tokyo hot never use condomn


May 23, 2008
Have you ever noticed that tokyo hot never use condomn and they openly brag about it. and i have noticed that several other j-porn dont use condomn either like some of those in night 24. how do they make sure that they dont spread STD or AIDS or get the J star pregnant? anyone can solve the mystery? how do those girls remain healthy after having unprotected sex with so many people?
Did you never hear about the birth control pill or other contraception methods than condoms in your islamic country? But you got a computer and an internet connection as far as I see, so try this link:

I can't access to that link, it says it's blocked. What is that?

Praise Allah the All Merciful. Praise Allah the All Merciful! Death should not be wished upon here. Praise Allah
I can't access to that link, it says it's blocked. What is that?

Praise Allah the All Merciful. Praise Allah the All Merciful! Death to the Infidels. Death to America! Death to the Free World! Death to the enemy of Islam! Death to all the enemies of Islam! Praise Allah

Where are you from? Now I believe that you really live in a fascist islamic country, because it blocks the Wikipedia (, a free online encyclopaedia. And I understand it: Knowledge is poison against religious and political idiocy.

Here you'll see your future and the truth about the 70 virgins:
But I guess your country will also block Youtube so use a anon proxy server and have fun.

As-Salamu Alayka -- السلام عليك
Amazing! Do you mean that in your country, wikipedia is censored but not akiba-online???

It would make sense in a way that while people are busy watching porn, they do not think about politics...

"Thou art a subject of the divine, created in the image of man, porn by the masses, for the masses.
Let us be thankful we have an occupation to fill. Work hard, increase production, prevent accidents, watch porn and be happy."
Concerning STD, all actors are tested but I guess it may happen that people get sick sometimes.
On birth control, every girl can easily get daily contraception pills to any doctor or pharmacy in Japan and most Asian countries.
Concerning STD, all actors are tested but I guess it may happen that people get sick sometimes.
On birth control, every girl can easily get daily contraception pills to any doctor or pharmacy in Japan and most Asian countries.

yeah but see i mean in the porn i watched, about 50 different guys cum inside the woman's vagina. are you sure contraceptives is going to be that effective? i mean when you get prostitute, you use a condomn right? have you ever had a prostitute that allow you not to use a condomn. it just amazes me how much risk they put themselves through for those porn productions. it's beyond my apprehension, it's what i am saying. I just have a difficult time accepting how they can do that cause i have never done that. even with my girlfriend i always wore a condomn. do you get it what i am saying?
If the girl dully takes daily contraception pills (which is the most common method), liters of sperm in her vagina will not make her pregnant.

Condoms indeed make avoid pregnancy and protect from 99% of STD (not all).
Also you can get some STD with oral sex although most people do not use condom for that because it significantly diminishes the pleasure.
In resume:
1) contraception pills (for instance) make avoid pregnancy but do not protect from STD
2) condoms make avoid pregnancy AND protect from STD.

So for people who have sex with a non regular partner, the high risk is STD, that is why they must use condom. So if you have sex with a prostitute or someone you do not know, you must put a condom to avoid AIDS.
If the girl does not take contraception, for sure condom is a second good reason to be used.

Can you access this site?

Different subject but I am curious. Do you confirm that in countries where girls are supposed to be virgin until mariage, they sometimes perform anal sex?
In resume:
1) contraception pills (for instance) make avoid pregnancy but do not protect from STD
2) condoms make avoid pregnancy AND protect from STD.

So for people who have sex with a non regular partner, the high risk is STD, that is why they must use condom. So if you have sex with a prostitute or someone you do not know, you must put a condom to avoid AIDS.
If the girl does not take contraception, for sure condom is a second good reason to be used.

Can you access this site?

Different subject but I am curious. Do you confirm that in countries where girls are supposed to be virgin until mariage, they sometimes perform anal sex?

WHAT?! Well I can tell you with a priori certainty that they would not perform anal sex. Anal sex only happens among homosexuals, i.e. among a man and another man. Why would you want to use a woman's anus when she has a vagina?
As qn3t said, the first purpose in those countries is to keep the hymen intact for marriage. I heard many testimonies from Northern African muslim girls who did it.
This is much smarter, easier and cleaner than sewing back the hymen!!!

Now, as you may have seen in porn movies even from akiba-online, anal sex has really, really, nothing to deal with homosexuality. It just another very interesting hole where to perform sex as are her mouth and vagina. While you may as well get STD with anal sex, it is also a good contraception method and I guess this is why religion may forbid it...

However, if you really are a pervert, as you claim, you should have already tried it with your girlfriend. It gives a very nice and different feeling as the shape of her anus is smoother and tighter than her vagina. I actually recommend it to spice your sexual life with your girl. So I will give you my guidance on the matter:

As a delicacy, sodomy requires precautions:
1) Take it easy and slowly with your girlfriend: she must feel safe and as painless as possible, otherwise she may not want to repeat the experience. Clitoris masturbation is always a good way to relax her before and during action.
2) It is necessary to check that there is no feces by inserting one finger. Ideally, the girl should shower her anus beforehand.
3) Unlike vagina, anus does not produce lubricant, so you MUST use a lubricant like vaseline or water base lotions. In very last resort, you can use some food oils like olive oil or butter but bed sheets will get quickly dirty ...

