The Shy or Relutant Nurse: disappearing character?


Active Member
Feb 27, 2013
Long ago the staple of nurse stories/videos was a rule-following, good girl nurse who would never dream of sexual interaction with a patient. But--usually while giving a sponge bath--she encounters a needy cock attached to a vulnerable or insistent patient. Her curiosity is aroused, she engages in incremental compromises, eventually leading to a blowjob. At the end of the scene she would regret her decision and be shocked at her own actions.

That could be its own short video, or the opening scene in a story that would lead to more compromises and eventual blackmail by a group of patients, interns, doctors or other nurses. A standard plot twenty years ago.

When is the last time you saw that opening scene played out in a video? Today's nurses seem to be only reluctant about getting caught by the hospital administration (of course, I'm only guessing, since I don't understand the dialog). They are sexually active from the start.

Has it become as rare as I think? If you're a fan of the nurse genre, where would you go to find the shy or reluctant nurse?


Akiba Citizen
Jan 20, 2012
Beautifully described. Overall, though, depressing... if this is what has come to be. If I want to see women unrealistically giving in far too easily, I would stick with stupid American porn.

I have never singled out the nurse genre in particular; in my case, if a JAV involved nurses, so be it. Yet I guess you were exaggerating when you wrote the less consensual type of nurse was seen twenty years ago (and I have no doubt you are right about that; what I have trouble believing is that the slant shifted shortly afterwards. I hope such isn't the case, and that this shift appeared much more recently).

I guess there is no one place to turn to, in order to single out the shy/reluctant nurses... whenever we encounter a nurse movie (at least the older ones, if you are correct that almost all of the newer ones feature aggressive nurses), I'd imagine it becomes pot luck, to see how the character of the nurse(s) has been treated.

Perhaps this thread of Leebar's should evolve into one where we can put up suggestions of JAVs with the less willing nurses.

Well... I was going to end it here, as I didn't feel like doing research. But now I feel kind of guilty about not getting the ball rolling, so let me provide a less-than-perfect example.

In this one, we do not see the "incremental compromises," as Leebar put it so terrifically, but a shy nurse that has already been transformed. And even though not every one in its series has been done well, the one thing I like about the "Real Video" series is that the villains exercise even more power upon their victims by making a distinct point of recording their sexploits.

Raw Footage - Obedient Cream Pie Nurse [KNCS-028], starring Hitomi Kitagawa


Bad boy is the Pompous Pompadour:


(Awwww... doesn't she look sweet?)




Akiba Citizen
Apr 2, 2015
Nurses were big last decade, but you're right in there have been less titles with them recently. They're probably just not as popular or were overdone. Give it some time and you may see them again.


Akiba Citizen
Jan 20, 2012
Ah, so there may not even be that many of them then, as in days past. Regardless of when the nurse movies have appeared, I suppose what we are lamenting is the way in which they are handled. Now, I don't mean to be going in the opposite direction, but I just inadvertently came across these two from 2009... not all that recent... and here are examples of "stupid" nurse movies.

I Have A Feeling I'm Getting Some Today Can We Really Get Some? [AEPP-012]


Nurse Sucks Patient's Cock With A Smile Uwanari Style [NHDT-867]


Now, why do they do that? Why do they insult our intelligence by making it look like nurses have nothing better to do than to throw themselves on their patients? I understand the fantasy element for a man in a hospital, and it's not that I don't appreciate slipping into the realm of nonsense, but that sort of thing can only go so far.

Naturally, I can't think of a better way for a nurse to lead her patient on the road to recovery, by offering herself so freely, and I'd LIKE to think there are such dedicated nurses who only think of their patients' well-being... but something tells me such nurses just may be a little hard to find.



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Mar 22, 2008
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Akiba Citizen
Jan 20, 2012
Casshern2 has pointed to one big, fat nurse series, going on from 2009 (I think) until the present. And he sure is right, we do not want our women (whether nurses or not) to act shy... but in my opinion, only after the breakthrough has been made. I think the point Leebar was making, and one I'm obviously in agreement with, is that there has to be realism with the breakthrough stage. Would not make sense for the nurse (or, really, any woman) to be aggressive from the start.

