The Good, the Bad, the Ugly and the Tubby! (And: Film ID)

Thanks, Ghostbird. (Pity some of your pictures took a powder.)

I came across an actor whom I found to be appealing and distinctive, from Because I Want to Be Loved By You [ADN-065], starring Misuzu Tachibana.

Can't resist pointing out this is the way the movie started.... come on, boys! Get the spelling of your series right, for heaven's sake..!

ADN-065 Attackars.jpg

Here's our hero, playing the loser husband.

ADN-065 4.jpg

ADN-065 3.jpg

Doesn't he look fantastic?

He's tall, and thin, and ... gangly!

ADN-065 2.jpg

In fact, "Gangly" would make a fitting nickname for him, but the first name I thought up was more to my liking. Why don't we go with...


The villain is played by Moptop, whom we looked into a few pages back.

ADN-065 1.jpg

(Boy, I love the way Stringbean looks.)

By the end of the movie, the cuckold element is really stressed when Stringbean catches Moptop mopping up the floor (or in this case, the bed) with Stringbean's wife.

ADN-065 5.jpg

And then, in the lovely way these films usually proceed, the villain keeps having his way with the wife, oblivious to the weakling husband just standing there, watching.

ADN-065 6.jpg

Yes, the husbands never do anything... it's incredible! In this case for example, all right, maybe Stringbean may not pack too much of a punch, but he does have a height and youth advantage over Moptop; why don't you take a pop at Moptop, Stringbean?

I watched another fine JAV with this motif recently, and it offered a bit of a twist. The villain was actually filming our heroine at the moment the cuckold walks in on the action (the cuckold was played by the type-cast Hefty), and the villain nonchalantly handed the camera over to Hefty to act as the cameraman. And Hefty complied! (That was humiliating, all right.)

Stringbean played the same kind of role in another entry from the same series, Because I Want to Be Loved By You [ADN-057], with Rina Ishihara.

ADN-057 1.jpg

And guess what! Both movies offered screen credits. That means we can take the first step with unraveling Stringbean's identity.

Here is what appeared at the end of ADN-057:

ADN-057  creds2 copy.jpg

I inserted the lettering surrounded in white blown up from Rina Ishihara's DMM page, so you can see her name in Japanese lettering simulates the first onscreen credit. Stands to reason the next two names must also be the cast members, with the first name belonging to the male actor with the greatest screen time, the villain of this piece. (An older guy, apparently playing the role of the boss.) My guess is, the name beside the red arrow is Stringbean's.

ADN-065 7b creds.jpg

Above are the end credits from the first movie we discussed, ADN-065, and I compared the first name with Moptop's, which reads:

大島丈 ........ (Jo Oshima)

So the second name must be Stringbean's. Especially since it resembles the Japanese name I pointed to above (with the red arrow), in the other screen credit.

Only thing someone needs to do now is to transcribe that name.

In case I was wrong and the actors were listed elsewhere, here are the rest of the end credits for both movies (enlarged, when clicked):

ADN-057  creds.jpg .. ADN-065 7 creds.jpg

Since we also have the name of the gray-haired male lead (the "boss") from ADN 057 above, as a matter of record, here is what he looked like:

ADN-057  boss.jpg

As you may read below, Stringbean turned out to be Ichiro Matsuki.

Later EDIT: SHKD-631, featuring Stringbean, had ending screen credits and the above name was not among them. The best guess was "Youichi Matsumoto." The jury is out on Stringbean's name.

Two male actors in ADN-099, second one being Stringbean; disturbingly, the end credits featured lettering that bears no relation Stringbean's screen credits above:
CREDS - ADN-099-2.jpg

More on the "boss," now dubbed Grey Woof.

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Thanks, Ghostbird. (Pity some of your pictures took a powder.)

Don't worry I have already saved all the male actors filmography in excel document that I'm working on

Since you brought up the cuckolded male I'm going to add another actor I saw a couple of times who is very similar.
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.My guess is, the name beside the red arrow is Stringbean's.

View attachment 475807 .

His name is, possibly, Matsuko Ichiro
I'm not sure though, I would have thought the second character would be ki (meaning 'tree') rather than ko.
Oh, I did something wrong, it appears it is indeed Matsuki Ichiro
and westernized would be Ichiro Matsuki.
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Do any of you know the name of this guy? I know he did movies with Megumi shino (caribbeancom 011212-913 ,MKD-S24) and Hinata Tachibana (CWP-43).


