the hentai-anime cover request thread

this one?
all I have got from Gakuen Sodom / Professor Pain...

"Professor Pain" are the U.S. Anime18 / Kitty Media versions. (Anime18 including cover back side)

"Sein Lehrstock ist der Schwanz" is the German Goldlight Version (1 DVD)

"Schule der Perversionen" is the German Trimax (sublabel) version (2 DVDs)

And the two small sized japanese DVD covers
and here the special version for elgringo14...

don´t know if there is a french, italian or spanish release too, at least I did not find any cover...
Adding to the fuel:

Spanish release as "Sexo y Violencia en las Aulas" (front cover only).

No french or italian release known to me.

And the japanese VHS and LD covers, in various states of completeness.
here they are...
both titles =

Dousou Kai - Yesterday Once More - Class Reunion - 同窓会
Dousou Kai Again - Class Reunion Again - 同窓会 again
I only have got these two from the US and from Spain:

[french title la clinique de L´Humiliation is Doctor Shameless though, rather irritating]
the dvd´s only were an attachment to mangas, so there is no real DCD cover existing at all...

I only found 1+2...
hello again :hi:

can i request the covers for

Daiakuji the Xena Buster
Kao no Nai no Tsuki

here we go with Daiakuji - the Xena Buster...
and here we go with Moonlight Lady - no surface moon the animation - Kao no nai Tsuki 顔のない月...
Love Machine: Animaid Shoufu 23-gou 1-2
Akiko 1-2
Slight Fever Syndrome aka Binetsu Shoukougun 1-2
Etchies aka Ecchies_1-2
Isourou Tengoku 1-2
Angel of Darkness aka Injuu Kyoushi_1-4
Sacrilege aka Rejuvenation_1-2
Shoyonoido Makoto-chan_1-2

A Forbidden Time aka Kodomo no Jikan_4((only episode 4))

all those i've got cover,but they all was 2 episode in one cover,it would be great if you guys can find all cover one episode for one cover. sorry a lots list here.