The Ultimate Loli Thread

A few days ago I discovered some upcoming releases. The trailers for these have been getting me so worked up.
:aghh: I made some gifs: Nagomi (APAK-102) Kaede Aoshima (MUM-163)

Kaede also has one other video ZEX-270.
Anyone who recognizes the male star in this video knows he's packin' a big one. Well unfortunately for Kaede, he's made it his mission in life to get balls deep into her. :eek: Yikes! Despite being only 143 cm she takes it well and actually enjoys it!

With her perfect loli body she's quickly become my fav surpassing Shuna Kagami.
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APAK-102 is out!

The trailer was no joke... those guys seriously go to town on her. The last scene is 40+ mins of rough nonstop loli destruction and Nagomi's ragged panting is total turn on! Loved it.
Except for the very very end (last minute or so). While hardcore loli r*** is right up my alley the closing scene is was quite disturbing/demoralizing.

Watch for yourself.
"What is loli?”, “how do you define loli?” I originally wanted to avoid this topic because, even though I am a huge fan of loli, I cannot seem to define it despite my best efforts. But I guess you cannot have “The Ultimate Loli Thread” with discussing this to some extent.

I only bring this up because the girl that was posted, Shirosaki Aoi as lovely as she is, in my personal opinion, is not loli. Her looks are a bit too mature and curvy to be loli. :kecewa: I know, I know... I sound crazy saying that about a tiny little Asian girl.

The definition of loli is fuzzy and will differ depending on who you ask. I use this as my personal rule-of-thumb: girl is loli if she is less than 150 cm tall, she must be tiny and cute, irresistible girls of similar stature are also considered (this is a loose google based translation. If a native speaker could translate, it would be much appreciated).
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This is simply an attempt to quantify exactly what is loli. There are of course exceptions. As you can see from my list (first post), several girls are over 150 cm. Mikako Abe for example is 159 cm, 9 cm over, but she is so flat and fragile that I still consider her as loli. On the other hand, girls who are shorter than 150 cm but are too chubby and simply not cute I do not consider as loli. Its hard to describe it exactly, which is why included so many pics. :)

Another thing to consider is that JAV is always evolving and so is the standard for what is loli. Especially since minimum-av appeared on the scene, they've stepped things up a notch and redefined what is considered loli. Years ago, Tsubomi was considered to be the quintessential loli. But as lolis have gotten smaller and smaller, Tsubomi now looks like a giant (160cm) by comparison. Aging is also a factor. Megumi Shino in her earlier videos was the perfect loli imouto. But as she got older, her loli charm faded.

In simple terms: a girl is loli if she is especially short, petite, cute, flat, and/or delicate. A girl who looks like an imouto. A girl that makes you go *kyun~*.

Ok! enough of that... :panas:time to get back to posting gifs.:fufufu:

hmm well..... i'm a big guy (185lb and 6 foot 3/192cm) so being almost 200 cm, i'm taller then most men and almost all women in the states, where i live and i'm a giant compared to japs. so to me most of the women of the world are several inch's shorter then me seeing as the avg height for women world wide is about 5 foot 3/161.5cm (source) and the avg height for women in japan is about 5 foot 2/158.4cm (source). i say all this to make the point that i'm almost a clear foot taller then all of the women i date and i like my woman small (about 5 foot 2 or under) so the 150cm/4 foot 9 minimum is already really really small to me. (i have dated women that small or smaller before, the smallest was a 4 foot 7 southeast asian and i always got looks from passersby. i guess they thought i was fucking a kid, it did feel that way. her body was so tiny compared to me) so Shirosaki Aoi who can't be much taller then Tsubomi who is 5 foot 2 is a loli to my big ass. now in terms of how curvy Shirosaki Aoi is i have to agree. but i like my women with some shape to them. i'm not into loli's necessarily and by loli i mean preteen girls. i don't like my girls super flat chested and with narrow hips like a 9 year old. i think my thing is more high school age. hebe i think thats called but i don't have a interest in that per say just a small frame and body type. i think that my idea of loli is a small super cute girl that looks young in the face area. i have a thing for mouths and face's (that's why i LOVE gokkun with it's focus on mouths and face's) to have a young and cute face means a lot to me. also i love big lips and that may take away from the childlike look some are looking for. so i think that Shirosaki Aoi is a loli or at least loli like with her young looking face, chest and frame and narrow hips. (i know most asian women have the narrow boy like hips and no ass at all. i like my girls with some ass and the narrow hips of asians always seemed childlike to me.) but thats me. i for one like to use the Tanner scale for judging what is or is not a loli.