I thought that perhaps he had a warashi mini-profile like Bokki Sugiura, ideally I would like to find it to see which other movies he has starred in... possibly a stupid question, but do any of you know how to/if it is possible to browse such mini-profiles? From what I see they are not organized in a listing like the main profiles, and while one might recognize the face in a picture, without it and not knowing the name it would be pretty hard to find.
ideally I would like to find it to see which other movies he has starred in.

i could add him to the excel document if you want, i just need a nickname for him (i think jugulear has already posted him and called him "moptop")
That guy is not Moptop. As luck would have it, both of his movies that Matrices cited were uncensored, and they're not always the easiest to find reference for. I finally found an online stream for the Catwalk Poison film (he's always in profile, the bum):


He is pretty nondescript, but the word that first came to mind when I caught wind of what passed as his "full" face was Scraggly.

Not sure if I have seen him anywhere, but I'm guessing the male cast for uncensored fare generally draws from a different crowd.

Even though he did not strike me as anything special, obviously there was a reason why he made an impression on Matrices. By the way, Matrices, while of course it could not hurt to pin down his name, there is really no "DMM" like place to go to get film credits for male actors. (Warashi is extremely limited.)

(Thanks, Hatsupaw.)

Entirely by coincidinsk, I caught:

Obedient Careerwoman [RBD-679]


.... And Scraggly was the villian!

Finally getting a handle on what his full face looks like:

RBD-678 -Scraggly 1.jpg

I was hit by instant recognition. naturally, we have seen this man many times, he is, in fact, at least one of the lesser mainstays of JAV.

(Now that I'm staring at the above face, for an instant, I wondered whether he may not have been Dumbo -- covered above. Scraggly also has ears that stick out, albeit covered by his long hair. But, no, these are two different fellows.)

Just a comment on the movie itself; I was very impressed, finding it to be one of the more powerful ATTACKERS exercises. (Here's where you may be able to painlessly pick it up, for shy of 600 MB.) The one who made it so was the star, Rin Ogawa, someone I was not familiar with. She is a wonderful actress, conveying the sense of despair and entrapment and fear better than the average jeopardized lass. She makes for an excellent lady in distress, and I'm happy to see she has done many more ATTACKERS movies, and I'm going to get a lot of them!

Scraggly was quite the bastard, too.

The good news is, there were credits. So at least Matrices may enjoy the idea of our coming closer to uncovering Scraggly's name.

Trouble is, which credit was Scraggly's?

The end credits began with:

RBD-678 -1.jpg

By comparing the shapes with her DMM pages, that turned out to be our leading lady, Rin Ogawa.

Second one was:

RBD-678 -2.jpg

Logic should tell us that would be Scraggly, given his having the prominent co-starring lead.

The third and fourth credits were:

RBD-678 -3 Bob Jack credit.jpg

One at left was Tubby (compare with his Warashi page), and "Bob Jack" was almost surely the moniker for this American actor who was part of the cast:

RBD-678 black guy.jpg

By the way, the "Obedient Careerwoman," Rina, served as an interpreter for her boss (Scraggly), speaking in English with the "American businessman." Very charming.

The final credits featured ... guess these are two separate names? (Not as much of a space between the two as we may see above, so perhaps... one name?)

RBD-678 -4.jpg

(And one of those names probably belongs to the actor below, who had a speaking part... just making a note!)

RBD-678 other guy.jpg

That seemed fairly straightforward, so where is the confusion? You see, the movie also listed credits in the opening sequence, and the order was different. We started out with the star, credited in far greater prominence than the others, as should be (hell, the others are lucky to get any credit, given JAV's tendency to ignore the male actors). The writing began with this:

RBD-678 -0.jpg

Now what's that? Because of the inclusion of the "Attackers" word, could this writing be some kind of a title, and not related to cast members? (The Japanese title of the movie, a la DMM, is below; the last three symbols represent Rin Ogawa's name.)

RBD-678 -DMM.jpg

The next Japanese writing that followed in sequence:

RBD-678 -Title 1.jpg
RBD-678 -Title 2.jpg
RBD-678 -Title 3.jpg

So the one that I believe is Scraggly (the middle one) actually followed the last names featured in the end credits, logically representing the least important actors.

Unfortunately, we can't pin down Scraggly's name at this point... but it's definitely one of the above! (My theory is, they made a mistake in the beginning credits, by beginning with the lesser actors. The middle one from above must be Scraggly, because his credit is not shared on screen with anyone else's.)