It seems this series is a different animal,, from what I can make out of the screen shots? White Gown Angel and Fucking (or, as R18 calls the series, Sex With an Angel in White) does not seem to me like a "story" vehicle, but a variation (although not exactly) of the Girls Do Porn theme where women are being spotlighted in AVs, only these women just happen to be wearing nurse outfits in hospital settings. Last one to date, UFD-056, has this translated description:

The reason for this shooting, serious unfussy nurse Juri's. Although she is quiet and modest is usually, things are aggressive and begin to spear a hand on the crotch of here while entangled the soggy tongue if Kiss, also caress the pole while massaged the breast, the nipple of erogenous zones "licking want ♪ "and scrounge. As early when shifting the pants are leaking love juice, and Acme while messing with nipple yourself if finger fuck. The last is received by your mouth, us cleanse in cleaning Blow. Such Juri's the first time show was serious sexual intercourse, this is not to be missed.

So she is well past the "needing to get persuaded" stage, and knows what she is in for.

Here is an example I just ran into where the nurses show reluctance, if we may believe the promise of the title:

Inexperienced R.N. On the Night Shift After Patients Have Fallen Asleep, Feeling Her Up and So Despite Reluctance, She Will Keep Her Voice Down 2 [NHDT-919], with Megumi Shino and Miharu Izawa (Miwa Nagao)


Nurse to the devoted care and I think that for the patient. When was the nurse is naive .... Gradually escalate the request marinated to the fact that the body is crippled. In addition, it is not permitted space of silence that night shift issues a voice, blame the nurse kiss do not know how otherwise noted, hand Man, in Blow and compliant .... Eventually become a prisoner of pleasure, while I do not think it should go the body is beginning to feel ....


While the translated description as well as photos (such as what is above) support the claim of "reluctance," oddly, R18 has made the nurses out to be the aggressors with their choice of title wording: Nurses Assaulting Patients As They Sleep At Night 2

Given how the above has been numbered "2," there must have been at least a "1," and indeed there was one more to the series, NHDT-874:



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Akiba Citizen
Jan 20, 2012
With the idea of nursing this thread, ran into an oldie-goodie (from 2011), and figured it could not do too much harm were I to make mention.

Only thing I recall about this one was that I was left with the feeling the movie was odd... I don't even remember whether I liked it, and will need to watch the goings-on again. The movie does benefit by a wonderful cast, however.

As far as its connection to this thread, at the very least, the nurses do not seem to be very happy about getting taken. From the translated description, it sounds like a horror movie.

"Spree committed by men of the devil by the drug has been developed in the old hospital"!

Sounds like something along the mold of THE CRAZIES, only the mindless drug-infected "monsters" are out for sex. Isn't that a great theme for a horror movie? Can you think of any that have used this theme? Not too many, are there... given that the topic (sex, and the kind verging on r***) is too uncomfortable. David Cronenberg's (I think it was his first) movie was brave enough to utilize the theme, but then again, it was the looser 1970s. I did see a more recent movie where people, especially college students, offered to put themselves up as guinea pigs for a new drug, in exchange for pay, and when things went wrong, their minds turned sexual. (It's always more interesting when the women in this type of fare go off the deep, sexual end.) I say there should be more movies like these!


Humiliation Ward [STAR-245], also starring Ai Haneda, Hitomi Ebihara, Nina Hinata, Tachibana, Noa, Natsumi Horiguchi and Rui Saotome (AKA "Sex Slave in a White Gown")


Having run a search in our archives (and while I did not open up every link), I did not get a good feeling about the movie's availability. A general search may tell a different tale. In any event, I see I had offered a painless way to get the entire four-hour movie over two years ago, and I'm delighted to see the great Userporn link is alive and well. First set of screen shots are still working, too.

STAR-245 Scene.jpg

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