for the scale i like my woman at a 2 or maybe a 3 in development while i think you like a 2 or maybe a 1. 1 on the scale being 10 years or younger, 2 being 10 to 11 and a half years , 3 being 11 and a half to 13 years , 4 being 13 to 15 years and 5 being 15 and up. this is all in terms of avg development not real age. i think that Shirosaki Aoi is a 3 or 4 in the scale which is right in my wheel house.
maybe the scale will help people talk about this topic better and be clearer in what a loli is. i think that in real terms only 1 and 2 on the scale is considered a true loli, as in 11 and a half years old or younger. in terms of avg development that is.

p.s the 4 foot 7 southeast asian girl was 19 and was a 2 on the tanner scale.
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Calm down guys lol. Lolis are supposed to make you happy, not the other way around haha:hihi:

To add to the discussion....
@lordsuperjesus I totally understand where you are coming from. Actually I alluded to that in my post...
The definition of loli is fuzzy and will differ depending on who you ask.
What I meant by this was that I understand that everyone will have their own opinion of what they think is loli. Things like their own stature or the people they are around (e.g. avg. height of people in their country, their friends, or family) will influence their definition.

By using <150 cm as a baseline, I was merely trying to present a definition that was non-subjective (or at least less-subjective) and more quantifiable (capable or being measured). You mentioned the Tanner Scale, I had never heard of that and admittedly that does sound like a more formal (but perhaps impractical) way of classifying what is or isn't loli. Having been a loli fan for many years I've found that the easiest way to identity a loli is by their height. Especially considering that JAV covers will readily market the height of an actress who is under 150 cm. I think you'll be hard pressed to find examples otherwise. Examples:
mum00111pl.jpg mum00150pl.jpg lomd007sopl.jpg mum007pl.jpg h_244sama00524pl.jpg
So while 150 cm may seem very very short to a large person such as yourself, the studios/labels have have accepted this arbitrary number as the de facto standard for what is loli, or the very least a what they can market as loli. As far as I know minimum-av is the only studio to formally state this, hence why I quoted them. Marketing is also a keyword here as paipan and twintails are surprisingly effective at turning borderline lolis into full-fledged lolis, but I'm not complaining. :p And as I said, there are exceptions, for example Asuka Hoshino who is 152 cm, despite being "too tall" is undeniably loli.

In the end, I can't exactly describe it, but "I know it when I see it"... So keep doing what you do!:peace:

And thanks @shinigamie for sharing the same view. :)

To be clear, we are only discussing loli within the realm of JAV, not Jr Idols. But yes you are right, JAV lolis are not real lolis, the real lolis are in-fact Jr Idols, especially the prepubescent ones.
For the record, I am not a fan of Jr Idols. I accidentally stumbled into the Jr Idol forum and found it to be quite unsettling to say the least. :eek: But to each their own.
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Calm down guys lol. Lolis are supposed to make you happy, not the other way around haha:hihi:

ahhaha I'm not worked up in the least, it's all good. @shinigamie if i came off as upset I'm not and i wasn't. it's all coolio in the house my main man.

@lordsuperjesus You mentioned the Tanner Scale, I had never heard of that and admittedly that does sound like a more formal (but perhaps impractical) way of classifying what is or isn't loli. Having been a loli fan for many years I've found that the easiest way to identity a loli is by their height.

i mention the Tanner Scale because it's the way that the cop's and doc's judge what is or is not a child in cases of CP. anything from a 1 to a 4 on the scale is thought of as may being cp. it may not be practical as you say but i feel it's a good point of reference in talking about this kind of thing. i think that height is a good way to talk about this and to some that is the deciding factor, but for me it's not but body type and frame is. i find the TS (Tanner Scale) better represents what i'm looking for in terms of development of the body then just height.