One parting thought; with some angles of Scraggly, such as this one:

RBD-678 -Scraggly 2.jpg

... I'm partly reminded of an unidentified actor we pointed to right here (the one featured at the bottom of the post, above Mr. Dignified). Yet on closer inspection, that particular actor is not as good-looking as Scraggly, and is someone else.


I just noticed the actor I just concluded could not have been Scraggly was shown on a photo that had his screen credit... here, let me repeat that photo:

SSPD-096 -Scraggly 2.jpg

It's Scraggly!!!

RBD-678 -Title 2.jpg

(See, it helps for us to put up "screen credit" shots as reference, even when we don't care about the actors..! Let me take this opportunity to tell you that Electromog took great trouble in presenting these "screen credit" frame grabs from a FA-PRO movie we were tossing about in the "Identification" section.)

Okay! Now all that remains is for someone to English up Scraggly's screen credit, and Scraggly will be ours... forever.

As you may read below, Scraggly turned out to be Kazuya
Sawaki; a limited filmography, and its translation. Later: His Warashi page.

EDIT: Later noticed 3nuts had come up with this actor's I.D. a year earlier. Shame on me.



  • RBD-678 -Scraggly 2.jpg
    RBD-678 -Scraggly 2.jpg
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Much-Ass Grassiest, Electromog! Boy, I tellya... if you come through in bed as powerfully as you do for everyone at Akiba-Online, I'm afraid the condom has not been built that can withstand your electro-seed. I shudder to think of the vast number of ladies you must have knocked up.

All right, you guys. Do you remember the commentary a couple of pages ago, regarding the noteworthy bald men of JAV? We have the wonderful Bald Thug, as you know, and we have that ehh, okay, that other bald guy that I lazily tagged as Baldie... and then there is this baddie (the one who was the star of the post I have linked above):

snis-343 Bad Bald Bastard-1.jpg

I didn't give him a nickname, but it would be appropriate to peg him as:

Bad Bald Bastard

snis-343 Bad Bald Bastard.jpg

Probably because of the kind of JAV that attracts me, the damsel-in-distress variety, I keep seeing Bad Bald Bastard all over the place. (If you are into regular JAV, you may not be able to recognize him.) Yet from my perspective (you know, the perspective that counts), I have now blown B.B.B. up to a stature he probably does not deserve.

Bad Bald Bastard appears to specialize in the kind of role that makes life awfully uncomfortable for the ladies. Not in the manner of, say, the Bald Thug, who reduces women to mincemeat by virtue of his pure animalistic force, but more in the sense of a calculated design. Yes, the destruction that a Bald Thug produces can be severe, but a woman may be able to get over her trauma in maybe a few months, whereas the damage that the sinister Bad Bald Bastard produces is of the kind that really gets under the skin, psychologically as well as physically, and we must pity the poor women who could well suffer the ill effects for an entire lifetime.

Now that I have concluded B.B.B. must be a JAV heavyweight, I think it becomes important to find out who he is.

I've just seen a movie where he was featured, and four male screen credits were provided at the end. (At the beginning as well, but only the first two were provided.) So let's put our heads together and try to figure out who he is.

I'm On My Way to Let Myself Be Violated - Young Wife Out of Devotion to Her Husband [SNIS-343], starring Yu Shiraishi

So the first credit among the end credits happened to be that of the leading lady, comparing with her Japanese name at the DMM page of this movie:

snis-343 - credit 1.jpg

(That shot was really just as much an excuse to show Bad Bald Bastard in action.)

The next four credits were these, in sequence:

snis-343 - credit 2.jpg

snis-343 - credit 3.jpg

snis-343 - credit 4 (Tubby).jpg

snis-343 - credit 5.jpg

The fourth one we can eliminate, since it happens to be good old Tubby:

snis-343 Tubby-1.jpg

Since Bad Bald Bastard had the most prominent role (well, it was just as prominent as Tubby's, actually, and Tubby got shoved all the way in the back, at #4, so who knows), my guess is that his screen credit must be #2.

I guess the third screen credit belonged to the actor who played the husband (cuckolded at the end - was that a spoiler? - but he was no wimp. He actually defended his woman, and beat up Tubby.)

snis-343 -husband.jpg snis-343 -husband-2.jpg

EDIT: Having forgotten about mentioning him here, this "husband" actor ("Beckoned Banana") was brought up a year later, with more screen credits.

And I guess the last screen credit belongs to the actor who played B.B.B.'s accomplice. It was hard to get a clear frame grab of him, but he had a good, muscular build:

snis-343 other guy.jpg snis-343 other guy-2.jpg

My money is on this name:

snis-343 - credit 2.jpg

(What's the "little name" atop these credits? Possibly the names of the... characters in the movie? That would be unusual, I would think...)

If anyone can come up with at least a "copy-able" version of this name in Japanese, throwing it in Google would most likely confirm it... because I have a feeling a few hits will result for the Bastard.

As you may read below, Bad Bald Bastard turned out to be Chintaro Sakurai; a limited filmography, and its translation.

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So that's why I keep losing my shirt, whenever I make a bet!

They gave the actor who played the husband (a non-sex role, and without as much screen time... and who has not been in the industry for nearly as long) second billing??

I'll tell you one bet that hasn't failed me yet... the one about Electromog coming to the rescue.

on the topic of bald men in the jav industry, this thread is missing the actor who i call
The Gay Monk
I like that moniker, Ghostbird, and am curious as to what made this baldie deserve it. (No non-gay guy wants to be called gay... oh, I get it. You meant gay, as in "happy." I guess that would make all hetero JAV men gay.)

Wish you would have put up a picture. (If you do, please don't use "Tinypic," which gets rid of their images immediately, as we have seen from your photos in the previous page. If you prefer an outside service, I'd recommend but then you would need to put their core link in between the "IMG" tags, for embedding purposes. Naturally, you can always use Akiba-Online's own "Attach a File," as well.)

Actually, there are a few prevalent JAV bald men, aside from the three we have pointed out. I just ran into another familiar face with no hair on top, and wish I would have taken a frame grab of him. There are also a good few baldies who only pop up now and then.

GVG-119 1.jpg

Here's a guy who I've never seen before, and I'm sure he is from the "on-the-side" crowd having few, if any other, credits. But he certainly got my attention. Naturally, the effect is more pronounced because the actress appears to be perhaps smaller than average, but this fellow seems deserving of the moniker Giant.

GVG-119 2.jpg

The movie is Confined to a Home Where All She Does is Have Sex Inside a Room, GVG-119, starring Urumi Narumi.

I like that moniker, Ghostbird, and am curious as to what made this baldie deserve it. (No non-gay guy wants to be called gay... oh, I get it. You meant gay, as in "happy." I guess that would make all hetero JAV men gay.)

Wish you would have put up a picture. (If you do, please don't use "Tinypic," which gets rid of their images immediately, as we have seen from your photos in the previous page. If you prefer an outside service, I'd recommend but then you would need to put their core link in between the "IMG" tags, for embedding purposes. Naturally, you can always use Akiba-Online's own "Attach a File," as well.)

Actually, there are a few prevalent JAV bald men, aside from the three we have pointed out. I just ran into another familiar face with no hair on top, and wish I would have taken a frame grab of him. There are also a good few baldies who only pop up now and then.

View attachment 482749

Here's a guy who I've never seen before, and I'm sure he is from the "on-the-side" crowd having few, if any other, credits. But he certainly got my attention. Naturally, the effect is more pronounced because the actress appears to be perhaps smaller than average, but this fellow seems deserving of the moniker Giant.

View attachment 482748

The movie is Confined to a Home Where All She Does is Have Sex Inside a Room, GVG-119, starring Urumi Narumi.


Those pictures make me sick.

Also noticed that he got bigger boobs than her.
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Aw, quit pickin' on poor old Giant; remember, he came out of somebody's womb. (Don't ask me how.)

As I mentioned in my last post, there are other prevalent JAV bald men, besides the three we have concentrated on. Here's another:

Bald - MEYD-013.jpg

Whenever I see him, he has an evil smile plastered on his face. He shall be therefore dub-eth:

Glabrous Grinner

Bald - JUX-480.jpg

Bald - JUX-480-2.jpg Bald - JUX-480-3.jpg

Bald - RBD-681.jpg

EDIT: His name translated as Pierre Sword (エール剣), and here is his page. (And a translation.)

A baldie we normally don't think of for his bald head (given other overpowering physical attributes that he possesses) is Oddjob, whom we briefly mentioned a few pages ago; he has appeared in a good several FA-PRO movies.

