Things that piss you off.

Not eating enough furry Japanese pussy
Exploring Japan more
At most importantly seeing movies made of the past depicting War, hey hollylosers fuck you and all your fucking shitty actors/actresses, you can suck a fat dick, your movies suck.
And not speaking enough Japanese.
This Curfew.
buying stuff from online like amazon (reliable source to buy great quality stuff from them) and see the early to late expected delivery estimate date and get it like one week past the estimate date. i.e. "jan 10, 2013-jan 15, 2013" :rainyday: :damnit:
people on facebook posting pics of themselves with boobs on a plate and afterwards crying: why don` you respect meeeeeeeee

well bitch,here`s a newsflash: you DON`T get to show off your boobs to strangers and expect them to say: omg u r cute!

you have to expect what they are writting: yeah bitch I want to put my cock between those!

stupid,stupid hoes everywhere :harp::harp::harp:
I'm usually a very cool character, but there are a few things that royally piss me off.
1. False links and tags to media that I was searching for.
2. Some situations in a story or show that cause me to dislike the characters to the point of me dropping them.

Largest of all:
People who cannot get it through their heads that stockings and pantyhose are different.
Pet-of-the-month-club-people. This is what I call people who are constantly getting rid of pets they have and getting new pets within a short amount of time. I do not know if thats an actual term or if there is some other term for it. These people get a cat, dog, or some other animal.Then they keep it for a month or several months. Then they give that animal away,dump the animal at a animal shelter or dump it in the country or some other neighborhood. About a month or so later they got another animal and they repeat the same thing. It's cruel to take a dog or cat in,love it, take care of it and then just practically throw it away like its trash because the animal becomes slightly inconvenient. Its shit like this why I almost think you should need a license to purchase a pet and a database to keep track of how many animals you have had in the past.
Simple translation errors with clothing still bug the shit out of me.

Had to correct an error that should not ever happen (panel 2, bubble 2) yet people keep doing it.


People who post image links that don't work, like the previous post. :thief:

I thought RiderFan was talking about his signature and the whole stocking pantyhose thing.
Dogs and their owners.

What the f is wrong with people that they can sit in their house with their damn dog insistently barking day and night and just blithely ignore it. (It's the middle of the night and the neighbors fucking beagle has been baying loudly outside my bedroom window for the last 2 hours) Then there is the letting their dog crap in the middle of the sidewalk and on everyone else's yard. And even if they do keep it on their own yard they never clean it up, so when you walk outside on a damp day all you can smell is dog shit. And it's not just one person, it's half the neighborhood. And when one damn dog starts barking, they all start barking. :ignore:

Oh, and cat owners that let their cats loose to roam the neighborhood. Especially the toms that all have to come by and spray everyone's doors.

Come on people if your going to have pets, keep them inside and look/clean up after them. :notagain:
(It's the middle of the night and the neighbors fucking beagle has been baying loudly outside my bedroom window for the last 2 hours)

Has this happenned before? A dog will bay like that if their owner is dead. Saddest thing you will ever see too. A knock on your neighbors door or calling the cops might not be out of the question.

Disclipining dogs is tough as well. A person who beats a dog is pretty pathetic. Dogs have a pack mentality and do not understand being seperated from the pack by being put outside. A dog left outside will not be as close or friendly as an inside dog so a dog door is usually a better bet than putting them outside for the night or keeping them outside all the time.

Personally I hate barking dogs too. The sound is just maddening. I don't own a dog anymore but I did when I was a kid. They are the most loyal animal that was ever domesticated by man, if treated decently anyway. With care and affection you have a friend and protector for life.
Yes it's pretty routine, the dog is in and out of the house frequently and not long after being put out it starts up, and they leave it out for a few hours.

When I was a kid, I grew up on a farm. So we had everything from cats and dogs up to cows and horses.
People who post image links that don't work, like the previous post. :thief:

My apologies:

Panel 2, bubble 2.

ERROR then the corrected version.

Setting up the machine to catch some good Sci-Fi. Sitting down to watch it, and the network has put on some shit reality show that's run over-time.

Who on earth wants to watch a show about some snotty nose eight year olds baking fucking cookies ?!

And if it's a 45 minute show, what's it doing in a 30 minute timeslot ?

Wankers !

people that post questions to forums then post back a few days later like, under all the replies, "dont worry" or "sorted now" or "fixed" and dont have the common courtesy to either say thank you or tell the forum what the fix was.
some days it seems everything just pisses me the fuck off
That ultra thin commercial grade toilet paper that tears really easy. Its as though someone invented this stuff to discourage customers from using the facilities.Usually commercial grade stuff is pretty good.For example commercial grade power tools, commercial grade cookware. commercial grade stoves and so on are usually better than the stuff you buy for home use .But for some reason they fucked up when they made that ultra thin commercial grade toilet paper.