@lordsuperjesus I totally understand where you are coming from. Actually I alluded to that in my post...

What I meant by this was that I understand that everyone will have their own opinion of what they think is loli. Things like their own stature or the people they are around (e.g. avg. height of people in their country, their friends, or family) will influence their definition.

By using <150 cm as a baseline, I was merely trying to present a definition that was non-subjective (or at least less-subjective) and more quantifiable (capable or being measured). ... Having been a loli fan for many years I've found that the easiest way to identity a loli is by their height. Especially considering that JAV covers will readily market the height of an actress who is under 150 cm. I think you'll be hard pressed to find examples otherwise. So while 150 cm may seem very very short to a large person such as yourself, the studios/labels have have accepted this arbitrary number as the de facto standard for what is loli, or the very least a what they can market as loli.

yes that's why i talked about my own height to begin with. i don't really disagree with you all that much really. it's just that all woman are small to me, so development of the breasts and hips mean more to me then height. a 5 foot woman that's a 2 on the TS is not the same as a 5 foot woman that's a 5 on the TS. i would what to go talk to the woman that's a 2 and not a 5 because i like that she is smaller in frame and just overall less developed. height is not a factor for me, but we all like what we like. there's no shame in your game. I'm not saying that shorter is not better in terms of loli hunting (it is) just that when you are a big man it matters less. a 135cm girl that's a a 1 on the TS is ideal but if you see a guy my size with a girl that looks like that, no matter the age, most people will call the cheese.

To be clear, we are only discussing loli within the realm of JAV, not Jr Idols. But yes you are right, JAV lolis are not real lolis, the real lolis are in-fact Jr Idols, especially the prepubescent ones.
For the record, I am not a fan of Jr Idols. I accidentally stumbled into the Jr Idol forum and found it to be quite unsettling to say the least. :eek: But to each their own.

i feel the same way about the JK and JC stuff. it's just.... i don't know man... it's to real for me you know? i don't want to open that door in my mind. unsettling is putting it mildly. ... yeah.:aaaa:

P.S why do you find the Tanner Scale impractical? I'm just wondering.

maybe we should say that loli = 150cm + a 3 or less in the Tanner Scale. i don't think that 150cm is a bad place to put the line just that a girl that's 150cm with C or D cup tit's just doesn't sit right with me.
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why do you find the Tanner Scale impractical? I'm just wondering.
Let me answer this by first mentioning the following:
In my experience using the <150 cm rule is 99% accurate. By this I mean that almost "every JAV actress that is under 150 cm is also loli". Also remember that the studios will boldly garnish their AV covers with the height of the actress.

OK. With that said, now consider this situation: you are browsing the JAV torrents forum, tabbing through several hundreds of torrents and their respective covers, when you come across a cover like one of these:
mum142pl.jpg mum133pl.jpgktkx035pl.jpg
You can instantly add any of these videos to your torrent queue with the utmost certainty that the actress is indeed a loli. A quick glance at the height labeled on the cover is all you need.
If you were to use the Tanner Scale in this same situation, ignoring height and instead making observational measurements one cover at a time, you'd be browsing torrents forever. That is what I meant by impractical.

just that a girl that's 150cm with C or D cup tit's just doesn't sit right with me.
Let me respond to that statement with this girl:
Sayaka Aishiro.jpg
This is Sayaka Aishiro aka Aiyo Sayaka, she is 145 cm and plays a loli all of her videos. She is also an F cup. It would be a hard fight to discredit this girl as a loli.
Interesting discussion! I love loli girls too. I love most body types to be honest (except fat/obese women) but lolis are really hot to me because they look so young and innocent. I don't mind when a loli has big boobs as long as she has a young cute face. There are lots of girls that look more mature than they really are and women that look younger than they really are so the big boobed lolis don't spoil the loli look for me. It's really about height and face in my opinion
Interesting discussion! I love loli girls too. I love most body types to be honest (except fat/obese women) but lolis are really hot to me because they look so young and innocent. I don't mind when a loli has big boobs as long as she has a young cute face. There are lots of girls that look more mature than they really are and women that look younger than they really are so the big boobed lolis don't spoil the loli look for me. It's really about height and face in my opinion
I agree, height and face seem to be the most significant factor in making a girl look loli. Height especially as shorter girls will often have shorter legs, arms, and torso and they also tend to be petite and very meek all of which further emphasize their loli-ness.;)

