the button "new thread" is missing an "R"


Nov 22, 2007
well, i know - you guys over there have problems with spelling an "R".. *joke*
so. the green button "new thread" is missing that "R" !
or was it intended ?
Bug not feature.

But seriously, it's just neglect. Ideally all the buttons would match the "thanks" button in font and point-size (as well as spelling accuracy)

Gonna scrap this skin anyway (at least by default) in like a month anyway.
I'm still sorta on the lookout for a clean, dark-ish grey skin that I can add a decent banner to. Then gonna design per-forum icons. Right after I finish all my assignments for this semester.
I'm still sorta on the lookout for a clean, dark-ish grey skin that I can add a decent banner to. Then gonna design per-forum icons. Right after I finish all my assignments for this semester.

Nooooooooo!!! :donotwant:

my signatures and one thread will be unmatching!!! :donotwant: