Things that piss you off.

People who drink Vitamin Water piss me off.

I do drink Vitamin Water as I rather drink that than sodas.


Also I'm pissed off with women especially asians wanting to have a penis to become she-males or ladyboys.
Excessive perianal sweating. -_-; I hate the feeling and it seems rather pointless, to tell you the truth. It just gets the bedsheets / carpet / undergarments wet and malodorous.
#1: Stupid people. Not people who aren't academically intelligent, just people who don't use their heads.

Recently on the political front:

#2: People who believe whatever the media force feeds them. Not so much people who think FOX News is great, because they typically don't get past #1 in my book. But people who make a point of bashing FOX News while saying everyone should watch a "real news network like CNN", as if CNN is incapable of having its own agenda. Everyone knows FOX News is terrible, stop trying to make yourself look superior "because you have a mind of your own" when you really just swallow what all the other networks dish out.

#3: People who think the American health care reform is an all-or-nothing deal. And therefore say that conservatives who don't support the bill are completely against it, and therefore the reason America sucks. The vote is yes-or-no, but just because they vote no doesn't mean "all conservatives as a collective reject the bill as a whole". Did it perhaps occur to you that they rejected it because they think it can be better? And yes, it can be better. It can always be better. If the perfect plan were this simple to come up with, we would have had it decades ago already.

#4: People who truly believe that the government can give them everything they need in life, and that the American government will only ever use its powers for the good of the people (I thought that was already disproved with Bush's foreign policy, the housing fiasco that started from the Clinton administration, etc; now all the then-critics think the new government will miraculously save us). Putting it differently, people who refuse to believe that a government that has the power to give everything also has the ability to take it all away (protip: see "right to bear arms").

#5: People (typically hippie liberals) who think conservative is another word for Republican. A few bad Republicans set us back the last two terms. But if you study their administration, you would find out that it was neo-conservatives that exploited 9/11 emotion to take control of national policy. A Republican is a person who follows that particular party. A conservative follows a specific philosophy, regardless of who or what party it is associated with. In either case, there are lots of Republicans and even more conservatives who detest the Bush administration. And you're not helping your "world peace" cause by "hating on them because they're all conservative/republican/ultranationalist/patriots".

Aside from that,

#6: People who consume to excess without deference to moderation, then complain about side effects.

#7: People who buy into or choose associations according to fads (fashion, diet, conspiracy theories, etc).

#8: People who insist on making their personal problems the center of attention.

The biggest thing that pisses me off:

People or things that waste my time. I don't mind wasting time (I do it all the time), just as long as it's my decision. But if someone asks me to do something or go somewhere, I want it to be as quick and efficient as possible. No-shows, traffic jams, delayed trains, the DMV, crowded sidewalks or slow pedestrians, pointless repetition, busywork, "Sorry we're closed for vacation!", "Your [something] isn't ready yet, come back again tomorrow", "I'm sorry the instructions didn't tell you to bring [something] but I can't help you unless you have it" -- ab-so-lute-ly infuriating.
#1: Stupid people. Not people who aren't academically intelligent, just people who don't use their heads.

Recently on the political front:

#2: People who believe whatever the media force feeds them. Not so much people who think FOX News is great, because they typically don't get past #1 in my book. But people who make a point of bashing FOX News while saying everyone should watch a "real news network like CNN", as if CNN is incapable of having its own agenda. Everyone knows FOX News is terrible, stop trying to make yourself look superior "because you have a mind of your own" when you really just swallow what all the other networks dish out.

How about the ones that think the Daily Show with Jon Stewart is serious journalism.
How about the ones that think the Daily Show with Jon Stewart is serious journalism.

That too, but not as much as people who seriously thought Jon Stewart ought to run for president before the 2008 elections.

I actually like the Daily Show for its political satire, and I think it's a fine show for getting a different (non-serious) "perspective" on the news -- Stewart and Colbert are actually pretty smart guys. But really it just goes back to #1: it's more of people who can't think for themselves but think they're special for "agreeing" with everything [Steward/CNN/any other media outlet] says" that piss me off than it is people who take a show too seriously.
Excessive perianal sweating. -_-; I hate the feeling and it seems rather pointless, to tell you the truth. It just gets the bedsheets / carpet / undergarments wet and malodorous.

It gets even worse when you start chafing.
#1 People who don't live in the U.S.A. but have opinions on how Americans should run their own country.
#2 People who have never own, understand, or fired a gun but think no one should have them accept the police or military despite OVERWHELMING evidence to the contrary (genocide, government abuse, subjugation...etc)
#3 People who actually believe global warming is real...not even going to get started on this one
#4 Idiots that believe that by outlawing drugs and prostitution it makes the world a better place.
Actually global warming is real; the key is that humans have almost nothing to do with it (humans altogether contribute about 2% of all greenhouse gases), and we most certainly have no control over it. The annoying part is people who believed the next global ice age was real, and then when that was disproven jumped the bandwagon to the global warming camp. And also people who buy Priuses, or who buy certain "eco-friendly" brands, or who think they're better than others for recycling -- because almost none of that makes any significant difference.
Allow me to clear the fog of ignorance that has wafted in...

"The understanding of anthropogenic warming and cooling influences on climate has improved since the Third Assessment Report, leading to very high confidence that the global average net effect of human activities since 1750 has been one of warming."

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Fourth Assessment Report

"It is likely that most of the warming in recent decades can be attributed to human activities."

Joint Statement by:

National Academy of Sciences, United States of America
Royal Society, United Kingdom
Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher, Germany
Académie des Sciences, France
Science Council of Japan, Japan
Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Italy
Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
Royal Society of Canada, Canada
Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Academia Brasiliera de Ciências, Brazil
Indian National Science Academy, India
Of course it's a trend of warming, it's not like industrialization led to less production of carbon dioxide and other chemicals. Human activity has without a doubt added to the earth's greenhouse gases.

But the actual amount that such human activity has caused warming is next to nothing. The sweeping majority of greenhouse gases comes from naturally occuring water vapor. It's true that chemicals emitted from factories last longer than water vapor, but the net effect is negligible compared to the amount of heat retained due to natural sources.

And the earth's warming and cooling cycles are far more strongly correlated to the sun's solar cycles (which emit far more thermal energy than that which the earth retains due to greenhouse gases) than anything occuring on earth, including human industrialization.

A lot of research is correct in recognizing that industrialization has led to contribution to global warming, but doesn't accurately portray the human contribution in comparison to naturally occuring sources. You could shut off the entire world for a century and it wouldn't have much of an effect either way (besides drastically reduced quality of life), because we simply can't control volcanos, decomposition, weather cycles, earth's magnetic field, and the sun's solar cycles.
The Error 503 - Service Temporarily Unavailable messages that I keep getting here.

This is the 3rd time I got one trying to post this.
But the actual amount that such human activity has caused warming is next to nothing.
That's the opposite of what I quoted above. I cited the world's leading national academies of sciences, and the IPCC (a herculean global effort to synthesize current scientific understanding of climate research.) There is a consensus that anthropogenic warning is very likely to be the main cause of recent warming trends. There are lots of unanswered questions, but this is probably not one of them.