A baby face is the topping on the cake!:sebel:
reina nakai heights in at 133cm. now rocket could hear some of you out there ready to howl "fake, fake!". so they actually included a measuring scene. (that might have been nice to see in a marilyn monroe or jane mansfield film as well.) she's billed as the shortest 18 year-old porn star. i am bringing her to your attention because not only is she short and loli (by anyone's definition), but also there is an extended female domination scene with an amazon who probably would have broken that scale. there are also male scenes where she gets -- i don't know if 'destroyed' is the proper word -- but she definitely gets abused. i guess she felt destroyed. it's the only jav she ever made.
1rct478pl.jpg 1vlcsnap-2015-05-16-19h34m08s100.png 2vlcsnap-2015-05-16-19h43m03s48.png 3vlcsnap-2015-05-16-19h39m36s34.png 4vlcsnap-2015-05-16-19h44m27s125.png 5vlcsnap-2015-05-16-19h46m20s245.png 6vlcsnap-2015-05-16-19h49m45s231.png 7vlcsnap-2015-05-16-19h52m00s54.png 8vlcsnap-2015-05-16-19h54m51s225.png

this was offered several times here and sadly, the links are no longer working. however, it appears that there is at least one working set at the library:
reina nakai heights in at 133cm.
Awesome! I knew there was someone shorter than Riko Yukino (134 cm) but I just couldn't remember. I'll add her to the list.

I only wish they used her harder. Maybe get some "bigger" guys to pass her around like a onahole. :eek:

And while I'm adding her to the list I'll also add a a girl I found recently, Asuka Asakura (145 cm). She already has a bunch of videos. After having hunted most of them down, I have to say she has quite the talent for sucking and throating big dicks.;)

MDTM-017 (1).jpg MDTM-017 (2).jpg MDTM-017 (3).jpg
MIGD-642 (1).jpg MIGD-642 (2).jpg MIGD-642 (3).jpg
SMA-781 (1).jpg SMA-781 (2).jpg SMA-781 (3).jpg
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I love lolis.
Just say that almost all covers is delicious. Their combination of makeup, hair style (yay twintails!), little girls clothing (or larger school uniform) is perfect. (Don't forget some Photoshop!!)
But after short peek at screenshots, most of them shows different stories.
IMO many Asian woman look appear much younger, because of posture, heights, and its facial features.
Since Natural High chooses not to list their actresses its pretty hard to determine which videos are of interest.
Like NHDTA-657 which was released back in April. :mad: Starring Karen Haruki, Nagomi, Asami Tsuchiya, and Emiri Suzuhara.
Direct DL
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One of the things i always like is a good story in my movies. If there's some context to what's going on, either they are cheating on their partners or like in the example above with NHDTA-657 the girl is being done behind her father's back. I'm not particularly a 'lolicon' but i do love a nice cute girl especially when sex with her has a 'naughty' twist to it.

NHDTA-560 is one example i can give you. The actress is Mayu Yuuki. I don't know if she is technically a loli but she's small boobed, very young and extremely cute. Anyway in the movie you see her in various situations where she gets fucked in public places right behind the noses of the people she was with. Whether it's behind her families backs at the graveyard or on the coach, or getting dragged away from her friends at the arcade there's something so erotic about this situation where the girl gets done behind her companion's back. RTP-038 starring the wonderful Urumi Narumi is another example of the type of movie i like too. I wrote a review here so you can see what i mean.

1nhdta560pl.jpg rtp038pl.jpg

Fa-pro and Nagae-Style are two studios that do stories including loli's very well. There is a segment in one movie of a Fa-pro from a few years ago, FAX-448, although i saw it recently so it's fresh in my mind. It's very short but i found it very sexy. A schoolgirl returns home (i don't know her name and she's not a loli, but she is very sexy in her pigtails :p) where an elderly couple are awaiting. I don't know their relation to the girl exactly. Whether they are her parents, step-parents or guardians it's all very taboo. :rolleyes:

vlcsnap-2015-06-24-02h31m35s852.png vlcsnap-2015-06-24-02h35m01s757.png vlcsnap-2015-06-24-02h33m37s205.png vlcsnap-2015-06-24-02h34m07s138.png

The man knows she will be arriving soon so stands await at the door. As soon as she comes through the door he pounces and drags her into the bathroom.

vlcsnap-2015-06-24-02h39m11s700.png vlcsnap-2015-06-24-02h39m36s235.png vlcsnap-2015-06-24-02h39m44s141.png vlcsnap-2015-06-24-02h39m54s064.png

He tells her to keep quiet. The girl is compliant so clearly they've been having this kind of taboo relationship for a while but she also still seems like she's quite reserved about it, like she knows what she is doing is wrong but still does it anyway. The man removes her top and lifts her bra to reveal quite a delicious pair of boobies. :p I know this a loli thread but can you guys just stick with me anyway. o_O Think of her as an 'oppai loli'. :rolleyes:

vlcsnap-2015-06-24-02h41m12s128.png vlcsnap-2015-06-24-02h41m28s098.png vlcsnap-2015-06-24-02h42m10s280.png vlcsnap-2015-06-24-02h42m28s206.png

We get some very intense kissing and sucking and groping. I mean this guy is all over her (don't blame him :p). Tongues are flying everywhere. :eek:

vlcsnap-2015-06-24-02h47m36s677.png vlcsnap-2015-06-24-02h48m41s482.png vlcsnap-2015-06-24-02h48m11s665.png vlcsnap-2015-06-24-02h50m35s812.png

He gets her to suck on his hairy nipples which she does with a fervour before whipping out his cock and pulling her down on her knees and shoving his chap in her mouth. :D There's still a lot of back and forth between her sucking, and him kissing and sucking her so it's fast and frenetic. Hot stuff indeed. :oops:

vlcsnap-2015-06-24-02h54m24s768.png vlcsnap-2015-06-24-02h54m45s597.png vlcsnap-2015-06-24-02h54m54s421.png vlcsnap-2015-06-24-02h55m17s781.png vlcsnap-2015-06-24-02h56m02s591.png vlcsnap-2015-06-24-02h56m17s513.png vlcsnap-2015-06-24-02h56m34s335.png vlcsnap-2015-06-24-02h56m48s039.png

He whips off her panties and after placing her on the toilet proceeds to eat her out. :p

vlcsnap-2015-06-24-03h02m02s102.png vlcsnap-2015-06-24-03h03m26s708.png vlcsnap-2015-06-24-03h02m31s605.png vlcsnap-2015-06-24-03h02m42s026.png

He's soon had enough of that and proceeds to give her a hard pounding before releasing his load on her. It doesn't last long, remember the mum is still in the house and could catch them at any time so he does his business quick and fast. :rolleyes:

vlcsnap-2015-06-24-03h04m59s288.png vlcsnap-2015-06-24-03h05m17s392.png vlcsnap-2015-06-24-03h05m34s797.png vlcsnap-2015-06-24-03h06m05s130.png

He cleans her up and helps gets her back dressed, getting himself a final taste of those bad boys (sorry not the right thread but i do love a good pair of boobies :p), all while giving her a talking too. I guess he's telling her the obvious, 'keep quiet about this' and all that. I really want to get this translated. :)

vlcsnap-2015-06-24-03h11m07s858.png vlcsnap-2015-06-24-03h11m40s508.png vlcsnap-2015-06-24-03h12m02s501.png vlcsnap-2015-06-24-03h13m16s692.png

They are careful before leaving to make sure the mother hasn't noticed them, before the girl goes back out and he returns back to the living room where his wife is still sitting. The girl returns back home so it seems that this is when she has got home and not earlier and quickly goes to her bedroom.

