Things that piss you off.

when people are mean to you for no apparent reason, even if you greet them in a normal or happy tone and they have a malicious look in their eyes.:exhausted::scared:

Don't worry, living as a person with deep seated contempt for fellow man will shorten their life span as it affects health dramatically.

When people treat you like that, kill them with kindness. :inlove:
I hate the fact that CRT TVs are no longer made. They may be heavy and they may not have HD capabilities. But they have a long lifespan which is great for people who do not want to buy a new tv every few years.
I hate the fact that CRT TVs are no longer made. They may be heavy and they may not have HD capabilities. But they have a long lifespan which is great for people who do not want to buy a new tv every few years.

i agree CRT were much better longer lifespan and it wouldnt brake if it got "hit" a few times <.< luckily my monitor is still a CRT mwhahaha
I am not racist but tourists that come here knowing no Japanese or pronounce in their own accent and complain about the lack of English really annoys me, It is Japan a foreign country!!

Also slow walking people when I am in a rush they are there in the way blocking me!
I am not racist but tourists that come here knowing no Japanese or pronounce in their own accent and complain about the lack of English really annoys me, It is Japan a foreign country!!

Also slow walking people when I am in a rush they are there in the way blocking me!

If Japan was like the US and a whole bunch of illegals from english speaking countries started to flood Japan, you would be expected to know english.
Confirmed: Summer 2012 my macbook pro has a date with a much ammo as you can bring to my farm. #shotgun #destroy #splode #3030 #22 #3006

What pisses me off? Having a fucking $ 2000 laptop shit out on you in the middle of a batch edit with it saying it had a dead battery yet knowing its lieing as I have seen it charge all fucking day.

I hate Macs. First and last mac computer I will EVER own.
macs suck big donkey balls!!!

anyway what pisses me off is that i has no internets on my pc but my brothers have and those bastards wont let me use their pc's <.< so i have to use my cellphone to browse the cruel internet :notagain:
what really pisses me off is my own ability to indefinitely procrastinate my first trip to Japan...

i'm a master in making up stupid reasons to wait for the next season, then the next again, again, and again!
jesus christ i saved enough money to buy half Akiba, but i'm still here thinking "it's too late for a spring trip, better wait for summer... oh no! not summer, fall is better" and so on...
I do not think anything or one pisses me off more than myself. Nothing is more frustrating than being ones own worst enemy. I did not always think it was me. It really sucked to realize it was me.

It does make it easier to forgive people who I thought or believed had wronged me. This is not to say that I am not pissed off at most of those people. I am. Fuck them. Just because I realize that I was the person who really fucked something up or was the true person to blame for some incident does not mean they don't remind me of my own failings. So to all those people who were involved while I was seriously fucking up my life:
[highlight]You were right I was wrong now kiss my ass!!!![/highlight]

Sorry all. I just had to let that one loose somewhere. Here seemed like the safest place.
people who post things like: pray for japan.

ten years ago it was "pray for 9 11 victims"

sure, the power of thoughts is so strong that earthquakes will stop, and eruption and every other shit that goes on. go ahead, pray all you want.

ignorant people.
ignorant people.

The world is full of powerful, wise and intelligent people who proscribe to the Christian faith. They believe in the power of prayer. While I do not fall under the aforementioned categories, (I merely strive to be a better person without actually succeeding), I also believe in the power of faith and prayer. Who are you that makes you right and us wrong? You are no more special than the rest of us.

You certainly have a right to your opinion. You even have the right to be intolerant. I have the right to think you are full of it.

Japan and its' people are in my prayers.
pray for japan.
A prayer in and of itself does not do anything. But the knowledge that people are "praying" for you (or "hoping" for your safety, "wishing" you their best) can often give people the psychological power to handle hardships. When you've lost everything else, it gives you a reason to live, knowing that someone else wants you to stay alive.

In the immediate aftermath, physical support (food, water, supplies) is absolutely essential. But in the long run, the victims will never have enough psychological support.
Two hands working can do more than a thousand clasped in prayer

just saying xDD
Thanking Clara Barton doesn't do anything either, (she is dead), but that doesn't mean we shouldn't. Clara Barton was one of the greatest American women in history. She was a devote Christian and the founder of the [highlight]American[/highlight] Red Cross. The Red Cross is an organization founded on Christian principles and supported by Christian organizations both financially and with volunteers.

Some people do not understand prayer. Prayer is an act of faith. It is a reaffirmation of a Christians belief in Our Savior. It is not expected to "do" anything more than that. Christians are not a selfish people as a whole, (although individual Christians are not immune to sin), they are doers, they are motivators, they are fund raisers, they are the volunteers on the ground and so much more. All journeys begin with a single step. Prayer is that simple first step. The humbling of the body and spirit and the acceptance and acknowledgement that there is a greater purpose for mankind than mere life and death. That we are our brothers keeper.

Trust me, Christians are helping and praying in Japan already and have been from the very start.

That is about all I have to say about this.
pls get your facts right she isnt the founder of the red cross henry dunant is
pls get your facts right she isnt the founder of the red cross henry dunant is

She did found the US chapter, though.

Could we wait until after the crisis has passed before we start criticizing other peoples expressions of sympathy or solidarity?

It's in pretty poor taste to respond to a persons expression of sadness by trolling them about how their reaction is a waste of time.

As an atheist, I'd favor action over reflection every time. But if someone wants to pray for guidance and assistance, more power to them. At the very least, It means they're aware of the situation (don't take awareness for granted in this day and age). And maybe that reflection on the situation motivates them to donate more, assemble care packages, etc.

EDIT: In keeping with the actual theme of the thread: It pisses me off that news coverage is so shitty in my country that I have to go to some other country's news website just to figure out what the hell is going on in the world. Seriously, if I want real, relevant news I have to do a research project, but if I want the latest sports scores or info on some shit head celebrity there's multiple dedicated news channels with up to the second coverage. Fucking hell!