4) The anus of your girl is tighter and less flexible than her vagina so you have to prepare it to not hurt her. Start gently to stimulate her anus, eventually with your tongue, then masturbate her anus slowly with your lubricated finger, then 2 and finally 3 fingers so that her anus will get expanded and flexible. Always take your time.
5) While fingering her anus gently, you may at the same time, masturbate her clitoris with your tongue, another finger or ideally a clitoris vibrator. Clitoris vibrators generally have a small oval shape (between 3 and 5cm) and a wire linked to the control. You may have seen them in Japanese porn movies. Those items are super efficient and guarantee to give the girl strong clitoris orgasms.

6) Finally, insert your lubricated penis very slowly and once fully inserted just keep around 30 seconds without moving so that the anus adapts to your shape.
7) Then you can start the movements going slowly and later eventually faster. Slowly, you will fill the deliciously smooth and thin shape of you girl.
8) In order to share the pleasure (it can be painful for the girl particularly at the beginning), I suggest that she or you stimulate her clitoris depending on the position with a finger or ideally with a clitoris vibrator.
9) For the position, you can be in front or behind her. In front, she may feel more comfortable and you can easily masturbate her clitoris, while in the back position, you can go deeper in her anus and it may give you more pleasure. So I may recommend the front position at the first time to get your girl comfortable.

If you follow my advices, I can promise you will not be disappointed... enjoy!
ok, i dont what you think you know about the muslim world through your orientalist lence, that you have a warped view of the non-western world, i have never heard of anyone practicing anal sex, less so in umarried women. i have lived in Afghanistan for 19 years and I have never heard of anyone doing that! End of conversation.
You misinterpret me: I think it is really good that girls have anal sex.
I know muslim girls (from Northern Africa not Afghanistan) as well as non muslims girls who perform anal sex. The first motivation for the non muslim girl I know, is to keep her hymen intact for marriage and I find this idea really cool and definitely better than sewing back after vaginal intercourse.
Now, it is obvious that rules are much sticter in Afghanistan than Northern Africa.
You misinterpret me: I think it is really good that girls have anal sex.
I know muslim girls (from Northern Africa not Afghanistan) as well as non muslims girls who perform anal sex. The first motivation for the non muslim girl I know, is to keep her hymen intact for marriage and I find this idea really cool and definitely better than sewing back after vaginal intercourse.
Now, it is obvious that rules are much sticter in Afghanistan than Northern Africa.

yeah i think so. I dont really know about north africa. but in certain parts of afghanistan, usually the rural and tribal area, if a girl is found having sex of any type before marriage, she might get acid sprayed on her face. in the city it's better, but any kind of sex besides the missionary position would be considered a taboo. no body brags about this sort of things. believe or not, we actually have a huge amount of chinese prostitutes here, who serve the american soldiers. We dont like them of course.
Mmhh... acid sprayed or even killed by her own family. I heard those stories already. Some Pakistani people did this in Europe and of course ended up in jail for those horrible crimes. I know the logic is to keep the honor of the family, etc. but personally I cannot accept this at all because I have been educated in a world where men and women are equal.

In the world I live, as you must know, people get married because they met by themselves, know and love each other, not because their families had decided it or in the particular interest of their family.
So in the world I live, I think it is better (but not mandatory) for a girl to have sex with other men before marriage so that she can learn, have her own pleasure and be good at sex and also she can better spot the man she needs. I think if the girl has sexual pleasure and even orgasms, she will be even more motivated and good to give me pleasure.

There are opposite values and rules in our regions and each one must follow the rules and laws where he lives. That means if you come live in Europe or US with your family, you have to accept that your sister or daughter also follow the local rules, meaning will have freedom to chose her lover and eventually later on husband. At the same time, if I come in Afghanistan, I will not try to have sex with a local girl until I marry her.
When you live in Rome, you have to live like a Roman...

Regarding prostitutes and US army, I am not surprised. Wherever there are US soldiers, there are prostitutes to care for them. This is the rule since WW2. Those people are not always the sharpest knife in the drawer so the main reason is to keep them fulfilled enough so that they will not try to have sex with a local regular girl. In Japan and South Korea, there are a lot of problems of crimes and r***s by US soldiers so things would be even worst if Chinese and Filipino girls would not be there...

I am also not surprised they brought Chinese girls in Afghanistan. China is a major exporter of everything and even prostitutes, all over the Asian continent, from Dubai till Japan. In Japan, all the prostitutes you may meet in the street are Chinese. Also, I went once to the biggest night club in Dubai, it was full of Chinese prostitutes. When I took one back to the hotel, the hotel charged me something like 15 or 20USD because I came with one in my room. Apparently, it was not an issue, they are used to it and just apply a tariff for that, amazing...

I did not know only missionary position was allowed in strict muslim countries. No doggy style, no fellation, etc. would be so boring to me.
As you can see in porn, Japanese are particularly creative in the way to perform sex.
I hope akira's porns open your mind...
dont get me wrong, i think it's wrong to pour acid on a woman's face too. I think that is just too extreme. what is apposite punishment for a woman are public whippings, forced nudity, golden shower, gang r***, shibari and beatings on her body in general but not on her face. Beating a woman on her face is actually un-Islamic. And I too condemn acid attacks. Women should be inferior to men because they seduced men in the Garden of Eden. It is recorded in the Koran.
I don't approve any beating but forced nudity, golden shower, gang r*** and shibari sound very good to me! For such sentences, I am happy to be the executioner!