vlcsnap-2015-06-24-03h24m03s210.png vlcsnap-2015-06-24-03h23m28s912.png vlcsnap-2015-06-24-03h25m01s770.png vlcsnap-2015-06-24-03h25m28s179.png

Sorry for the drawn out run through of the scene but the point that i wanted to make is that this scene was only 13 minutes long but it had so much happening that it simply blew my mind. First was of course the beauty of the girl (can anyone help with an ID), and the contrast between her youthful schoolgirl looks and the ageing father (with his hairy nipples and fat gut :eek:) makes it so much more naughtier. The incestual nature of the scene is another factor to it of course.
The fact that this all happening right behind the wife's back and the fact that the director made sure to show all the steps that they took to conceal themselves is what sealed the scene for me. The fast paced hot and heavy action is also why i loved this scene. Not that there's anything wrong with a long scene it's just that it would not have fitted this situation if it had lasted longer.

What i want to ask is do you know of any scenes like this where it has a young girl or schoolgirl who is being done by an older gentleman in some hot taboo action? It doesn't have to be exactly like this. The settings and scenario involved could be slightly different but i hope you understand what i mean. I think maybe i could start a new thread which deals with this kind of situation as it doesn't have to be strictly involving a loli actress.
@Motiman Great narration as always. I was curious so I tried looking that girl up. Her name is Furudachi Biwa.

And thanks for the new names: Mayu Yuuki and Urumi Narumi.
Mayu is a quite tall at 161cm but she most definitely looks loli. Urumi, at 149cm, qualifies by height but damn her body so sexy, maybe too sexy. Although I incidentally have several of their movies, these two never really popped up on my radar. Looking at the covers I think I know why. Their height isn't labeled as most loli videos are. Guess my loli hunting methodology needs some work. :lempar:

Lastly, taboo incest scenarios like the ones you described are quite common in loli JAV and are definitely some of hottest.
MIAD-646 with Yuri Shinomiya is pretty great.
Opposite to the scenario you described where they have sex in secret, Yuri is the designated cum pet for her family. Her father and brother are eating breakfast at the table as Yuri rushes out from her room late for school. Despite her tardiness, Otou-san won't let her leave without first performing her morning duties.
MIAD-646 (1).jpg MIAD-646 (2).jpg

So she blows his old sausage while Onii-chan continues his breakfast.
MIAD-646 (3).jpg MIAD-646 (4).jpg

Otou-san urges Onii-chan to join in and they all have a great time.
MIAD-646 (5).jpg MIAD-646 (6).jpg MIAD-646 (7).jpg MIAD-646 (8).jpg

Although our sweet Yuri is now quite pouty because she is super late for class.
MIAD-646 (9).jpg
An awesome scene, both sex and humor wise. :hihi:

But if you're looking for a more serious take, Natural High's "パソコンに入っていた自分の母親のハメ撮り動画で興奮した隣の家の娘と恥ずかしい姿を見られ拒めなくなった母親を並べて親子丼" series is excellent.
1nhdta00537pl.jpg 1nhdta00592pl.jpg 1nhdta00639pl.jpg 1nhdta00686pl.jpg

The basic premise is the same across the series. I'll use the second scene in NHDTA-592 as an example. It starts out with our girl (no name, Natural High why you make things so difficult!) on the computer when she stumbles across a video of her mother having sex with some guy (father I'm assuming).
NHDTA-592 (1).jpg NHDTA-592 (2).jpg

The father catches her watching it and they begin to have sex.
NHDTA-592 (3).jpg NHDTA-592 (4).jpg NHDTA-592 (5).jpg

Mom then walks in and catches them in the act. Mom tries to stop them but the daughter is having too much fun and waves her off.
NHDTA-592 (6).jpg NHDTA-592 (7).jpg NHDTA-592 (8).jpg

