 4, 2007

I am looking for anime and manga that has this 2 themes:

1) lesbo scenes

2) futanari (not dick girls, but girls that has a dick too...hermaphrodites....not man that looks like girls :D)

I ahve some, and would like to know some names so i can get teh torrents and downlaod them :)

Hope to see a lot of suggestions/preferences!
ikusa otome valkyrie ep 2 , inda no himekishi janne ep 2, Daiakuji ep 4 and 5 , M.E.M. ep 1-2 , Tokumu Sousakan Rei and Fuko ep 3, Rensa Byouto ep 2
finaly somethin i like:bingo:

ikusa otome valkyrie ep 2 has nicest futa scene in my book but there is also the 3d H game Mahou No Shippona 2 ,3

パレードパレード (Parade Parade)

The one is pure futa, two 30min epiosdes

パレードパレード (Parade Parade)

The one is pure futa, two 30min epiosdes

:hope: I watched that one as a child... Complete forgotten about that one, until you reminded me... Thanks.

I think I have it stored on cd somewhere...
thanks for the great reply :) i am looking for these titles that you suggested :)

I have parale parale and is the one that started everything for me, regarding futa stuff :) thre are others but they ar emore like a boy that became a girl (there are some in the cool device series, and some in another old series where a girl is about to marry and the guy/gilr stick under the dress and have fun....but they are not so cool as parale parale).

on the lesbo side i loved one where a robot girl does a lot of naughty stuff with a girl with glasses (the robot has a sort of triangle on the head...forgot the name), and also some other nice anime that i totally forgot at the moment (same for the manga, sicne i am learning jap but i do no0t know how to the titles are a mistery for me :P)

Thanks a lot and continue to keep coming here to add more preferences!
thanks for the great reply :) i am looking for these titles that you suggested :)

I have parale parale and is the one that started everything for me, regarding futa stuff :) thre are others but they ar emore like a boy that became a girl (there are some in the cool device series, and some in another old series where a girl is about to marry and the guy/gilr stick under the dress and have fun....but they are not so cool as parale parale).

on the lesbo side i loved one where a robot girl does a lot of naughty stuff with a girl with glasses (the robot has a sort of triangle on the head...forgot the name), and also some other nice anime that i totally forgot at the moment (same for the manga, sicne i am learning jap but i do no0t know how to the titles are a mistery for me :P)

Thanks a lot and continue to keep coming here to add more preferences!

Slave Warrior Maya two episodes 30min from Green Bunny.

クールディバイシスシリーズ Vol.08 『奴隷戦士 マヤ Vol.1』
クールディバイシスシリーズ Vol.09 『奴隷戦士 マヤ Vol.2』

Stainless Night Two Episodes from Pink Pineapple


Tried to download Hentai Kingdom V2.1. If you can find. It contain data of 1300+ Hentai episodes and 500+ titles. The biggest catalog of hentai anime in the net. It is release in torrent.
Yeah, the robot girl is stainless night :) and the warrior maya is the other one...i remember teh scene where she has that mechanical thing between teh legs and then she get a simil penis when the bad guys get her back :)

any suggestion about what to download from the site that you posted the link Gaydad ? :)

BTW is any of these suggestion available as torrent? i buy stuff only if is anime..usually i buy very few hentai (except games and toywillow DVD :D)

i just grab h picture collections from that bt site, i can`t read the shape-language so it`s always a grab-bag for me.