^ I hope you're not hatin' on the grandmas and grandpas who do that, though!

Lots of elderly people move to a foreign country to be with their children and to see their grandchildren. They don't get out of the house very often and find comfort in talking with fellow expatriates -- both because of the warmth it brings to hear one's native tongue spoken so eloquently and because of the ease with which conversation is then made possible.
I agree with you, but Illuminatus3 (3 posts up) does have a point. Grandparents would be much closer to their grandchildren if they took greater interest in their grandkids lives and that means learning the ''new ways'', than they would be by simply living just a few blocks down the street. Kids are in most cases self-centered, insensitive little bastards and you can't expect from them to make the first step and learn the ''old ways'', so it's up to the grandparents to adapt. Unfortunately we don't live in a perfect world, but than again it would be boring if we do.
I'm pissed off at people who talk shit about science and technology but seem to have no problem in using the advantages they offer in everyday life.
Majority of today's youth who seem to take pride in their own stupidity, who listen to trivial music devoid of any meaning, who watch mind-numbingly retarded films that have absolutely no redeeming value but nonetheless have never ending number of sequels. And the industry that keeps them ignorant and happy.
The today's media that is only concerned about sensationalism, and doesn't worry itself with objectivity since it isn't spectacular. They seem to operate only on the principle of ''give the people their meat'' and don't seem to care that they are tying people in apathy.
People who believe in superstitions.
Tobacco smoking (either alone or together with various substances), self-righteous vegans who preach about the suffering of animals but don't seem to care about it when their own enjoyment is concerned. How many dogs were forced to smoke your cigarettes?
Trendy human rights activists who want to raise the awareness of modern day slavery in the US by using the popularity of coffee shops to advertise their noble cause there. Coffee!? Countless number of people were brought from Africa to the Caribbean to work as slaves on coffee and sugar plantations owned by the European masters during the time of the colonies. And even today there are a large number of people working for meager wages in slave-like conditions in coffee plantations in Latin America and Africa. Bringing attention to the problem of modern day slavery by at the same time relishing the fruits of their misery and pain? Indeed. I don't mean to be negative Nancy, it's just that I'm in a grouchy mood (reading this thread didn't help).
''If only I could make the gesture real, if only I could grab you all by the throat.''