Bald - FAD-1694.jpg

And here is one of many baldies who have probably not shown their skin too often, you know, from the "on-the-side" crowd, periodically popping up in the world of JAV:

Bald -SPRD-690.jpg

EDIT: Possibly Tetsuri Hosoku? (From this page, claiming he was in BUR-116. Dirty translation: " 細部 ")

Tetsuri Hosoku(BUR-116.jpg


(Looks like reference to the same actor was made in later Post#180... I am removing the following from there, and putting it here.)

Note on this other villainous baldie... Crumb Dome!... from IESP-599, appearing a year ago:

IESP-599.jpg IESP-599-2.jpg

This follicle-ally challenged fellow is named Domon. A limited filmography, and its translation.

Bald - Domon.jpg


We have run into him later, now nicknamed Curmudgeon, but his name from another reference was very much different.


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Here is a fellow I've been coming across with great regularity lately.

Male RBD-621.jpg

The movie that I first took note of him was a "Friend's Mother" one, HTHD-119 (pictured below); in fact, he was in several of the HTHD Friend's Mother movies.

Male HTHD-119.jpg

He's got a very distinctive face that would make it hard to mistake him for another JAV actor.

Male JUC-886.jpg

His face and head reminds me of a... oh, let's see, how shall I describe it? Kind of like a ... toilet tissue tube? But it would be very rude to associate him with that, so let's say a... a solid geometric figure... with straight parallel sides... and a circular or oval cross section...

Male [JUX-604.jpg

In fact, that happens to be the definition of...


So I hereby christen this (as of now) unknown JAV actor as
Cylinder. What do you think about that? Huh?

Below, from another episode of the My Friend's Mother series, or HTHD-111 to be precise. Rest of the title reads "The Final Chapter." Funny how there are several episodes from this series that are also called "The Final Chapter." In my opinion, there can only be one "Final Chapter." I'm sorry.

Male HTHD-111.jpg

He's got some head, wouldn't you say? Did a very good job of acting in this movie, I thought. And his leading lady, Nozomi Sasayama, was fantastic. This is one of my favorite episodes from the series, because it did not fool around. (Or maybe it really fooled around.)

Here he is, with Yumi Yasuno, in Wife Who Gave Up Her Body to the Company President For the Sake of Her Son [CEAD-047]:

Male CEAD-047.jpg

He was also in CETD-188... and his co-star was Tough Old Feller. Can't resist first showing you this great shot of the old tough guy. He is one of the few heavyweight JAV actors who has yet to be identified, and I hope we can remedy that soon.

Male CETD-188-2 TOUGH FELLER.jpg

Okay, below is our new pal Cylinder in a shot from the above movie, with Yuriko Shiomi ... appearing in Investigator Tortured and Trained 5 - On a Drug Mission Bound and Restrained.

Male CETD-188.jpg

Good-lookin' woman, huh, that Yuriko?

Yet another look at our geometric friend from Married Teacher On a Train With Perverts [VEC-132], starring Nozomi Sasayama (yes, the same actress he mixed it up with from HTHD-111):

Male [VEC-132.jpg

(Who the hell is that guy on the right? Ahhh, who cares? There are so many of these JAV actors. Who SAYS there are only seventy of them, anyway?)

I'll bet our man of the hour has his own Warashi page. Maybe we will pin down Cylinder sooner than I think.


First step in trying to identify Cylinder. FOLLOW-UP: Looks like Cylinder's name is Ataru Asano ( 浅野あたる )... a page for him. Thanks to Electromog.
EDIT: Another page.



  • Male [JUX-545.jpg
    Male [JUX-545.jpg
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Okay, how many Creep fans out there?

Let me see all the hands go up. Ahhh... anyone? Oh! Okay, there's one. Wait a minute, wait a minute... hands with middle fingers sticking out don't count.

Obviously there must be some who like the Creep. Yes, he bugs me, but that doesn't mean he bugs everybody. (That distinction may belong to the Golden Archer. Oh, I am so unfair.)

Well, I just wanted to tell you of a series where I actually found the Creep's presence to be welcome.

He is perfectly typecast in:

Wife Messed Around With By Her Nasty Father-in-Law - Father, Please Leave Me Alone...


Yes, there is the man who has the uncanny ability to make hairs stand on end (usually, one would need the powers of Electromog to produce that static effect), above, making Yuki Jin wonder how soon she should be retiring from JAV. (From JUX-407).

Last I checked, there were six movies to the series, JUX-346, -360, -407, -436, -451 and -598... and he is in all of them, save for -436, where Mr. Dignified took over the role. If you would like to give the pictured one above a try, here is a painless download going for 448 MB.