The father blackmails the mom by showing her the video...
NHDTA-592 (9).jpg NHDTA-592 (10).jpg

and as you can guess, leads to some very epic sexy time.
NHDTA-592 (11).jpg NHDTA-592 (12).jpg NHDTA-592 (13).jpg NHDTA-592 (14).jpg NHDTA-592 (15).jpg NHDTA-592 (16).jpg

And on top of the amazing incest, my absolute favorite thing about this series is the abundance of hot double blowjob action. My favorite type of blowjob. Beats deep-throating / throat-fucking by a mile.
NHDTA-592 (17).jpg NHDTA-592 (18).jpg NHDTA-592 (19).jpg NHDTA-592 (20).jpg NHDTA-592 (21).jpg NHDTA-686 (1).jpg NHDTA-686 (2).jpg NHDTA-686 (3).jpg NHDTA-686 (4).jpg NHDTA-686 (5).jpg NHDTA-686 (6).jpg NHDTA-686 (7).jpg
I can feel my crotch melt away just watching it. :hot::dead:
Maybe I should start a double/multi blowjob thread one of these days.
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Loli list updated:
Yui Kasugano (148 cm)
Yui Kasugano.jpg

Urumi Narumi (149 cm)
Urumi Narumi.jpg

Karin Maizono (155 cm)
Karin Maizono.jpg

Mayu Yuuki (161 cm)
Mayu Yuuki.jpg

Yuyu Nekomura (??? cm)
Yuyu Nekomura.jpg

Be sure to let me know if I missed one of your favorites :)
@Motiman Great narration as always. I was curious so I tried looking that girl up. Her name is Furudachi Biwa.

Massive thanks on the ID needs more loli! :D I'm definitely going to try to catch some of these although it may be quite a job given their age. Nonetheless, i will persevere and try to get more of this beauty. Isn't it the way that when you can't find something easily the hungrier you become for it. :rolleyes: I guess it's the same when an actress only makes a few movies, she becomes so much more desirable as your left wanting. :p

Thanks for the recommendations too. MIAD-646 looks great (no way i can resist cute little Yuri) and from the cover alone kinda reminds me of SDMS-414, another fun little title revolving around a sexy pair of cum eaters. :p

SDMS-414 ~ ~ Everyday Around That You Want Bukkake Bukkake Sister ○ Student


I have seen the movies you mention from Natural High but must admit i have given them a pass (so much JAV to watch, so little time :(), but i will definitely give at least one of them a chance. Thanks for the run down of the scenes and as for the double BJ screen-shots, I duff my cap to you sir! :top:
Loli list updated:
Miku Shindo (151 cm)

Akina Sakura (155 cm)
I'm always hesitant about adding actresses over 149cm but I figured I should broaden my horizons :hihi:
These lolis keep getting smaller and smaller. Just a few years ago it was rare to see an actress smaller than 149cm now there are so many. It's like they just take the tiniest girl walking down the street and throw her into an AV. Not that I'm complaining :hehe:
From minimum-av's July batch:

And the upcoming August batch:


And speaking of minimum-av looks like they are entering AVOP 2015 with this video, AVOP-162. If I'm interpreting this correctly, these two girls are real-life twin sisters. Loli twin sisters. I don't know how they managed to pull this off. But dayum! This might be the greatest thing in the world. :dead:
I uploaded the trailer for those that can't access it.!C1lW3DaI!UBw0532MgFCpuPLGFz_xoMaJjqvt_ceQtZVeamQkHNo
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People seem to love uncensored stuff, here are some from these two:
Miku Shindo:
JAV-37770 (1).jpg JAV-37770 (2).jpg JAV-37770 (3).jpg JAV-37770 (4).jpg

Akina Sakura:
CYC-001 (1).jpg CYC-001 (2).jpg

Carib-080114-656 (1).jpg Carib-080114-656 (2).jpg
dat slit :mimisan:

Tokyo Hot n0921
Tokyo Hot n0921 (1).jpg Tokyo Hot n0921 (2).jpg

Tokyo Hot n0944
Tokyo Hot n0944 (1).jpg Tokyo Hot n0944 (2).jpg
They jizzed so much inside her little vagina that when the last guy blew his load all the cum literally gushed out. :eek: Epic stuff.