As explained in your other thread here, it seems "Tough Old Feller" is called Ryō Kurihara (栗原良)
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This is nothing less than a coup. Electromog has unearthed one of the few big ones left, who continued to prove elusive.


Ryō Kurihara

Via the process of elimination, E.M. zeroed in on Tough Old Feller by concentrating on the screen credits of two movies the actor was in, as E.M. explained in the link he provided.

I still wanted to get further confirmation before closing the book on the tough guy. I searched with his English-language name, but nothing appeared (save for this GIGA interview on YouTube, but it required a log-in). A search with his Japanese name led to this DMM director's page, and I feared the trail was getting colder... then finally, this:栗原良

It's a go! (The second item in the filmography is this, clinching the deal; Tough Old Feller is right there, on the cover.)

(What's more the site above -- "AV Actor Wiki" -- seems to be along the lines of Warashi, listing the male actors of JAV. Here is the English translation, where we can see links for the actors' pages in the left column.)

Regarding the DMM page, it looks like Tough Old Feller has also tried his hand at directing.

A wonderful discovery. Thanks, Electromog.

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Going through the new "AV Actor Wiki" site resulted in more I.D.s of actors from the past pages, as well as notes:

Froggy (introduced here)

RBD-513 Froggy.jpg

His name translated as Asami Sota (浅見草太), and here is his page. (And a translation.) Note there is a JAV actress also with the same name.

Eerie (introduced here)


His name translated as Aoyagi (あおやぎ), and here is his page. (And a translation.)

Grotesque Guy (introduced here)

SMA-553 -Grotesque guy.jpg

His name translated as Yukio Dynamite (ダイナマイト幸男), and here is his page.

I got Grotesque Guy confused (while preparing this post) with this fellow from Panic Room With Ugly Dudes [MIAD-584]; his name is Hoshide Kodamaito (コダマイト星出) ... his page. (And a translation.)

MIAD-584 -Grotesque guy.jpg

Manlet (introduced here)

Manlet IPZ-141.jpg Manlet OBA-052.jpg

Above, from IPZ-141 and OBA-052, respectively. Ghostbird has already I.D.'ed Manlet as Ken Shimuza, and his name translates as simply Ken Shimi, (しみけん) in this limited filmography. You can see he has been very prolific; a translation.

The Pompous Pompadour (introduced here)


His name translated as Johnny Okamoto (ジョニー岡本), and here is his page. (And a translation.)

Three Stooges "Larry" (introduced here)


His name translated as Taka, and here is his page. (And a translation.)

Roman Polanski Twerp (introduced here)


His name translated as Tomita (富田), and here is his page. (And a translation.)
Please see this post for a better look at the name.

Glabrous Grinner (introduced here, just a few posts above)

Bald - JUX-480-3.jpg

His name translated as Pierre Sword (エール剣), and here is his page. (And a translation.)

Making a note with Magnum Hokuto (マグナム北斗); his page. (Translated.)
Once pointed to Magnum, one source claiming his javelin to be a giant in JAV.


Making a note with Sunfish (マンボウ); his page. (Translated.)

Ugly fat.jpg

English end credits for ADN-041 evidently refers to Sunfish as Manbou Horiuchi.

Making a note with this amazing character (三浦屋助六); his page. (Translated.)


EDIT: You can tell I was fascinated by this fellow, and after perusing a couple of his filmography's links, I am concluding he became known for the "Grotesque Men" genre. He struck me a bit as Edward G. Robinson, so for lack of a better nickname, let's name him after the role that made Eddie famous, Little Caesar. Below, as he appears today, from the 2015 movie, GAR-420:
GAR-420.jpg GAR-420-2.jpg

Ghostbird (most likely) nixed Yoshiya Minami as Orangutan Guy, but thought I'd make a note. Page and translation.

Orangutan Guy.jpg

This is Flubber,... or more accurately, Yasuo (康雄). A limited filmography, and its translation.

CRB48, Carib-082011-784

EDIT: Referred to as
Yasuo Hodojima (possibly Yasuo Hodo, as mechanically translated; 程島康雄 ) on his Nonkeav page, which features many photographs.

Making a note with Yamada Manjiro (山田万次郎); page and translation. (His Kimomenav page.)

Also known as Man-chan (マンちゃん), according to his Warashi page, featuring more aliases.

Yamada Manjiro.jpg

You know, if it wasn't for one fine member, this helpful resource for male JAV actors would not have become known this soon. Thanks, Electromog.

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